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ParticipantThis is the story for friends of ultra-muscular farmgirls and their equally gargantuan doctor lovers. I think you’ll like that one. I’m told it’s wholesome!
Jon and Becky
Jon and Becky are genetic freaks, blessed and cursed with enormous muscles and superior power. This makes their love lives very difficult, both being damned to a life of unfulfilled loneliness. That is, until they meet by chance! This erotic fiction contains female muscle and feats of strength. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here:
And here’s a sample:
Some blessings are a curse.
Jon Harkins was born to a middle-class family, nice people, living in the suburbs. A healthy boy, born a bit late, but it was an easy birth. His father named him after his grandfather and, to be honest, expected great things from his firstborn.
He never would have expected just how great his son would end up being.
After biting his mother’s nipple terribly hard right after his birth, which caused her to scream in pain, the boy quickly learned to be gentle. She soon forgot about the incident. The boy drank heartily and grew quickly.
At four months, Jon was walking. Two weeks later, he was running. When he got his shots, the doctor was both surprised by how relaxed the kid was and how difficult it was to insert the needle. There was something strange to him.
Jon was a calm, friendly child, carefree and easy to cheer. Despite his rapid development, he refrained from causing too much trouble. Not no trouble, of course. He grew fast and was able to ride his tricycle at astonishing speeds at fourteen months. His mother tried to get him to be careful, but … well, he didn’t get hurt. Much.
It was interesting to see. When playing with other children or with pets, Jon would always exhibit a natural hesitation and gentleness. The other kids didn’t seem to mind and included him in their games, the boy moving in the group like a gentle giant. Of course, having such a strong playmate was quite useful. He would run and pull a wagon with all the other kids behind him at astonishing speed, he would easily carry their stuff, and them, should they get tired …
And at all times, Jon was calm, friendly and gentle.
By the time he grew into a teenager, Jon was established as a successful athlete. Despite his excellent foundations, he turned out to be not as useful on team sports, but he made his mark in track and field, and when he found weightlifting, he found his calling. Shattering one record after the next, Jon grew bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger.
As he finished school, he had grown into a 6’1” hunk, weighing some 300 pounds, and looking incredible. After a brief stint in fitness modeling, he joined the army, and despite never taking a life got commended for saving his entire squad during an ambush by half-pulling, half-carrying the vehicle they were in when the IED hit all the way to the base. His heavy, near-indestructible body had shielded his comrades quite a bit of the explosion, but not from everything, including the following assault by the rebels.
It took the military quite some time to even accept that this was not some random tall tale. He even had to demonstrate his strength in front of a commission. The whole thing seemed too outlandish.
As the brass realized what a gifted man they had there, they immediately offered him a career in the special forces, but Jon respectfully declined.
Instead, he left the army, studied and started his career as a doctor. Again, his toughness, focus and polite demeanor meant that he advanced quickly, soon becoming the head of the clinic. A man beloved by his colleagues, the staff and, most of all, his patients.
And yet, there was an enormous problem in his life.
Jon found it impossible to be with a woman. Sure, he could spend time with them, he could caress them, he could be incredibly charming, but … he soon became painfully aware that giving in to passion would mean that people would be grievously harmed or even killed. He couldn’t accept that. A lifetime of chastity would have been an option, but despite his best efforts, he found that this was impossible for him. He tried his best to burn off the excess of energy in endless workouts, getting his muscles larger and larger, but that didn’t help much. Now at 350 pounds of hard, perfectly ripped muscle, Jon was getting close to the Platonic ideal of the manly man, and he was as unsatisfied as ever.
Jon came home after a long day at work. He smiled as Christina and Josie ran to greet him. The two women were his current … partners, and they were gorgeous. They helped him out of his suit, their hands exploring his muscular body, kissing him, enticing him with their loveliness.
A moment later, he was on the bed with them. Christina, the blonde, admired his giant, ripped pecs, running her perfectly manicured fingers over the feathers of muscle that adorned them. At the same time, Josie, the brunette, ran her fingers through his hair and couldn’t help kissing his enormous twenty-six-inch biceps. His hard workouts had given Jon a body that could only be described as Olympian. Honestly, even the gods of Ancient Greece might have felt a slight pang of jealousy when getting a look at this man.
His hard, incredibly intense training had sculpted his physique into something that was probably impossible to achieve for anyone without his bizarre gift. Jon’s chest was amazingly broad and thick, close to eighty inches around. This made his torso’s girth greater than his height. His heavy pecs were massive and as hard as they were dry. Christina’s fingers examined every creek carved into his skin, admiring the snaking rivers formed by his veins. Of all the women he had “dated” over the years, she was the one that was the most enamored by his incredible physique. Josie loved his looks all the same, but Christina was clearly getting her worst fetish-itch scratched by touching Jon’s impossible body. By this time, he suspected that the young woman did everything to please him and stay close to him, simply to satisfy her desire.
Jon could feel his penis harden and rise. He wasn’t only tall and strong, he was tremendously well-endowed, and the girls had set their eyes on this monster a while ago.
Knowing that they should never get it made them sad.
Christina looked him deep in the eye and whispered:
“Jon, we waited all day for you … We thought about you all the time …”
She kissed his lips.
Josie agreed:
“It was sooo long … We couldn’t wait … And now you’re here!”
Her friend added:
“We just wish you could somehow, somehow … you know …”
“Yes! Please, Jon! Please …”
He sighed:
“Girls, you know how it is. I already told you …”
Christina felt his strong hand caress her, then it went down and he squeezed her butt-cheek with incredible gentleness.
“It’s as if the world around me is made of glass. I … I will do everything I can, but … I wouldn’t want to risk your lives …”
The girls’ hands wandered further along his powerful body, taking in his strong abs. His waist tapered down incredibly to a “mere” sixty inches, only further emphasizing the insane size of his chest. Every single square-inch of his waist was packed with muscle. His mind-boggling genetics had given him a ten-pack, and every block of muscle was decorated with hard lines and bulging veins, guiding the girls’ eyes further down to his crotch.
Relaxing, the enormously muscular man shifted his legs, his forty-two-inch thighs turning into a maze of striations. Christina gasped. Each part of his legs was built into a work of art. This man carried as much definition in his thigh as other men would achieve all over their body in a lifetime of training. Each thigh was literally thicker around than the two girls’ chests.
Gently, he ran his hands along their own thighs. His twenty-three-inch forearms were thicker than those by far. Touching them made him shiver with delight. Their warm, soft bodies were delightful. He breathed deeply, his muscle-packed chest expanding.
Josie gasped:
“Jon, you’re incredible … I … I have never, ever seen anybody like you … I just love how broad your chest is … It’s like … I don’t even know how to describe it. Maybe … you know, a god’s? Is that blasphemy? If it is, then it’s an understandable sin …”
The big man gave her an amused smile. Josie’s thoughts sometimes went down strange paths.
Christina struggled a bit with words as the gargantuan muscleman’s hand roamed her body. She was stunned by his force, something that she couldn’t overcome even after months of spending time with him. At last, she managed:
“Whenever you’re not here, I keep thinking of you … Your muscles … when I close my eyes, I can’t think of anybody but you …”
This confession made Jon blush. He knew that people had the strange need to sometimes spill their thoughts when confronted with his godlike looks, but to hear it put like this …
“I … I don’t know what to say, Christina.”
“Don’t say anything … Please … Just let me be with you … and maybe, maybe, one day … I would love to …”
“You know I can’t. I could never forgive …”
His words were silenced by her kiss as she leaned in and draped her supple body on his hard, unyielding physique. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Josie’s annoyed expression. This too was an issue. His intense presence tended to inflame jealousies around him. At the same time, Christina’s passionate kiss was too good to interrupt.
He concentrated. The last thing he wanted was to lose control …
Christina released his lips and gave him a look of mad passion, her face glowing. He couldn’t help but answer in turn, even though he knew he would never follow up on it.
Her supple, slim body giving up unbridled warmth and energy, she pulled back, her entire body language making it clear that she craved this man on a deeper level. She shot a powerful look at her companion. Jon could see that this was going to cause friction …
Breathing deeply, he said:
“Please, Christina, don’t be mistaken … This can’t end this way …”
“I know, I know …” There was an air of terrible melancholy in her voice, full of insatiable longing.
The brunette had enough:
“Come on, Christina, I know you want him, but don’t make this into a big drama now …” She rubbed her fit body against his hard, unyielding muscles. “We’re here to have fun and just enjoy life, and since there are things we can’t have, why cry after them?” She squeezed, or at least attempted to squeeze, Jon’s biceps. The big man obliged and flexed it, making the mountain of marble flesh expand, forcing her slim fingers apart.
“That’s what I’m talking about, Jon …”
“Always glad to be of service, Josie.”
Christina sighed:
“You don’t understand true feelings, Josie …”
Josie pouted, but then, she turned around, showing her round, tight ass to him, her shaved pussy ready for him.
“I don’t need to, Christina … I just love this big, amazing man’s body, and his delightful cock!”
A moment later, he felt her tongue on his shaft. He gasped as his cock got even bigger and harder. His other hand caressed Josie’s pussy lips and clit. The woman moaned as she felt his strength. In a moment, she was soaking wet.
He whispered:
“Please, Josie, be careful … I can feel you … but you shouldn’t … you shouldn’t …”
His penis became rigid, and Josie retreated when she felt the intense power radiate from it.
“It’s so hard, Jon … Everything in your body is … You’re as if you’re made of steel …”
Christina sighed. She straddled his thigh and started rubbing her pussy against his jutting quads. The ribbed texture of his ultra-ripped muscles was enough to get her close to the edge. Just touching Jon’s body was enough to send her down the road to a massive orgasm.
Josie did her best to get Jon’s strong finger deep into herself, her cunt tightening around it.
The big man was grunting now, getting incredibly turned on by their attention and worship. He felt them trace his muscles, admiring him with deep passion.
As his penis turned into a steel column, he whispered:
“Please, girls, please …”
They knew what they had to do. Their minds getting overwhelmed by his unbridled power, they managed to focus enough to release him for a moment. They got off him as he stood up, his giant muscles rising and falling with every breath. He struggled to stay calm. Then he turned to face the wall. This part of the apartment had been reinforced with steel-plated concrete, with four inches of metal bolted against it. The first time the girls had seen it, they had wondered what it was for.
Now they knew.
Christina quickly opened the cabinet next to it and Jon reached in, pulling out a massive steel block with a dent in it. The block had a pair of handles on it and was framed in plastic to prevent spalling. She struggled with the weight which Jon could easily lift with a single finger.
Josie and Christina sat by the side and watched. Sure, they wanted to get fucked by this colossus of power, but this was a great show too …
Breathing deeply, the insanely horny Jon started pounding the block with his cock. No other human being would have enjoyed this, let alone survive it unharmed, or at all, but Jon …
This was the next best thing to actually fucking.
His monster rammed the steel, denting it deeper with every stroke. The girls watched as he tensed up, his neck exploding into a ring of hard ligaments and ultra-tense muscle.
“Oh God … Oh Gooood …”
He pounded the metal, every blow deforming the block further. It was completely absurd to watch, but as he went in deeper and deeper, the “ribbing” his blows created stimulated him further. Groaning, he penetrated the steel mass.
Now Josie grinned at her friend. It was her turn. She took the sledgehammer from the cabinet.
Looking at the enormous man who was blowing through the steel shape, she asked:
“Are you ready?”
Jon nodded.
His cock now suspended between his crotch and the ring of steel he had created, she started pounding it with the mighty hammer. The first blow sounded a bit dull, but with the next one came an absurd clang that suggested the chime of metal on metal. Josie had practiced swinging it for a bit, but now she was getting the hang of it. Every slam hit Jon’s penis hard, the mass of steel bouncing off his absurdly hard cock. Josie had to be careful to prevent the twenty-five-pound head of the hammer from getting thrown through the room. Her hands shivered as she dampened the effect.
Still, she grinned and launched it again. Another slam, the hammer struck, and Jon breathed deeply, getting hornier with every blow. Every blow seemed to ring like a steel bar. He gasped for air as she kept hitting him, the blows barely seeming to affect his penis. His rod was just too hard, too robust, too powerful.
Blow after blow rained on it, and Josie could see that the man was getting closer and closer to cumming. The strikes came hard now, resonating through the room like thunder. She grinned as another swing landed.
Soon, she was covered in sweat, breathing deeply and trying to keep standing. While Jon was just dealing with his horniness, she herself was looking a bit pumped now.
Meanwhile, Christina was ready again, and showed up with a strange device that looked like an inch-thick circular saw. Jon grinned at her, his mighty chest rising and falling with every breath. He was getting closer and closer to cumming. Thick globs of pre-cum were dripping from his cock-hole.
While a very red-faced Josie rested on the hammer’s handle, Christina fired up the strange machine in her hand.
A moment later, the metal blade’s broad disc started pounding Jon’s member. He grunted loudly as she ran it up and down his rock-hard shaft. As he got more and more aroused, his cock rose even higher, lifting up the steel block that was still suspended from it.
With a grin, Christina passed the machine along the shaft’s underside. That thing would normally have devastated anything in this room, but for Jon, it wasn’t much more than an intense massage. The big man sighed happily as she went down further and further, following his snaking veins and reaching the base of his cock.
Just then, Josie caught her breath and picked up a jackhammer-like device that proceeded to further amplify the stimulation.
Jon closed his eyes, incredibly happy to finally feel some kind of stimulation after this long day. The two young women gave him passionate looks as they operated their machines, desperate to make him cum.
He groaned loudly, clenching his fists to stop himself from reaching out for anything. As he did, a shiver of muscle went through his arms up to his shoulders. It looked like a geological shift. The girls could see mountain ranges form up in real time as his shoulders’ different parts grow enormously thick and his triceps jutted out precariously.
With supreme willpower, he managed to contain himself, but as he felt the circular saw’s disk hammer at his balls before rounding his massive cock and touching its upper side while Josie stimulated his drawn-back foreskin, he gave them a quick jerk of his gigantic bullneck.
“Gggeee …”
The women already knew what would happen next. They could feel the tremendous power building up in Jon’s body. It was like a wave, no, a tsunami of sexual energy building up through him. He crunched his abs, kneading them into interlocking blocks of impenetrable muscle.
Josie and Christina looked away as he came with a grunt, his entire body seemingly tightening into a super-defined mass of muscle. His physique had looked superhuman before, now it was turning godlike.
The veins that covered his body seemed to swell up, every single muscle tightened, the striations causing the women to struggle with their perceptions. Every tendon seemed to shift, and for a moment, it looked as if the muscleman’s mighty power would literally tear him apart, but …
He came.
Despite being told not to, Christina at least peeked between her fingers. She had once been hit close to the eye by some spray, and it had stung like hell.
She saw the eruption explode from his cock, striking the specially reinforced plating on the wall. This too was framed to protect against spalling, but to hear the groan of metal as his ejaculate slammed into it was enough to make anybody tense up inside.
It took Jon a moment to calm down, then the girls saw the inch-deep grove the insane pressure of his genitals had caused. His cum was slowly dripping down the metal, and he breathed heavily, recovering as good as he could.
His skin was red, his veins were on full display, and frankly, it looked as if he just barely avoided bursting.
Suddenly, he threw himself into a most muscular pose, spreading his giant lats and flexing his whole upper body. He couldn’t control himself, the incredible power that was coursing through him needing a further outlet. His whole body seemed to expand into an inhuman shape of power and he roared in triumph, losing his carefully maintained cool for a moment.
Christina watched in terror and fascination as this incredible man turned himself into a maze of veins and muscle fibers and the sheer insanity of this display sent her over the edge.
She came, soaking her panties in just a moment, her face flush with ecstasy. She stumbled and had to cling to her friend, who was just as transfixed.
Eventually, Josie breathed out. She too was on the verge of passing out. Christina was completely enraptured by what she saw. She slowly lowered the circular saw-thing in her hand, realizing that the contact with Jon’s insanely hard cock had simply shaved off the whole surface of the disc. There was only an inch of metal left.
She nodded slowly, completely overwhelmed by his intensity.
Honestly, his arousal had somehow raised the temperature in the room, while his perspiration had fogged it up. The man was like a massive steam engine.
They approached him with utmost care, feeling the warmth of his insanely ripped body even at a distance. Then he felt their hands on his hot, bulging muscles. Gently, they caressed him and traced the shapes of his supernatural muscles, taking in his power and definition. He breathed out, releasing the energy that had accumulated inside of him. He felt their hands explore his body, then their chests rubbing against his bulky body, their cheeks on his broad shoulders, their foreheads against his neck … It was incredibly relaxing to feel their sweet softness against his brutal power.
As he calmed down, he smiled:
“Thank you, Christina, thank you, Josie. You were amazing. You always are.”
Josie nodded.
“This time, it was even more intense than last time. You really saved yourself for us!”
“Guilty as charged. I … I had to wait for you both.”
Christina stayed him carefully, set a soft, weak hand on his enormously ripped shoulder and placed the tiniest, most loving of kisses on his cheek.
“Thank you, Jon … This was … supernatural.”
He breathed out sharply and said:
“I’ll clean up, and then, how about we have dinner?”
The two young women nodded. As he walked to the shower, they shared a wistful sigh. There was a melancholy in the whole issue. If only they could be with him in all things! Sure, he was paying them to be with him, but in some way, they found that he probably paid them a compensation for not completely sharing his life with them.
In a way, they both just wanted him to find someone he could be happy with …
Becky groaned.
“Seriously? Lord, I hate this car so much!”
She climbed out of the vehicle, which squealed in relief as the shocks expanded again. She stretched. The dumb thing was way too small for her. It hadn’t even been cheap, to make matters worse. That said, whoever had designed it had given it a massive, powerful exterior, but had somehow neglected to inform the insides. As a result, this new pickup truck was much smaller on the interior than her old one. It was really astonishing.
Becky stretched her neck. At 5’9”, genetics had packed 400 pounds of muscle on her body. She was built like the famous brick shithouse, or rather like a whole dung processing plant. She took off her baseball cap and fanned some fresh air at her face. Her long blond hair was tied into a simple braid, and she eschewed all makeup, her freckled face looking kinda cute nonetheless.
She was wearing a massive white blouse she had sewed herself, since no shop in the world offered anything her size. Combined with her dungarees and her big boots, Becky looked every bit the cute country girl, only amped up to eleven. Her neck was so thick, it made her face look a bit small occasionally, and at 29 inches around, it outsized a few trees on her farm. The twin traps that led to her basketball-sized shoulders only made this look crazier. When she made her blouse, she had to incorporate some extra tailorwork, just to make sure it even hoped to fit.
She plonked the cap back on her head and walked around the car, reaching the ruined axle. The bar had somehow bent through, and of course, no car could work like that.
The musclegirl scratched her chest. Becky had been blessed not only with massive muscles, but also a gigantic chest which seemed to have attracted most of her bodyfat. Her bosom was well-supported by twin plates of muscle and still managed to show off the sharpness of her pecs.
As with her blouse, she was forced to sew her own bra, and that construction had taken quite a few attempts over the years. From the thickness of the straps necessary to sit comfortably on the mountainous belt of her muscles to the giant cups to hold her massive breasts, it was a bit of an engineering marvel.
Becky took up position at the back of the car and reached under it with one hand. Then she hoisted it up to chest level, careful not to make the fresh produce she had stacked on the bed fall off. Her thick arm swelled a bit with the effort, reaching its max of twenty-eight inches. There was a tiny layer of fat under her skin, but still, she could see the veins snaking along the hard lump of muscle with its split.
She chuckled, holding the car up and then bending down to get a good look at the problem. She would have to figure this out …
As expected, the axle was bent. This was tough. That car was really in a bad shape. She would have to get a new axle. Or even better, a new car. The problem was that the farm was barely yielding enough money to make ends meet, and she didn’t want to buy another lemon!
She sighed. For now, she had to fix the stupid thing and get it back to town. Disassembling it here on the field, with all the produce wasn’t an option either. It would just make a mess.
Becky examined the axle. Maybe she could bend it back? It didn’t have to be perfect, just straight enough so that it would run for the ride to town. Then, she would see whether she could quickly get a replacement.
She rested the car on her broad back and found a good position, shifting her enormous shoulders and her thick neck until it was … well … not exactly comfortable, but workable. Then she reached for the steel rod and rolled it until she had it in a good position.
“Alright.” She spat into her hands and grabbed the rod. Then she tensed her thick muscles and started bending it. Not having an anchor point to work on made this whole process incredibly difficult. Still supporting the large vehicle with just her neck and shoulders, she grunted and pulled to get the axle straight again.
She put her whole power into it, but the metal didn’t yield at first. She sighed.
“Man, this is super-annoying …”
She gave it another pull. Her thick arm muscles reacted instantly, swelling to obscene size, the thick veins that covered them jutting out, swollen with blood.
Becky grunted loudly, causing a few crows to fly up. She strained against the bar and then, at last, the metal ceded a bit and started to shift its shape. Instantly, the musclegirl shot a nervous look at the chassis of the car. The last thing she needed was to tear the axle from the vehicle. That would basically mean she’d have to carry the whole stupid thing all the way to town, and she really didn’t want to do that.
The metal groaned as she intensified the pressure. Becky gritted her teeth and adjusted her strength until it finally gave in. With great care, she straightened the axle until it looked okay, and then spat.
“Yuck. Oof. I hope this will stick for a bit.”
She got out from under the car and then slowly lowered it down on the road again, careful not to make that stupid piece of steel bend again.
Then she stretched and rolled her enormous shoulders. She groaned when she realized her clothes had gotten all muddy and oily and went to wipe her hands on some towel.
She really needed to catch a break once in a while …
“Hi Becky! What happened? You were gone forever!”
The young woman climbed out of the car and sighed.
“Frank, it’s been hell. Seriously, I don’t know how it all could go that badly. The stupid car broke down and it took forever to fix it …”
Frank was a big man, way taller than Becky, but somehow slimmer than her. Sure, he was built like a bull, but this woman just looked as if she had been carved out of a block of steel. He walked over to her and said:
“How about you just come in, I’ve got the dinner ready, and after this, I’ll give you a nice long massage …”
She gave him a warm smile.
“I could use both.”
“That’s my girl.”
He gently hugged her, pushing his heavy, muscular body against the hard insanity that was her physique. Every time he did this, he felt like a little boy despite towering over her. He directed her inside the farmhouse, and had her sit down at the table, then brought dinner. Moments later, they were eating in silence, Becky stuffing her face like a combine harvester. Once she was sated, she leaned back, patted her muscular belly and sighed:
“Wow, Frank, that was excellent … I really needed that!”
“Sometimes, you just need a good warm dinner.”
The big man finished cleaning out his own plate and then said:
“Okay, I’ll just put that away, and you can get on the bed. Then it’s time to loosen up those big muscles a bit.”
She grinned:
“Thanks, Frank. You’re the best.”
The burly farmhand got busy with the dishes. As he worked in the kitchen, Becky slipped out of her clothes and finally got under the shower. Getting the sweat and dirt of the day off her hard skin was a godsend. She groaned as the warm water washed off the exhaustion, then she took a big brush and scrubbed the masses of muscle that formed her back. Despite trying to maintain her flexibility, there was no physical way for her to reach the middle of her back.
Then, as her skin was warm and red, she got out of the shower and started rubbing herself.
“Mmmh … What a day …”
She looked at her freckled face and couldn’t help seeing her tiredness. Frank was a great help and he did his best to look after her and keep her satisfied, but the big man was still too weak for her. Whenever they fucked, she had to be really careful. Even more intense caresses could bruise his skin, so she had to constantly be careful. The last thing she wanted was to hurt the big guy. He was way too nice for that …
She emerged into the living room, having thrown her big towel over her gigantic shoulders. Frank was just wrapping up the cleaning. She climbed on the bed and the big man said:
“I’ll just have a quick shower, then I’m all yours!”
She nodded and waited for him, resting on her huge muscles. As she heard him wash himself, she started to play with her clitoris.
“Mmmh … Frank … be quick or I’m starting without you …”
The man returned as fast as he could and chuckled when he saw her. Her enormous back was forming a kind of jagged cliff of muscle on the bed, the deep crevices carved into it giving her a superhuman, barely parsable shape. Her rounded, rock-hard butt was standing high next to it, each cheek a carved masterpiece, and her hamstrings followed up on it, just as amazingly thick and ripped. Becky lifted a leg and tightened her calf, causing the twin blocks of muscle to harden into a diamond shape.
“Sooo …”
“Damn, girl, you’re mighty fine …”
“I kinda know. Your cock is a clear signal.”
He chuckled and asked:
“You ready?”
“Sure, big man!”
ParticipantIf you enjoy big, powerful women being rough to little men, this will be up your alley!
The Delinquent Mother
Carlotta is a huge brutal wrestler, and she is sent to jail for her crimes. Her son, a timid weakling is forced to live with her on her release. She introduces him to a life of violence, wrestling and domination! This work of erotic fiction contains female muscle, big breasts, lactation, wrestling, motherly domination and incest. All characters are over 18 years old.Get it here:
The preview:“The defendant will rise.”
Carlotta Maldonado got up slowly, grinning at the judge. She was wearing a clean blouse and a pair of charcoal pants, as well as an ill-fitting blazer her mother had acquired at the last moment. The public defender stood next to her. The poor man looked exhausted. He had worked with plenty of horrible people in his day, but this woman had taken the cake. Also, she had threatened him several times during the proceedings. Every attempt to make her see reason and maybe consider a plea bargain were met with laughter and ridicule.
The judge was already going through the various charges, and Carlotta was getting convicted on each and everyone. The list was astonishingly long. Even though he had worked on this case for quite some time, he was still impressed by the amount of shit the woman had done. It was shocking.
When he had been assigned the case, the defender had thought himself lucky at first. This woman was hot. Tall, at least six feet, very fit, dark skin, busty … Just his type. She was a stripper too …
Well, no.
It turned out that this crazy bitch had managed to get knocked up by the strip club’s accountant after forcing herself on him. She had fed him some Viagra and then ridden him until his cock was a pulped, sore clump of flesh. When the guy had protested, she had beaten him up to an inch of his life. The public defender tried to pass of his injuries as attempts to protect herself from his aggression, but everybody in the room could tell that this was ridiculous. That woman was a beast and deserved to get behind bars.
Rick Cavanaugh was sitting behind the prosecutor’s bench and kept glancing nervously at her. His blond hair was still growing back in the places where the surgeon had to shave him to operate. The guy’s face was still pretty cut up months after the fact, and his hearing hadn’t returned either. Also, he missed an ear. Missed. It had been, as the prosecutor had put it, “ripped off and tossed out of the window”.
At last, the judge was finished and pronounced the sentence. Twenty years. Damages to be paid accordingly. Carlotta took the verdict with a shrug. The officer of the court cuffed her again and guided her to the door to be brought to the prison. As she walked down the aisle, an older woman got up. She had a baby carriage with her.
“Carlotta! Please … Please try to behave. Please get released quickly! Juan will need you.”
The tall woman grinned.
“I really doubt that, Mom. You can keep him. I’m not interested in the little shitter.”
“You can’t say that! He’s such a lovely, calm boy already!”
“Yeah. You can see he doesn’t share anything with me.”
The officer of the court harrumphed:
“You see, Mom, I’m busy.”
“Please! Carlotta! Please, think of your son!”
The woman snorted and disappeared around the corner, the officer pushing her along.
Her mother stayed with the carriage, shocked by what had happened.
“Twelve … thirteen … fourteen … fifteen … and one more for good measure … sixteen!”
Carlotta grunted and racked the bar again. She sat up and admired the thickness of the veins on her pumped arms. She had just finished her third set on the bench and she couldn’t help loving how her body had changed over the last decade and a half. She had always been athletic, but ever since she had time to work out every single day, her muscles had absolutely ballooned. She had transformed from a fit young woman into a massive amazon, and she loved the power and confidence that came with it.
She wiped the sweat of her broad chest and bounced her pecs, letting her large, round breasts jump. Getting some saline smuggled in here had been a bit difficult, but pumping up her teats some more was totally worth it. The massive size of her bosom fit her broad, powerful frame so well!
She got up and pulled her wifebeater down a bit after it had slipped up, revealing her carved abs. She untied her high ponytail and let her long black hair flow down her broad back.
During her jailtime, she had turned into a bad bitch, and she loved it. She tightened her big, hard biceps some more. The strip of skulls that she had tattooed over its thickest part stretched. On the other arm, Isabella had drawn a band of roses and dancing skeletons, while her forearms were decorated with a rosary on the right side and two crossed scythes on the other.
She toweled off her big chest and her face, then tied up her hair again. Then she tossed it to her servant girl and the new convict got busy cleaning the bench and disposing of the weights.
Time to hit the showers.
She undressed, admiring her sculpted, powerful physique in the mirror. As one of the bosses of the Hijas de la Santa Muerte, she had acquired certain privileges in prison. Fucking the prison guards to enforce her domination was one of the causes. She turned around, flexing her massive muscles in turn. Peeking over her shoulders, she got a good view of the big icon of the Sainted Death that Isabella had inked on her back. The skeletal virgin was surrounded by her lovers and servants, standing amidst a field of roses.
As she flexed her back muscles, the tattoo seemed to come to life, the skeletal woman striding powerfully through the picture, all those people showing their submission.
Carlotta grinned and stepped into the shower. The warm water flowed down her heavy, muscled body, loosening her coiled muscles.
Not long now. She just had a few more days, then she would be released. She wondered what the world was like now. Sure, she had her phone, and she did her best to keep up with current news, but life in prison was thoroughly regulated and at some level, she was a bit afraid of whether she would be able to deal with the changes.
Then again, with muscles like her and her ruthless demeanor, she was pretty certain she would find something to earn her fair share of money. If nothing else, she could count on the help of the Hijas.
She grinned, then got back out of the shower, her strong hands casually rubbing her thick clitoris. She toweled her heavy body off and got dressed in her prison clothes.
Wearing a normal outfit would be nice again too …
Carlotta chuckled. She couldn’t wait to go shopping again. Although she seriously wondered what kind of shops would cater to someone with her physique. Well, now it was time to eat. Later on, her servant girl would lick her clit. That was something to look forward to.
The prison gate opened and Carlotta walked out. Her shirt looked as if it had been plastered over her muscles. The sleeves were already torn by the mass of her shoulders. Her pants looked shockingly tight too. She looked around. No welcoming committee?
Then she saw the tiny car.
“Oh no.”
The door opened, and her mother stepped out. She looked ancient now, though she was in her early sixties at best. She stared at her daughter with a look of disgust.
Carlotta walked towards her. The small woman looked up to her.
“So that’s what you’ve become …”
“Nice to see you too, Mom. Thank you for visiting so many times.”
“I was busy with your son.”
“Sure, sure. But don’t worry, I was fine. You see?”
She tensed her arm, making her tattooed biceps harden.
“You look like a criminal.”
“I am a criminal.”
“That’s bad.”
“You think so? I don’t see the problem.”
“That’s the issue with you. Always was. You don’t even look at something long enough to see the issue.”
Carlotta sighed:
“Okay, Mother. Tell me what the issue is.”
“Your son. Juan.”
“What’s with him? Did he follow into my footsteps? Did you fail another child?”
“I did not fail you.”
Carlotta looked back at the prison.
“You sure about that, Mother?” Then she laughed: “Relax, I’m messing with you. So, what’s the problem with the boy? Is he a little shit? Doesn’t he respect you?”
“You will see. I don’t have the energy anymore. He’s yours, you should take care of him.”
“Can’t he take care of himself now? He should be an adult already, no?”
“You’ll see.”
With these words, the old woman returned to her car. Carlotta followed her, but to her surprise, her mother just drove off without taking her along. The musclewoman stared at the disappearing car. She couldn’t believe what just happened.
“Holy shit! What was that?”
She was too stunned to get angry about this.
Two weeks later, Carlotta had settled in. It had been surprisingly easy. Rick Cavanaugh had gone on to work as a higher-level accountant using the money Carlotta’s family had paid him, and the owner of the strip club was happy to hire her again, not as a dancer, though.
The tall, muscular brute of a woman found herself to be very happy as a bouncer and bodyguard for the girls. The owner admitted to himself, though, that she was intimidating to everybody, including him. On the other hand, that was probably a good sign …
It was time to open the place. Everything was ready, the music was running, the bar was open and the girls were dressed up. Shanie, one of the strippers, walked over to Carlotta on her high heels in her schoolgirl uniform.
“Say, Carlotta, you sure you don’t want to dance too? You’re already dressed for it!”
The brutal musclewoman grinned at the tiny girl with the dancer’s body and the silicone tits. She had these plump, duckish lips most of the girls sported, and she looked kinda cute like this. Carlotta was pretty sure those lips would feel amazingly on her clit. Also, her big, hard hands would give those tits a good grope, and she was sure she would enjoy that too.
It amused her that her own tits were way larger than that girl’s now. Lately, she had started pumping her nipples a bit just to get them to look more prominent, and who’d have thought! She started to lactate again. Truly, Carlotta was a freak of nature in every way.
She adjusted her Daisy Dukes and tied up her blouse under her bra-clad uber tits again, then looked at the stripper with a flash of lust.
“It’s a good look.”
She stepped closer to the girl in her cowboy boots and pulled her in, kissing the girl roughly and hungrily. Shanie gasped as the tall Latina made her lean back, her giant bosom pushing down against her own fake tits.
“Carlotta! Please … this … we … it’s …”
Shanie was overwhelmed by the sudden burst of power and sexuality of the bouncer, unable to protest, but also knowing that this was a bad thing right now.
Carlotta’s hand went between the girl’s legs and the stripper felt the massive woman’s gnarled skin against her underwear.
“Mmmh … Oh God …”
Things would have escalated massively if the owner hadn’t stopped her. With a smirk, the horny musclewoman walked to the door and unlocked it. Soon enough the first patrons came in, while Shanie returned backstage with a massive blush on her face.
As she stood there vetting the various guests with a quick look and making sure no drunkards or slobs got in, Carlotta suddenly spotted a little man who definitely looked a bit lost in this place. Also, he was carrying a backpack and a sling bag, and stared at her nervously.
He reached the entrance and looked up at her. She was huge. She was intimidating. She was his mother.
He opened his mouth, then shut it again. He tried again, then failed. She looked at him expectantly.
“What are you up to, little man? Gonna try and camp in paradise?”
His soft, friendly voice answered:
“Camp? What do you mean?”
“What’s with the bags? This is a strip club, not a bed and breakfast.”
“Oh! Oh, no. No. I’m … My name’s Juan and …”
Carlotta was starting to get annoyed, as were the other patrons waiting to go in. One of them shouted:
“Fuck off, you pussy. There’s some people who want to see dancing girls, not your stupid backpack!”
Carlotta glared at the man, making him shut up. He looked a bit pale all of a sudden. Then she turned to the little man.
Despite trying to look a bit friendlier out of curiosity, the enormous woman still looked incredibly threatening, and the little man shrank even further.
“I’m … I’m … I’m …” He was on the verge of tears.
Carlotta was really starting to wonder what this was supposed to do.
“I’m …” The little man was starting to shiver.
Without thinking, Carlotta grabbed him, hoisting him up in one movement with all his bags, and mashing him against her enormous breasts and mighty muscles. The other men in the line stared at this. She held him tight and asked calmly:
“You are?”
“I’m your son … Your mother, my grandmother, she brought me here and said I should talk to you … And stay with you …”
Carlotta was surprised by this. Her mother had actually done what she said! The huge woman breathed in sharply. Her gigantic chest squished the little man against her powerful arms, forcing the air out of his lungs. He coughed helplessly.
“Please … Mom … Please …”
“Mom? Juan, don’t call me ‘Mom’. ‘Mother’ is okay, if you have to …”
“Okay, okay! Mother, please …”
One of the men in line asked:
“While you’re having your reunion, could we get in?”
Carlotta held the weak young man with just one hand, mushing him hard against her tits, and said:
“You’re not a long-lost relative, are you?”
“No, Ma’am, I’m just a horndog.”
“Okay. That’s better. Get in. Don’t make a mess.”
The guy chuckled:
“I can’t guarantee that …”
She glared at him. The color faded from his face.
“I guarantee that!”
His voice suddenly sounded high-pitched. He headed inside.
Carlotta turned to her son:
“Okay, Juan, get in. Tell one of the girls to get your stuff backstage, then wait until my shift here is done.”
“Alright, Mother!”
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
“I … My feet can’t touch the ground.”
“Ah. Okay.” She dropped him. “Get going!”
As he ran inside, she slapped his little backside.
The customers stared at this vulgar display of power. Fuck, this woman was terrifying, but … she was also arousing.
Juan slipped inside and was picked up by Lane, a very hourglassy stripper that led him to the backstage area after a quick exchange with Carlotta. The little man was all blushes. All those sexy women, the whole situation, the intensity of it all … He was struggling to contain his erection. As she walked, Lane asked:
“Sooo … what’s your relation with Carlotta?”
“She’s … um … my mother?”
“Seriously? Wow. Well, you certainly take after your father.”
“I do?”
“Totally. Not in a bad way, I guess. A man like your mom would be terrifying …”
Quietly, he said:
“She is a bit terrifying …”
Lane chuckled:
“She is. The first time I saw her, I almost shit my pants. Happily, I wasn’t wearing any. But as long as you’re on her good side, she’s great.”
She turned to him and looked him deep in the eyes with a very, very serious expression.
“Always stay on her good side, understood?”
Juan nodded in a panic.
During the evening, Carlotta had to deal with some interruptions, including a tall, buff guy who thought he could threaten her. Juan watched in shock as she let him come closer and attack her. Despite only meeting his mother a few hours ago, he worried about her. The big man went in and tried to punch her, but her upper body whipped aside with astonishing speed and she answered with a lightning-fast series of punches, followed by a brutal grip and an arm-lock. The big man howled in pain as she twisted his arm in the worst way, then slammed him into the wall with brutal efficiency. It took a mere few moments and the man was stunned. Without hesitation, she moved the man outside.
Nervously, Juan followed her, his hand on his phone to call for help.
Carlotta pushed the man into the alley and proceeded to beat the man down without mercy. As the kicks and punches rained down on him, the big man was crying in pain and humiliation. A well-aimed slam of her boot into his face dislodged some of his teeth and splattered a spray of blood on the leather.
At last, the brutish woman was satisfied. Without another word, she turned around and let the whimpering man lie in his bodily fluids.
As she passed the shocked Juan, she cocked an eyebrow, clearly surprised by his presence and reaction. Then she got back on her post.
Much later, the club closed down. Juan was exhausted somehow, despite not having done much. Still, he was happy that very intense day was over.
As his mother packed up, he asked:
“Can I come with you?”
The musclewoman chuckled:
“Of course, boy. Get your bags!”
He complied and arrived with them at the front of the club. Carlotta walked over to a huge motorcycle. She straddled it in one brisk movement and said:
“Get on.”
Nervously, he did his best, struggling to lift his legs far enough to climb it. The backpack was making him stumble. She watched this show for a few moments, then she got off the bike again and half-pulled, half-lifted the little man on the saddle.
“Damn, you’re so light! Didn’t my bitch of a mother feed you?”
He didn’t know what to say and blushed at the language. Carlotta didn’t care much about an answer, gunned the engine, and drove off in a roar and thunder.
In the dark of the night, they arrived at some trailer park. The huge woman climbed off her bike and directed him to one of the mobile homes. Juan pretty shocked. The place was absurdly filthy, with cans of beer and protein containers littered everywhere, there were dirty clothes all over the place, and the whole home was smelling of sweat and sex.
Without a moment’s hesitation, Carlotta pulled off her shirt, revealing her massive tits, then proceeded to strip out of the rest of her clothes. In the twilight of the single bulb, Juan could see that the woman that had born him was hugely muscular and covered in tattoos and that her body was marked with more than her share of scars.
She looked absolutely brutish, her power undeniable. She laughed as she saw his bulging eyes, then laughed even louder as he blushed and looked away.
“You like what you see, little man.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement of fact. Juan swallowed, unable to answer. Instead, he asked:
“Um … Mother … Where can I sleep?”
She shrugged her mighty shoulders:
“Anywhere you want.”
She stepped over to the bed, pulled a milk pump from the nightstand, and strapped it to her giant teats. The young man was surprised by this and asked:
“What … what are you doing?”
The amazon laughed:
“Can’t you see it?”
“You’re … milking yourself?”
“That’s one way of putting it, little boy, though I am not a cow.” She gave him an amused grin as the machine caused her nipples to swell up and soon produce the first few droplets of milk.
“But why?”
“Because after a while, it hurts. Stupid question!”
“That’s not what I meant. Why are you lactating?”
“I never stopped. Never wanted to, never cared to see a doctor about it. Besides, it’s a good way to control my weight, and I sell the milk on the side.” Then she smirked: “Also, it keeps my tits nice and plump.”
The little man turned very, very red. She broke into a howling laugh that made him jump.
“I’m sorry I asked, Mom!”
“It’s ‘Mother’, you twerp!”
She leaned over from the bed and picked a sandal from the floor, then threatened to throw it at him.
“Sorry! Sorry! Mother! It’s Mother!”
“Yes, it is.”
She leaned against her pillow as the machine sucked on her nipples. Again, Juan asked:
“I still don’t know where I should sleep?”
He really was dead tired. After a long day and a long night, he was exhausted, barely able to keep his eyes open unless he was being threatened with violence again.
The huge woman shrugged her broad shoulders:
“Anywhere you want.”
He looked around the dimly-lit vehicle and found that there was no space at all for him. The only spot that could serve as a bed except for hers was a small bench that went with an equally small table. Not only was it tiny, it was also full of … stuff. Juan was happy to not be able to see what strange things lay on it. He was sure some of them just moved on their own.
“I … I don’t know …”
In that moment, he just wanted to go home. Home to his grandmother’s place. Where things were nice and cozy and clean and … not like this. He stumbled about in the dark room and tried to find a spot to rest, but it was pointless. Juan moved a few pieces of junk, but that only made things worse, setting off little avalanches of trash. He definitely had to take care of this at some point if he really had to live here from now on.
As he struggled, he seriously considered running away. Anything was probably better than this …
Then he heard his mother’s voice:
“Okay, boy, come here. You can sleep on the bed.”
Somehow, a spark of hope appeared on his mind:
“I can? Thank you!”
He sounded relieved. Then he asked:
“But where will you sleep?”
The musclewoman stared at him in confusion.
“In the bed?”
“What, with me?”
“Yeah? What did you think? Did you really think I would sleep somewhere else? Where would that be?”
She removed the breast pump, examined the milk, and put it in the fridge next to several other bottles, then she cleaned the machine and threw herself on the bed. Reluctantly, Juan approached the mattress.
“What are you waiting for? Do you need an invitation?”
“No, Mother, I just … I don’t …”
“Shut up. It’s early in the morning, I need my beauty sleep. If you don’t get on this bed right now, you can sleep elsewhere.”
“But …”
“Right now.”
He sat on the mattress. The big woman stared at him.
“Aren’t you going to undress?”
She casually started scratching her hairy pussy. He desperately looked away. Then, blushing deeply, he removed his pants. She watched as his pearly white little butt came into view and licked her lips.
“You don’t get out often, do you?”
She was very tanned all over. There were no tan lines at all.
“I … I like to study and read.”
“Oooh … You’re a nerd. Just like your father.”
“My father! You … tell me about him!”
“No. Now undress and get on the fucking bed, Juan. I’m tired.”
Reluctantly, he did as he was told, feeling helpless and exposed next to this giantess. He tried to hide in the shadows as he switched to his pajamas. As he emerged back into the dim light, his mother chuckled:
“Wow … You look … I don’t know … Seriously, I have no words …”
He got on the mattress and laid down as far away as possible from the big woman. She laughed again:
“Come on, I won’t bite … hard.”
Carlotta found this hilarious. As he tried to stay away, she shrugged.
“Okay, have it your way.”
Soon enough, she fell asleep. This made the night quite difficult for Juan. Once she lost consciousness, the musclewoman started rolling around on the mattress, putting her arms and legs everywhere, lying on her face, then on her back, all the while snoring loudly, grumbling in her sleep, and spreading all over the bed, making sleep very difficult for him. Every time he managed to doze off, she would cause some kind of ruckus and wake him up again.
It took forever for him to finally fall asleep.
Juan awoke much later, curled into a corner of the bed, shivering. As he regained consciousness, he heard some bangs and clanks outside. Sleepy, he looked around and found that his mother had disappeared. In the first moment, he was worried, then he was relieved. At last, he was curious.
He got up, stepping into his mother’s slippers. His feet looked tiny on the plastic soles. Walking through the trash, he reached the door and opened it. Bright sunlight hit him hard, causing him to blink.
He looked around and saw his mother, naked, doing bench presses in the yard of her lot. The clanks came from when she racked the bar in between sets.
Juan stepped outside quickly.
“Mother, what are you doing? Why are you naked?”
He was shocked by this display. His mother started the next set. As she pumped, she said:
“Great, you’re awake. You can spot me for the next set.”
“The what? Mom, you’re naked! In public!”
She glared at him:
“What did I say about moms?”
“I’m sorry, Mother! I … I didn’t … Why are you naked?”
She still didn’t answer the question. Juan was getting redder and redder as she pumped the bar up and down, getting very sweaty in the process.
“Mother, please, can’t you cover up? What if someone sees you?”
She just continued, when suddenly, another woman walked up to the lot. She was incredibly heavyset, her shoulders almost as broad as Carlotta’s, though her muscles were nowhere as defined as hers. The woman was wearing some leggings and a sports bra, and her massive belly was spilling out, though it seemed to be supported by some very strong muscles because it barely even drooped.
“Hi Carlotta!”
The woman watched her pump for a bit, not showing any restraint in her ogling. Then, at last, she noticed Juan.
“Who’s the puny guy?”
Carlotta finished her set and sat up:
“That’s Juan. Apparently, he’s my son.”
“You sure about that? He looks … tiny.”
“Yeah, I don’t know either. I always imagined my kids to be big and strong like me, but … My mother says he’s mine.”
“I didn’t even know you had a mother …”
“I didn’t choose to have one.” Then she turned to Juan: “Alright, boy, time to spot for me.”
The little man walked up to her hesitatingly and asked:
“Um … but how? This is all so heavy … I don’t think I could hold it up if anything went wrong!”
“You just need to give me a bit of a breather, that’s all.” Suddenly, she smiled: “It’s nice of you to care, though.”
“I’m … I’m doing my best.”
She chuckled.
“I guess you are.”
There was a faint bit of mockery in her tone, but not that much.
The other woman, whose name was Fran, joined in too, and the two muscle ladies were pumping hard for over an hour. They went through a dozen different exercises and Juan just stared at the power they showed off.
By the time they were done, they were both glistening with sweat and Juan was struggling to conceal his arousal. It was incredibly embarrassing to be turned on by this! One was his mother, and the other one was … rather shapeless. And still, the little man was horny.
It was so absurd. Up until now, he had always thought that he was normal and was into fit, slim women with big breasts and nice round buttocks, preferably young as well … He had jerked off to quite a few of them on the internet, and it had been nice.
Seeing these she-behemoths made him way hotter, though.
He wondered whether something was wrong with him. Had he gone crazy? Was he actually a pervert? What was going on in his mind? Did he get hit on the head at some point? Did he eat something wrong? This was … absurd, wasn’t it?
And yet, here he was.
He had assisted them with their training, had been all close to their heavy, hot, sweaty bodies, had watched them move ridiculous amounts of weight … He had seen them stretch and move their muscles, had seen them flex in front of the mirror Carlotta had set up against the trailer, and he had felt the tension and hotness between them.
By the time the two women walked away to shower, he was so absurdly horny he had to hide in the tiny bathroom in the dirty trailer. He would have managed to rub one out, but the place was just too filthy!
Sighing, unable to deal with his horniness, he started cleaning up. He stumbled through the mess and got to work.
ParticipantThis one might not be seasonal, but if you want a story about cyborgs, death and revenge as well as hard displays of power, you’ll enjoy this one!
The Cleaner
A young woman’s hopes are extinguished when her parents are killed in a drug fight. Faced with despair, anger and a thirst for revenge, she enters a Faustian pact with Saul Harwood of Armatech, a cybernetics wizard with the power to turn her into a living weapon. She will go and destroy those that ruined her life, even if it costs her her own being!This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth and cybernetics. All characters are at least 18 years old.
Get it here: (This is a link to all the other providers that offer this story.)
Here’s the preview:
they?Why isn’t anybody doing anything against this? Isn’t there anybody left who cares about justice?”
The video was flashing on thousands of AR visors, blinking on myriads of cyber-eyes, projected on all kinds of screen all over the world. She was a person people knew. A rather popular star on the holo circuit, known to be grounded and charming, cutegirl_love, was famous.
And she was furious.
She had built up a following posting videos about cooking and lifestyle, about finding beauty in bad places and about self-care.
Her series of videos about a field of dandelions slowly growing out of a field of broken concrete had become a viral hit, allowing many people to feel something akin to hope in a world that seemed to fall apart. There were a few other influencers like her, such as Jenuine, GentleXSoul or BoyHarmony.
cutegirl_love, her real name Julia, had enough of this. Enough of hope. Now, she wanted revenge. The news had spread like wildfire. Over the last decade, the city had fallen into the hands of two rival gangs, the Kings and the Dead. Recently, a shortage of shard, the most popular drug in town, had caused their fights to escalate, and now, they were killing each other indiscriminately. More and more innocent people ended up between the warring factions, as more and more lesser gangs joined in.
Newford was engulfed in war, and none of the various private security services seemed able to handle this, while what remained of the police after the umpteenth round of privatization preferred to just guard the main transport routes of the businesses.
In all this chaos, Julia’s parents had been caught in the crossfire. They ran a small infirmary. Even after her mother was wounded by one of her patients and fell sick, they continued. The couple soldiered on, saving lives, doing everything to help. Her mother’s health was failing, but she still insisted on working day and night. In the end, she was only able to treat people sitting down, her legs too weak to support her.
Then one day, they were treating members of the Kings and the Dead that had been wounded in a shootout at one of their places, when the whole infirmary had been bombed. Julia had only survived because she was out recording AR content for her channel.
As she came back to the devastated home, she found her mother still alive under the debris. She was barely breathing, but still tried to put on a brave face. Then, as Julia held her hand and kissed her, she died.
Julia let out a primal scream of total despair. After two days of absolute silence, without a moment of sleep, she had produced the lines above, and sent them out.
Now, they were viral.
The reaction didn’t wait. One of the Kings’ supporters recorded a reaction video superimposed to a record of “Cry Little Girl” by BluntFucker, while the Dead pushed a series of AI-generated movies that were happily blocked on most online platforms for violating nearly every aspect of the terms of service.
Julia was sitting at home in deep despair. There was no help. There was nothing she could do, couldn’t she?
She stared at the screen of her phone. Maybe she should just fill her mind with AR shows, or blow it away with drugs. There were plenty of ways to just numb your mind …
A message came in.
ArmaTech Enterprises. She had never heard of this company. She opened it, and a man with a stoic expression and a military buzzcut appeared.
“Hello, cutegirl_love. This is Saul Harwood of ArmaTech. Our company is a startup specializing in military-grade cyberware, and we have an offer for you.”
“What do you mean? I just make cute videos on the net!”
“We have seen your last video, and we think we can help you.”
“Wait, you have someone on hand who could clean up this mess?”
“Not exactly, but we could give you the tools to do so.”
“To me? But … I don’t know anything about fighting! And I don’t want to hurt people?”
“Are you sure about that? Our psychological profile suggests that you do. And not knowing how to fight … That’s exactly our line of business.”
“What are you talking about?”
“ArmaTech will provide you with the cyberware and skilltech to exact your revenge and bring justice.” “What? But … why?”
“Oh, we think that you might be the perfect use case for our tech, and we think we’ll be providing this city with a valuable service. Plus, having you on board should help our social media presence and profile.”
“Wow. That sounds completely insane.”
“You know how it is. It only sounds insane as long as nobody tried it. It’s just another case of disruption! And think of it: No one is going to move this fast and break this many things as you!”
“Okay … you know what, I’m going to think about this? And I’ll call you back.”
“My lines are open. Think about it and give me a call.”
She nodded to the screen.
“Alright. Uh … Bye?”
“See you.”
She hung up.
Julia looked at her reflection in the screen. That was completely crazy, wasn’t it? She couldn’t accept something like that, right? It was just too much. Her? Avenge her family like that? No. Never. She wasn’t a killer, was she? She would never agree to this. It was … Was this even legal?
She shook her head and sat back down.
After a while, she started scrolling again, and she was horrified. Maybe it was the reaction of the algorithm to her emotional situation, maybe it was just an accident, but over the next few hours, her feed was flooded with horrors and depressive shit.
Julia barely managed to tear her eyes away from this. There were occasional points of light that made her breathe out a sigh of relief, but the reaction videos to her own showed up again and again, and she realized that she wasn’t alone. There were so many of them! They agreed with her. They were holding out for someone to fix this, and there was nobody who was willing to do something.
Maybe …
Maybe …
She would have to sleep on this, but … it was starting to feel rational.
She sighed. Maybe a bit of meditation would clear her mind. She turned on her app for that and tried to relax. Tomorrow was another day.
She had a terrible night. Every time she managed to finally fall asleep, the visions of her family’s death would return. She tried to wake up desperately, struggling to break out of this, but when she finally managed it, she would lie awake for an hour or longer, before drifting back into sleep, and returning to her terrors.
In her despair, she got up and went for a walk. Usually, people that looked broken and kept to themselves would be left alone. She just put on her big coat and hood and took her personal protection weapon with her. It was a simple automatic-aim gun that would just fire a stun bolt at a target and take them out for a moment. Time enough to flee.
She walked through the permanent twilight of the city’s light-dome, the fog of industry wallowing in the streets. Everything was bathed in yellow, with dashes of neon cutting through the mist. The air was rather cool, though she was hit by blasts of warmth whenever she passed one of the ventilation shafts that burst out of the ground or the buildings at random.
Pools of rainbow-colored liquid clustered on the floor and the sound of traffic and inexplicable bangs and bumps filled the air. Occasionally, a siren would burst through it, then a scream, then more shouts.
The air wasn’t good to breathe, but at least, tonight, she didn’t need a mask. It helped her clear up her mind. She walked on, hoping that she would get tired enough to finally sleep without returning to her nightmare.
Suddenly, she heard a scream close to her. A woman stumbled into the street from an alley. She was clearly on some kind of drug, probably a cocktail of shard and others, cut with the worst trash imaginable. Having grown up at the infirmary, she knew the symptoms.
A moment later, a massive cyborg shot out after her, his heavy, over-enhanced body careening into the street. The man was going to catch her and then, who knows what would happen …
Without thinking, Julia’s hand went to her gun and she pulled it on the huge man.
The cyborg did just that, though more out of surprise than out of any kind of respect. He grinned at her while the woman tried to scramble away. The man’s cybernetics were painted in the Kings’ colors, and his headware repeated the crown motif.
His cyber-eyes flashed for a moment and he recognized her:
“If it isn’t cutegirl_love … Still crying, little girl? Or did your tears dry?”
Instead of an answer, she pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. The automatic guidance system activated and sent out a swarm of bullets that struck the man in the face. One managed to hit the huge cyborg’s eye, blowing it out.
With a thunderous scream, the massive man clawed at his face. Julia stood there, transfixed. Without thinking, she fired again.
And again.
And again.
Eventually, the gun only clicked.
The cyborg slowly turned towards her. Its face was pockmarked with hits, the bullets embedded in his synthetic skin. Little sparks shot out of his eye-socket. The man laughed drily.
“You just made a big mistake.”
Julia stared at him, gritting her teeth. She was going to die now, wasn’t she?
At least, it would be over. She prepared for the blow. The monstrous humanoid pulled back his cybernetic fist, pistons charging.
Just as he was about to crush her, there was a loud bang and a missile shot by her. The object struck the man in the face, right into the socket. There was a crack, and something broke.
Then he fell over.
Julia stood there, breathing deeply. What just happened? Why wasn’t she dead?
She heard Saul Harwood’s voice.
“Sorry for interrupting you, but I thought you might need a hand.”
She turned around and saw him standing there in fatigues, a winning smile on his face.
“You started already? That’s the kind of motivation I love! Just … next time, maybe don’t use such a small caliber. We’ll have you fixed up in no time.”
“I … He’s dead, isn’t he?”
Saul nodded:
“Dead as a doornail. Well done.” He was all smiles. “So … did you make up your mind?”
She hesitated for a moment. Then she looked at the metal monstrosity that lay in the fog. Those things had to be stopped …
She nodded:
“I’m in. I can’t let things continue like that.”
“Wonderful. Then we’ll help you do something against it.”
A VTOL landed close-by:
“You’ll see. By the time you’re ready, you’re going to feel incredible!”
Soon after, Julia stepped out of the VTOL at ArmaTech’s headquarters. The place had this garage feeling. There were plenty of young people busy with all kinds of tech, looking all punk and energetic. Her brainware informed her of the thousands of datastreams flowing through the place, with all kinds of information in the air. As she passed the workspaces, people looked at her, smiled, waved, one of the men got up and asked for an autograph. She gladly gave it to him.
Then, Saul held the office door for her.
“Let’s talk to our lead engineer. I’m sure she has a few things she can show you …”
Julia nodded and followed him inside.
She entered the large, clean section of the building. People were sitting at computers, while she could see engineers assembling pieces at workbenches behind soundproof windows. One of the people wearing a lab coat turned to her. It was a tall woman her legs modified to be sprinting blades and her face looking quite … streamlined. She had long, insectoid cyber-arms and had just finished talking to one of the coders. With a bouncy step that pushed out her incredibly shaped calves, she walked up to
“Hello! I’m Shrike H. You must be Julia?”
The young woman gave her a courteous bow.
“I’m happy to be here.”
“Saul can be a real charmer, can’t he?”
The big man looked away for a moment. Julia wasn’t sure of how to answer.
“Well …”
Shrike H just laughed. It was a strange, synthetic sound.
“Don’t worry. I’m not that good with human signals. Anyway. Should I show you the concept?”
cutegirl_love nodded. The tall cyborg woman handed her a lab coat and a breathing mask and directed her inside the workshop.
“It’s just a precaution. The engineers all have filter systems, but we want to make sure everything stays clean until needed.”
“Of course …”
“Anyway, here it is.”
Julia looked at a setup that seemed rather worrying. There was a humanoid framework, and the engineers had added a whole array of enhancements to it. The shape’s muscles had been replaced by grafted synthetic systems, the bones had been wrapped into special carbon-alloy casing, there were subdermal shock absorbers and armor plates, synthetic skin and hexagonal ERA pads. She saw casing for internal organs, a backup system for lungs and heart, and a whole battery of hormonal boosters and a self-repair system.
Shrike H walked around the frame:
“The sensor suite involves custom eye ware with full spectrum awareness, radar sense, auditory enhancement, a sense of smell that would make a bloodhound doubt his career choices, and all that connected to a high-speed processing system that handles all that extra input.”
“Okay … That’s pretty extreme.”
“Yes! Of course! That’s the joy of it! This system basically turns you into a walking tank. At a much reduced weight. But that’s really just the body ware. The cool stuff is the skill system and the mind ware.”
“What do you mean?”
“The systems are good, but in the end, they’re just regular weapon systems. You won’t be able to purchase them off the shelf, but you could get them if you join the military and stay for a while. This is all excellent, but nothing crazy. The cool stuff is this.”
She pointed at one of the screens.
“This is RAGE: Reactive Adaptation Generation Equipment. It’s an AI that’s been trained on fifty years of combat experience at all levels, from street fights to military engagements. Any fight in the last half century that’s been recorded has been analyzed and integrated in the system’s models. Basically, nothing can surprise you when you’re running this.”
“So it fights for me?”
“Not quite. That would be normal skill software. Those can either be hacked, or they just settle into patterns. If you’re fighting someone with a HoPLite system, you just have to focus on his righthand side, because the guy that software was trained on was a southpaw. If you’re getting shot at by a dude with a Hawk gunnery mod, you know he’ll always reload when he’s down to four shots. Because Vern Ericson, the guy it was coded from, used to do that. Guys with the Hawk have been doing this for …” She counted on her fingers. “Thirty years now?”
“Okay, I see how that’s a problem.”
“Yeah. It interfaces with your mind and constantly trains your reflexes at a low level. Basically, you’re subconsciously fighting all the time.”
“But isn’t that exhausting?”
“That was an issue in the beginning, but we managed to fix this. We adapted the system so it would address different parts of the subconscious at different times. This way, the mind can rest in between. It’s really impressive. I’ve been using this to train myself in languages for a while now, and it works really well. I can sound like country bumpkin in fifteen languages now.”
“It was just a test. What I’m saying is that this suite should turn you into a perfect fighter in no time, and you should only get better as you fight. Those gangsters will never see it coming.”
Julia nodded.
“Okay … I get it. But what about cyber psychosis? It’ll be a problem, won’t it?”
“Well, if you want an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. And you’ll get the best drugs available, plus therapy, if needed. And after all, you can get revenge and be rid of theses monsters. That would be worth paying a price, wouldn’t it?”
The young woman hesitated for a moment. She looked at the frame and at the data streams on the screens. This was it, wasn’t it? The wish come true. The weapon to destroy those that had hurt her and her family. The key to ridding the city of those monsters.
She took a deep breath. Wasn’t this sacrifice worthwhile?
And besides, as far as she could tell, this weapon would be powerful enough to defeat them all. She would clean up the place, and then, she would go home. Set up a new life for herself and rest happily in the knowledge that she had done something to fix the situation.
She looked at Shrike H and Saul.
“I’m in. I want to destroy them.”
The big man nodded:
“Very well. Then, let’s get you cybered up.”
Two hours later, Julia laid on the operating table, dozens of robot tendrils being prepared for the implantation process. A group of technicians, all suited up for surgery prepared in the background. Soft music was playing on the speakers. The anesthetist smiled at her behind his mask and said: “Okay, here we go. We’re ready when you are.”
Julia nodded:
“I’m ready.” “Good. See you …”
And she was gone.
ParticipantA story about a mature big woman in the countryside being casually tough and powerful. Also, a lot of sex. Enjoy!
Big Mary
Roberta and her camera operator are reporting on deep rural areas. When their car breaks down in a small town, they find out that the locals have very strange customs, and at the center of it all is a massive musclewoman called Big Mary. She takes them in and introduces to the real country life!
This work of erotic fiction contains female muscle, a large clit and feats of strength. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here:
Here’s a preview:
Roberta Sinclair sighed. This place was the sticks. Seriously. She had some strange assignments as a reporter, but this one took the cake. This wasn’t even flyover country anymore. This was “you literally have to go out of your way to even get a glimpse of it in the distance”-town.
When she drove here with her camera guy to report on the strange rituals of the deeply rural areas and she hated her boss for it. What even was the point of this? Was it just an opportunity to make fun of the local yokels?
Sure, they had reported on some weird shit in other towns, including some very odd fertility rites and something that looked like straight out of some old-timey horror movie, but this place really took the cake.
Okay, it was rather quaint in its way, but still …
To make matters worse, her car developed some problems and they didn’t even make it all the way to the town. Barry, the camera operator, was trying to fix them. In the end, he said:
“I’m going to need some more equipment. I can’t do this like that. Could you look around and maybe find a hardware store or general store or something? I’ll need this.”
He handed her a scrawled list. Roberta went over it with him, nodded, and went on her way.
The walk down the hill was easy enough, but it was a warm late spring day, and she was sweating by the time she was in the town square.
She looked around and to her relief, she spotted a hardware store. Maybe this whole stupid thing would still end well.
Roberta stepped inside, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the darkness. Oh God. A whole room full of good ol’ boys!
There was a group of six men in flannel shirts, tank tops or sweaty t-shirts hanging around by the counter. The man behind the counter was just listening to one of them talking about carburetors and how things were better back when a man could still fix his own car.
There were nods all around.
Then they noticed her. One of the men asked:
“Can we help you, ma’am?”
Roberta hesitated. Then she said:
“Yes! I’m looking for these things …”
She held up the list.
The man took it, and immediately, the whole group examined it, producing interested, albeit critical noises. Then one of them looked up.
“What are you trying to do with all that?”
“Well, my camera operator said he could use these things to fix our car.”
“Your camera operator? You work for the TV?”
“The TV? No, I work for StateFeed. We do documentaries and shows on real American life.”
“StateFeed? Sounds like the company that sells the stuff we give to the chickens.”
There were chuckles of agreement.
“If you’re guy is trying to fix a car with this, it’s not gonna work.”
“I don’t know anything about cars. If he says he needs it …”
“Yeah, but it’s dumb. You shouldn’t listen to a guy who totes a picture box around for a living.”
There was a sound as if someone was clearing his throat. The boys stopped.
“Boys, leave her alone with the bullshit.”
It was an old woman’s voice.
Then Roberta saw someone walk up from the back of the store. It was the strangest person she had ever seen. As far as the reporter could tell, she was an old woman, complete with a fluffy white head of hair, sunburnt skin and all the little lines a life of hard work outside would give you.
She was also really short, five feet at best.
But she was also incredibly massive and broad. The woman moved with a swing in her step, her arms swaying by her side as she walked, her hips cocked like a hot, sexy girl’s, and she was amazingly muscular. Roberta’s throat went dry. This woman’s body was so packed with muscle, even when she reported on bodybuilders, she hadn’t seen people like this. The woman’s arms looked as if they were thicker than Roberta’s waist, and there was no flab on them at all. She could literally see the fibers of her muscles shift as she moved.
It was astonishing.
Also, despite her age, the woman was wearing what amounted to a miniskirt, though Roberta could understand it with a body like that. Even she wouldn’t dare wear an outfit like that, though. Back before she started, she had posed for a few cheesecake-y photos, but this look … It was amazing.
The amount of confidence needed to wear it like that went beyond anything Roberta could ever muster.
To her surprise, her eyes stuck to the woman’s crotch. There was something in there. Something big and thick. Roberta wondered what that could be. A penis would be … well, unexpected? After all, this was a woman in every other way.
Speaking of which, her eyes went further up, and she saw the woman’s enormous, majestic bust. Each tit must have been bigger than her head. Way bigger. She had them lodged in a big red bra that poked over her blouse’s cleavage. She had tied up the garment under it to show off her equally massive muscle gut with its hard, ripped abs.
The man who had just fallen silent smiled stupidly at her and blushed. The woman walked up to the counter and set down several sacks of nails, screws and other metal wares. Then she turned to Roberta.
“The boys givin’ you a hard time, girl?”
“I think they were only trying to help.”
The guys answered immediately.
“We were only trying to help!”
“She’s a cutie, isn’t she?”
“Shut up, Jeff!”
The old woman glared at them. They went quiet. The old woman took the list and nodded:
“I’m gonna help you pick those things out.”
“Thank you, Mrs …”
“Mary. Everybody just calls me Mary. Never been married, never found an honest man to make me his wife. Because everybody here is just a bunch of slobs and weaklings!”
There was an amused, ironic tone in her voice. The owner grunted, but one of the boys said:
“Don’t listen to her, Miss. There were plenty of guys who proposed to Mary, but she just never wanted to stick to one guy!”
“Are you calling me a slut, Henry Ivers?”
The guy blushed.
“No, no, Mary, I just … I was just thinking …”
“Don’t. You’ll hurt yourself.”
He looked away. Mary started down the aisle to get the things Roberta needed.
“Henry’s a bit right, though. I never found a guy who could satisfy me. Or a girl, for that matter.”
The reporter blushed. This way the woman was talking was embarrassing her. Also, looking at her thick, round glutes move, barely covered by her skirt … it was a sight to behold.
Soon later, she had gathered everything and handed it to Roberta in a box. The reporter breathed out sharply. This was a lot, and it was heavy.
She stumbled along behind her. Suddenly, the woman stopped and bent down. She clearly found something Roberta still needed, but bending over like that …
The skirt slipped up, revealing her ultra-ripped ass. It was like watching two bowling balls compress into an x-shaped steel frame. Mary shifted her stance and spread her legs a bit, and now, Roberta could see the woman’s small white underpants. They were getting stretched by that appendage …
Roberta could see that the boys were staring at Mary’s ass too. Then the woman got back up and turned to her:
“You like what you see? The boys do.”
The reporter stared at her in the face, her eyes twitching downwards. Mary lowered her hand and snapped her fingers:
“My clit’s down there.”
Roberta blushed terribly. Then that shameless woman lifted up that stupidly short shirt and pushed her panties aside, revealing a thick, red clit. It was easily eight inches long and as thick as Roberta’s wrist. Also, it was growing erect as she was talking.
The men were whooping and cheering.
“Come on, boys, give it a nice squeeze!”
She walked over to the counter as the thing got harder and harder. A moment later, the men were stroking that monstrosity, playing with it, slapping it, pulling on it.
Mary adored this. She moaned lustily, and to her shock, Roberta saw the woman’s pussy start to drip along her massive legs, the lines on her thighs guiding the rivulets downwards.
She was speechless. One of the men grabbed a hammer from the counter and pounded that thing. The old woman grunted loudly, the egged him on:
“More! Harder!”
He complied, his face red, his pants tented. Then they stumbled over collectively to an anvil the owner had on display. She slapped her clit on it and the men started punching against it, then took hammers and started to beat it.
The blows didn’t even seem to hurt her. Instead, she just got hornier and hornier, her deeply tanned face becoming even darker. She was moaning loudly now in the rhythm of the hammer blows.
Then the boss pointed down the room to a low bench. There was a massive vise mounted on it. The men exchanged horny glances with Mary, who was breathing deeply, her huge chest rising and falling. This was more like it …
Roberta was struggling to keep her mind together. This was insane! Was she really going to do this? That had to hurt! She had almost panicked when she had her ears pierced, and the guy had even put on some numbing cream, and now, this insane woman was going to put her clit into that thing? That couldn’t be true. This had to be some kind of weird hallucination. Or a candid camera show? Or just some other insanity …
And then, it happened.
Mary grabbed her thick, red, throbbing clit and set it right into the vise. Then the boss and his friends started spinning the grip. Roberta saw their faces turn red with horniness as the jaws closed around the fleshy appendage. She wondered why the woman wasn’t crying out in pain. Why wasn’t she hurting? Any normal person would be horribly mangled by such a treatment, but this old woman seemed absolutely indestructible!
She heard Mary’s breaths get deeper. Her chest was expanding marvelously with every intake, her enormous tits rising and falling as she was getting hornier and hornier.
At last, the jaws of the vise bit deep. Now the men were leaning into the grip, doing their best to exert as much force as they could. They were red-faced and sweaty, and she just sighed as she got more and more aroused. The clit was looking a bit flattened now, but, as far as Roberta could tell, it was still swelling, pushing against the vise’s grip. This was completely impossible. Mary clenched her fists, making her forearms swell up with muscle. Roberta could distinguish every little line in her muscle. Under her dark, sunburnt skin, her fibers were shifting as she increased the tension.
“Aaah … You boys are making me so horny … More … More!”
The last word came out like a barked order that would have made a drill sergeant shit his pants. The men rushed to put in all their weight, forcing the vise to shut hard. Still, the old woman’s clit was holding against this.
She breathed in deeply again, and then, her orgasm hit.
The effect was shocking. The vise stayed on … but not on the bench. As Mary arched her back, its giant muscle blocks contracting, she tore the metal contraption right out, the screws exploding out of the wood in a shower of splinters. The vise swung a bit before its weight caught up with it, and Mary stood there, breathing deeply. The men watched the swinging mass of metal as if hypnotized, then Mary’s clit rose, lifting the vise up.
She grunted, juices flowing in thick streams, and that monstrous appendage slowly forced the clit open. It slipped down, causing the massive woman to gasp as her indestructible skin was rubbed brutally by the metal jaws.
She tensed her arms and opened her eyes, shining with lust. Then she lifted her right arm and flexed.
The mass of muscle that expanded in front of her audience was downright shocking. Roberta regularly went to the gym. She had to to look good for her job, but she also enjoyed it. Of course, she would also check out the guys that hung out at the place.
Well, none of them had ever been that size. It was just way too much. She had never seen a level of mass and definition like that. The old woman’s biceps was just a mutated mass of flesh, completely covered in striations, and obviously hard as a rock.
The men stared at her hornily. Roberta was overwhelmed too, but that reaction was a bit much, wasn’t it?
The vise dropped to the ground, but somehow, no one noticed.
The musclewoman’s face was a deep crimson and she was breathing heavily. Then her face turned to a mischievous grin and she licked her lips. She looked at the men’s tented pants and said in a husky voice:
“Did I do that?”
The men nodded a bit sheepishly. Roberta realized that they were shaking with anticipation. Then Mary grinned broadly and said:
“Come on, boys.”
The reporter expected them to say something, but instead, the immensely muscular woman stepped over to the owner and got down on her knees in front of him. Roberta couldn’t believe her eyes. She watched as the huge musclewoman opened the guy’s fly and inhaled his erect cock. There was no gentleness to it. She just swallowed his not too shabby dick whole and closed her lips around it like a vacuum seal.
The man seemed to melt in front of her, his muscle tension breaking down. Roberta stared as the woman started to bob back and forth, her lips, which now seemed just as muscular as the rest of her body, miking the man’s cock.
The shop owner produced a loud moan and shot his load. Roberta couldn’t believe what was happening, but the old woman just sucked him dry, licking off his cock with a strong tongue, then pulled in the next man, and the next.
The reporter was stunned by the sudden outburst of sex in this quaint little place. She had never expected this to happen. Now Mary was sucking off two men in turn while jerking two others off, her powerful fingers holding their cocks tight and playing with their balls. Her deep red clit was now plump and full, twitching as she pleased them. Roberta couldn’t tear her eyes from that appendage. It was just too thick, too long … too much. That thing was massive, and while she wasn’t a size queen, she wondered what it felt like to be fucked by a rod like that.
She had to focus. These people were crazy, and this whole town was crazy, but she was a normal, serious person.
She had to get the equipment to fix the car, not to get caught in what was rapidly turning into an orgy. Slowly, she backed out of the shop as the woman emptied the men’s balls. The moment she was out, Roberta realized she hadn’t paid her purchases. Now she hesitated. Should she go back in?
She wasn’t sure what to do. Go inside and witness the insanity, or stay outside and wait like a fool?
Reluctantly, she returned inside, taking care to avert her eyes. She really tried to look away, but …
Oh God.
By now, the musclewoman was on all fours, her giant breasts resting on the shop floor, sucking off the owner again, with the men fucking her pussy in turn. The whole room was reeking of cum and juices. The reporter walked over to the counter and tried to stack the bills and coins she owed. Behind her, the grunts got louder and more bestial. She was shaking with disgust and panic.
“Yeah, shove it right in! Yes! Yes! Harder!”
There was a loud creak of metal.
Despite her best efforts, Roberta turned around. Two of the men were behind Mary and trying to impale her pussy with a kind of metal bar. They were pushing as hard as they could, and the woman was grunting and howling with lust, but as far as the reporter could tell, they weren’t getting further in.
Now the men leaned in hard, using their weight to force the bar in deeper, but Mary reacted in a strange way. All of a sudden, a pulse went through the bar, shaking the men away. Roberta realized that the woman’s ultra-muscular cunt was gripping that bar, and was now moving it. How was that even possible? How could anyone become this strong?
The woman growled, rubbing her thick clit, and then, she came.
The spray of her juices hit the men and projected the bar out of her pussy. The metal rod slithered over the floor and stopped close to Roberta.
She stared at it. The soaking wet part of it was pressed flat. A weird thought flashed through her head: These men had to have absolute confidence in that woman. Only someone very trusting would be willing to put his cock into someone who was able to do this to a metal bar …
Mary moaned, enjoying the ripples of her orgasm, then slowly got up, packed her enormous bust back into the bra, adjusted her clothes and said:
“Would you mind if I clean myself up a little?”
The boss nodded, still overwhelmed.
Soon enough, the short musclewoman returned, all proper and clean. Roberta had managed to pay, but was still wondering what to do next. Mary asked:
“Do you need help with your car? If your camera guy can’t manage, I could fix it. Also, while you’re here, you could stay at my farm. I like visitors.”
Roberta hesitated. Then she nodded:
“That would be great.”
The two women headed out after a bit, with Mary carrying the tools they had purchased. Roberta had tried to carry them, but struggled with the weight after a few steps. She was realizing she was terribly out of shape. Mary had just taken the bag of tools from her and walked along with perfect ease, as if they weighed nothing. Roberta asked:
“Shouldn’t we take your car?”
“Bah. That’s unnecessary. I can just walk over.”
“Okay …”
They arrived at the broken-down car a while later. Roberta was soaked in sweat, while Mary seemed to glow. When they came into view, Barry just stared at them. Was this some strange mirage?
He asked:
“Roberta, is that you? Did you get the tools?”
“Yes? I found someone who’ll help us. Barry, this is Mary. Mary, Barry.”
The musclewoman broke into raucous laughter:
“That’s kinda cute! Now, young man, let me see your car.”
He smiled nervously as she examined the insides, then she said:
“Alright. Your crankshaft is busted. I can fix that at my workshop at home, but it won’t hold for long. Just long enough to get you to the next big city.”
“Okay …” Roberta could tell that Barry was embarrassed by the musclewoman’s diagnosis. He had very little understanding of cars, but he probably should have noticed that one.
The musclewoman grinned:
“Anyway, we’ll have to get the car to my place to fix it. You can put the bits and bobs into it and I’ll move it.”
Barry stared at her.
“You … move it?”
“Yeah. How else are we going to get it there?”
“Maybe tow it?”
“With what truck, young man?”
“Okay … Yeah … So you want me to help?”
She chuckled:
“Don’t worry. If you want to help, just walk with me. Roberta, how about you? You’ll walk with us, or you want to ride in the car?”
“I’ll walk with you, if that’s okay with you.”
The old woman nodded:
“That’s great! You’ll need boots at some point, though. Things can get rather muddy around here.”
Roberta hesitated, then watched as Mary squatted down in front of the car, reached under it and got back up, hoisting the front wheels in the air. She didn’t look as if there was any effort involved. It seemed as if the car weighed absolutely nothing. Then, with a satisfied grin, she turned around, at one point supporting the car with only one hand. Barry stared at this display of power. He was clearly shocked, while Roberta was surprised not to be. The insanity she had witnessed at the hardware store had been impressive enough to make her put this feat of strength down under “Yeah, that happened.”
Only when she thought about it did she realize what she had just seen. She asked:
“Do you need any help with that, Mary?”
“Not at all. This car is rather light. I expected it to be much heavier.”
“Okay … Well, fine then.”
“Yes. Shall we?”
The two press people nodded and followed her as she started along the road.
The way to Mary’s farm took quite some time. Not because the old woman needed a break or anything. She just chugged along with unstoppable energy. It was astonishing. What actually held them up was that both Roberta and Barry ended up being very thirsty in the afternoon sun.
They had to take a quick break in town and went into a store to buy some water and food. When they came back out, they saw her surrounded by the locals admiring her power. She didn’t even bother putting down the car, only realizing she was still holding it when someone pointed it out. She grinned and set it down gently.
“It’s the school bus all over again.”
Roberta had to ask:
“What’s with the school bus?”
One of the spectators grinned:
“A few years ago, the school bus had a flat and someone had borrowed the jack and not returned it.” He eyed another guy. “Someone …”
The addressee glared at him:
“Fuck you, Jacob.”
“Fuck you, Mort. You borrowed my fucking lawn trimmer and never gave it back.”
“What’s that got to do with anything, Jacob? I didn’t borrow your lawn trimmer. I bought a lawn trimmer, and you were the guy who sold it, fair and square.”
“I was drunk, asshole! You bought it from me for a dollar. A new lawn trimmer!”
An older woman interrupted the two quarrelling men.
“Boys, could you please watch your tongues? You’re being vulgar. No cussing! Not in front of the guests, at least!”
Roberta eyed Mary when the other woman said something about vulgar. Mary just smiled. Was the bulge in her shorts getting bigger?
Jacob managed to return to his story:
“Anyway, the bus couldn’t move like that. We didn’t have a jack …” There were glares. “We still needed the kids to go to school, right? Mary walks by, sees the bus and the problem, grabs it and just lifts it up, with the kids inside and everything. The driver, Jenk, removes the wheel, fixes the hole, pumps it up, puts it back on, and Mary’s still standing there, holding the bus like it’s no big deal!”
Roberta could see that Mary’s expression was trying to conceal a bit of pride.
“Jenk gets back in, starts the engine, tries to drive off to make up for the lost time … Bus doesn’t move. Not one inch.”
“Okay …”
“Turns out Mary forgot to let it go.”
The musclewoman chuckled:
“To my defense, I must say that I had been standing with the bus like that for an hour or so. I lost track. And it was a hot day and I wasn’t wearing a hat. Might have been the sun …”
“Anyway, that’s the story of the bus. We still haven’t found the jack, so we all hope that it will only break down when Mary’s around.”
“Screw you, Jacob. Seriously. Screw you.”
The old woman sighed, relieved that they were not vulgar again, but clearly disappointed by their behavior.
Mary picked up the car again.
“Let’s go to the farm now. I have work to do.”
Roberta and Barry nodded, a little shocked by how normal people here dealt with their hostess’ muscles.
ParticipantHere’s a story for people who love massive female muscle, physical and mental corruption and business thrillers!
The Replacement
Enrico Muratti, the famous business tycoon, is struck down by a terrible disease that paralyzes him. Now his wife, former model Julia must take over for him. However, a man like Enrico, who built his entire success on his physical power, cannot accept a young, slim woman as his replacement. It is time for Julia to build a body his associates can accept! This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth, height growth and brutification. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here:’s a sample:
“Mrs. Muratti, I’m Doctor Baumgartner. I’m the head of the virology department. Your husband is currently in quarantine.”
The doctor looked up at the incredible woman in front of him. She was tall, slim, and incredibly beautiful. She was wearing a typical upper-class wife’s outfit, a simple, elegant costume and very reduced gold jewelry and pearls. The heels, the makeup, the blond hairstyle, everything radiated effortless elegance. Despite being a successful doctor, Baumgartner was well aware that this woman was way out of his league.
Anybody’s league, really. Except for Enrico Muratti, the man he was currently treating. Enrico Muratti, the man they called “Economaciste”. A massive man, strong, confident, and shockingly successful. And yet, here he was, hidden away in an isolated wing of the virology department of the prestigious university clinic, fighting for his life.
Any other man would have died already, but the man’s fitness kept him at death’s door, and he was trying to claw his way back to life.
Well, clawing was going to be difficult. On his business trip down south, Muratti had been infected by the Caron-Sigbert-Virus, causing a very rare disease that caused the permanent paralysis of the victim’s limbs first, before attacking the internal organs. The few cases that had survived the disease had found themselves helpless, barely able to move, and had ultimately died a few years later of complications.
Baumgartner wondered how the man had managed to survive this long.
The woman’s soft, elegant voice pulled him back from his thoughts.
“Will he pull through? Can I help him somehow?”
The doctor hesitated. As a virologist, his job made him less of a people person. He preferred the lab and its calm. The woman made him comfortable enough, though.
“I can’t say. The fact that he is not yet dead is a good sign.” She went pale. The doctor cursed himself. He should be more diplomatic! “What I am meaning to say is that all hope is not lost. We can pray. We are doing everything we can to save his life.”
“Can I see him?”
“Through the window. Any other contact should only be done by professionals in hazardous materials suits. The risk of getting infected is way too great.”
“Then I want one of the suits, and I want to talk to him. Please, Doctor! I can’t leave him to fend for his life alone!”
The doctor hesitated. The risk … He sighed.
“Mrs. Muratti, I …”
She gave him the saddest, most hopeless look he had yet seen in his life.
“… Alright. But you must absolutely stay out of reach, and you must obey every order by the personnel. This disease is not only deadly, it is also contagious, and we cannot risk spreading it.”
“Thank you, Doctor. I’ll do everything as I’m told. You’re a very sweet man.”
She gave him a relieved smile.
The doctor blushed. This woman was gorgeous, even in tragedy.
Soon enough, Mrs. Muratti was clad in a hazardous environment suit. It felt strange. The assistant had had to help her with every step putting it on. This was a complicated system that was connected to the outside through some strange umbilical cord. Still, she understood the caution.
Now the other end of the airlock opened. For a moment, Julia felt like an astronaut going out into deep space. Then she saw Enrico on the bed. The doctors had littered his body with sensors, cables and tubes. He looked terrible.
Ever since she had met him, her husband had been a picture of health, a tall, strong, broad-shouldered hunk of a man, with a powerful, confident presence and endless energy.
There was still a shadow of this left, but he seemed to be fading fast. It was terrifying to see. He opened his eyes wearily and managed a smile. There it was again, the confidence and strength. Maybe he was faking a bit of it, Julia assumed this was the case, but the spark was still there.
She smiled, putting on a brave face.
“Enrico! It’s me, Julia. I had to do some convincing, but they let me see you!”
He groaned, trying to shift his body on the hissing, automated mattress. She could see he was struggling. Then, slowly, he smiled.
“Thank you, Julia. I’m so glad to see you.”
“How do you feel?”
He managed his confident smile:
“Like shit. But I’m not dead yet. I don’t plan to die just now.”
“Good! I’m so glad you’re so strong!”
“Strong … Well, not quite anymore … What has the doctor told you?”
“He said he was surprised you’re still alive, but that it was your strength that kept you going.”
“So he didn’t tell you everything? Typical. You have to be careful, darling. They won’t tell you all the facts. They’ll try to spare you the details. I had to push the good doctor a bit until he would spill the beans.”
“What did he tell you? What’s going to happen to you?”
His smile turned grim.
“Even if I survive this, I’m probably going to be paralyzed. At least the arms and the legs, maybe even from the neck down.”
“What? But that’s terrible! Why didn’t he tell me?”
“Well, Julia, you are a very beautiful, gentle woman. The most beautiful I have ever met. The doctor … I would assume he is afraid of people crying in front of him. As far as I can tell, he’s an excellent specialist, a nerd, but he’s not a people person.” He grinned in pain. “That’s one part of my job. Always has been.”
Julia nodded. That was his thing. He told her again and again. “Figure out how the other person thinks and feels. Then you can sell anything.”
“It’s a bit annoying he didn’t tell you, because that means you would have had to operate on incomplete information.” Julia was suddenly relieved. There he was. Enrico wasn’t going to stop being himself, just because he was dying! She shouldn’t think like that, but …
“What should I do, Enrico? What do you want me to do if they ask …”
He groaned:
“An Enrico Muratti never gives up. As long as I can think and communicate, I want to live. Things will get a bit more difficult for us, but I hope we will manage.”
“We will! I’ll stay by your side. We will get through this, and everything will be alright!”
“I doubt it. But it will be … different. Maybe a different kind of life for us.”
She nodded.
“I’d love to hold you, Enrico.”
“I’d love to too. We’ll have to wait. Soon. I don’t plan to let this idiotic disease keep me down for long!”
He made a brave face. Julia felt her heart swell. She loved this man. She had supported him with her modelling on his way through college, back when he was still fighting to fix the financial mess his father had left him. Then, with iron will, he had managed to figure out his strategy, and had turned the family business into a massive success. Through thick and thin, they had stuck together, and his way of striking deals had catapulted her from reasonably successful model and showgirl to supermodel and public figure. He had stopped just short of getting her a seat on the Chamber of Deputies.
She extended her hand, getting closer to him, but stopping short of touching him.
Suddenly, he asked:
“What day is it? Lying around here makes me lose all perception of time.”
“It’s the 5th of July.”
He suddenly looked very stressed.
“What is it?”
“The Vilca deal. It’s … I have to be ready to take care of it in December. I have to be fit until then!”
“Enrico, you should focus on getting healthy again. The company can wait.”
“It can’t. Vilca is important. If I miss this, things are going to get very difficult.”
She saw that he was trying to move his arms. It didn’t work. He was straining for nothing.
“Maybe I could take care of it?”
He barely managed to suppress a snort of amusement. Then he said:
“Please, Julia. I love you. The guys from Vilca … They would eat you for lunch. They only respect strength. They’re old-school. They will never listen to a young, beautiful woman like you, regardless of how smart you are and how great your offer is. They would only accept someone who’s at their level. And …”
He started thinking. She watched attentively. She knew it was for the best to just let him figure this out. He sighed.
“There’s a thing we could try. No. It’s ridiculous.”
“What are you thinking of? Can I do something?”
“I … It is a big sacrifice to ask of you.”
“I’m willing to do anything for you!”
“It is a lot to ask.”
“Tell me! I want to help you! I have to help you!”
He smiled grimly.
“The Vilca deal is very important. I have my doubts I’ll be able to move by the time I have to negotiate it. I could brief you on it, and you could make the deal. The thing is, you’ll have to get way stronger than you’re now.”
“Stronger? What do you mean? Enrico, I still go to the gym every day!”
“Yes. Of course, but with these people, you need real strength. I know the old man, Annibale. I already made deals with him. He takes you up to the mountains to his cabin, and then he gets you to work. He always says it: ‘I won’t deal with a man who can’t work for his meal.’”
“What does that mean?”
“You have to know how to chop wood, to carry water, to climb a mountain, to cut up a pig …”
She stared at him.
“He’d talk to an amazon. Any other woman, he’d just ignore.”
“So you want me to become an amazon? A musclewoman? Like those freak bodybuilders? I was on a show once and they had one of these. She stank and she had this weird skin!”
“Maybe not all the way, but … I guess it could work.”
“I … I don’t think I could do it.”
Enrico sighed, still struggling to move his body.
“I wish I could do it. But there’s no one I could trust to do this. If I had more time …”
Julia watched as he tried to move. She felt this incredible pain and despair. At last, she managed:
“I’ll sleep over it. I’ll tell you tomorrow. I … I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. We will manage. We can be poor and happy too …”
She wasn’t sure she could believe him.
Julia was standing on a stage, the lights illuminating her harshly. Her body was feeling heavy and slow. She stared into the darkness beyond the lights, and suddenly, she realized she was wearing a swimsuit. She was back in her modeling days, wasn’t she? She immediately put on a smile. She let it shine out of her face, baring her teeth just enough, putting warmth into her eyes.
As her old modeling coach told her: “Smile as if you loved the whole world. Make it genuine, and they will love you!”
She did just that. She sent out waves of warmth and love towards the audience, but it felt wrong.
What was going on?
What kind of competition was this? Despite having been advised to never, ever break eye contact with the audience, she had to check herself. She couldn’t feel what she was in, so maybe she could just see it …
A wave of shock passed over her. For a moment, she had been afraid that this was some kind of disgusting lingerie competition … She had always avoided them like the plague. Bikinis were great, they suggested happiness and health, but she never did lingerie shows! She modeled them, but not in competitions. With these, you were sure to get groped all the time.
She banished that thought. She was wearing a glamorous posing suit, that was not the problem. It was sparkling with sequins and it looked surprisingly fancy …
… But her body …
… Her body was disgusting.
She stared down at a pair of thick, manly muscles where her breasts had been. She felt she was getting sick. How could this happen? She lifted her arms, and there it was too! Muscles. Large, heavy muscles, with thick veins snaking on them, her skin brown and leathery …
She wanted to cry. Julia was a bit vain, of course she was. You couldn’t be a model without vanity. She was able to tolerate small defects, even though they stressed her.
Seeing herself disfigured like this?
She started to cry in her dream.
She woke up, her eyes wet.
“Oh no. Oh no … Enrico … I can’t do it. I can’t … I can’t turn myself into a monster …”
She stared into the darkness and she could still see afterimages of this strange muscle-creature she had been in her dream. It was terrifying to see herself joined to such a monstrosity.
She dropped back on the mattress. Julia felt exhausted. The dream had been terribly intense, feeling so real. She thought of Enrico, lying on his mattress on the other side of the town, being kept alive by machines, helpless, unable to do what he loved to do.
She took a deep breath.
Seeing him like this, weak, so completely unlike himself … It was terrifying. Enrico had always been the strong, controlled man that took charge. She could cuddle against him, feel his powerful arms around him. Protective, gentle, wonderful. He was everything a woman could hope for. Stern, but respectful …
And now, he had lost all this that had ever made him the man he used to be. There was still his success, though. She couldn’t save his strength, but maybe she could save the respect he had earned.
She smiled sadly in the darkness.
What if she did it?
What if she really went for this and took up the mantle? Became his hands and feet in his business. He would still guide her and figure out strategies, but she would make it work …
The thought was ridiculous.
“I’ll do it.”
Saying the words in front of Enrico felt terrible. It made things painfully real. It was a commitment. Once she said them like that, she could no longer take them back. The words were said, and it was like an oath.
He smiled gently as he heard her speak through the suit. He was not the man to question such commitments. Lesser men would have asked “Are you sure about that?” or offered easy ways out such as “You don’t have to do this.”
Enrico wasn’t one of them.
“Good. Find a trainer that can bring you to the level as fast as possible. Do everything that’s necessary. I will prepare all the information you need and as you progress, I will brief you on the details of how to run the negotiations. You’ve got this. I trust you.”
“Thank you, Enrico. I’ll do my best to …”
“Don’t do your best. Doing your best is for people that fail. Do it.”
She stared at him.
“Alright. I’ll do it.”
“Thank you. Thank you for doing this for us.”
She felt her tears well up. She didn’t want this, but she had to. It was terrifying.
The next day, she began her training. The man she had picked as a coach was a strange one. He was short, broad and bald and looked like a kind of gnome. She had expected someone else going by the photographs, but as far as the reviewers were considered, he was the best. He was the man that pushed all those movie stars to build their superhero physiques. Nico was the man who made the supermen.
He carefully examined her, walking around her with inquisitive eyes.
“You’ve got good foundations. I can make this work, but the timeframe is very short. I can’t guarantee this is going to work.”
“It has to work.”
“I know, I know, you told me. And having access to funds like these makes things easier. Yes. Still, it’s going to be a rough ride.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“If I had a year, I could space these things out, give your body time to rest.”
Suddenly, Julia was feeling very nervous about this.
“What do you mean by this?”
“To get to the level that you need, you’ll have to use some powerful drugs. Everybody in the business does that. The stars do it, the athletes do it. The problem is, everything that has an effect has side-effects. Nothing is done for nothing. If I had more time, I could manage those side-effects. I don’t, so you will have to deal with them.”
Hesitating, Julia thought of the woman she had interviewed. The strange face, the smell, the little hairs …
Did she even really want to ask?
She took a deep breath to focus, then she said:
“I’ll do everything you say, and I’ll pay the price.”
The little man’s face lit up:
“Perfect! That’s what I wanted to hear.” He smiled. “That’s what I love about working with models. They’ve been in such deep shit, they understood that at some point, complaining doesn’t change a thing. You’ll love this!”
“I hate this.”
Julia was a month into her training, time was flying, and she was both irritated and exhausted at the same time. Nico kept pushing her and pushing her. He had completely overtaken her entire schedule, and had done everything he could to ruin her life. After a decade of starving herself, he had forced her to eat and eat and eat some more. Years of cardio were declared irrelevant and she was set on a strict weightlifting regime. All the things she had to do to stay healthy and keep her skin glowing were thrown out of the window. Instead, he was pumping her full of some strange drug cocktail, and her body was reacting horribly. It felt as if it was being jerked around into a new, terrifying direction against its will.
Her skin was terrible. It was dry, full of zits and acne and it felt tight and uncomfortable. Her muscles were constantly aching, either from the workouts, the massages, the recovery or just on principle. She stumbled about like an ape, having completely lost her elegance and charm. Instead, she felt as if she was evolving backwards, turning into some kind of neanderthal.
She was with Enrico again and the hazardous environment suit was even worse than normal. It was smelly and disgusting, and somehow, she was sweating even worse. Also, her throat was hurting.
She hadn’t seen him in two weeks, and she had to beg Nico to give her a few hours off to visit him.
“I can only thank you for the sacrifice you’re making, Julia.”
“I hope it’s worth it and I can do this. For now, I don’t really see whether it’s going to help.”
“It’ll have to. We can’t afford to miss this.”
“I know, I know …”
“Also, I have made the necessary legal changes. You’re the company CEO now. I am still on the board, and I have made sure I can offer my insights as an advisor, but for all intents and purposes, you are the new boss.”
“And the other board members accepted this?”
“Grudgingly. You will have to appear in front of them soon and prove that you are worthy. I trust you will manage. We need you to get their approval before meeting with Annibale.”
“I see. Did the doctor say anything about how long they’re going to keep you here?”
Enrico smiled. The tone of Julia’s voice had shifted. Before all this, she would never have asked in such a straight fashion.
“Doctor Baumgartner said a week or two. Then I can return home. And then, the real trouble starts. Though I can’t wait to look at something else than these walls and that damned TV.” He turned towards her. “And to see you again without that ridiculous suit.”
She smiled:
“Me too, Enrico. I can’t wait.”
It was obvious that the board members were rather nervous. Over the last months, things at the company had been difficult. With Enrico Muratti out of the game for so long, they had trouble figuring out the correct strategy. It was a bit of a problem for them: They had long accepted their position as Enrico’s subalterns, implicitly trusting his judgment and his decisions. They had grown rich and fat by just rubberstamping the man’s choices and now that he was out of the game, they were struggling to keep the company afloat.
Of course, the whole enterprise still had enough reserves to stay stable, at least for the time being, and using Muratti’s good name kept the banks at bay for a while, but should the full scale of the situation ever become public, this place would fall apart quickly.
When Muratti had informed them that all executive powers were being transferred to his wife, they had panicked. Happily, the man had kept things low, and if they acted quickly, they could divest themselves of the company before word got out.
Then again, some of the men trusted Enrico’s judgment. He still had to be wrong. For now, everything had worked well.
Then again, they knew Muratti’s wife. She was … cute?
A beauty, certainly. Charming. Intelligent, too, probably. Good arm candy. Any of the men would have loved to fuck her. Of course, a strong, powerful man like Muratti had gotten there first.
Yes, she was nice and lovely, but … How could they expect her to run a company like this? Especially one that was normally run by an ubermensch like Enrico Muratti?
Then it was time.
All the men were suddenly shifting to attention. The door opened, and she stepped inside.
The board observed her carefully.
Julia was wearing a simple and elegant pantsuit, emphasizing her long legs and her surprisingly broad shoulders. Her hair was tied up in a perfectly shaped bun, with not a strand out of place. She was looking … hard.
More than one board member suddenly found himself leaning back uncomfortably on his chair. She certainly didn’t appear weak or timid. Instead, she appeared to own the room.
She walked through the room swiftly as the men got up in greeting and took up position in front of the conference table. She let them take in her height and size. The men did notice her face looked a little rougher than before. The kind of women they were used to in public were invariably soft and elegant or just cheap and sexy, but they always lacked any kind of edge or intensity. That was no longer the case with Julia.
She seemed to display a kind of confidence that did impress them.
“Mrs. Muratti.”
“Thank you for your time. My husband has informed you of the changes in the operative management. I plan to go ahead with the Vilca deal and see that we can make this work together.”
One of the men leaned forward.
“Mrs. Muratti. We have all the greatest respect for your husband, and we wish him a quick recovery …” The unspoken “… so that we can have him back in your place.” echoed through the brief pause. “… but are you certain that this is the right way of dealing with our situation? After all, and I think I’m speaking for the entire board, Annibale Vilca is a man …” Again, there were silent words. “… and you are a woman …”
He smiled:
“He has expectations. Expectations that are hard to fulfill for the best of us …” His smile said: “… let alone a girl like you …”
He folded his hands.
“Of course, we accept Enrico Muratti’s decision. Who would we be to challenge him, especially in a situation such as this one.”
A deep breath.
“However … We would prefer to be safe than sorry. The idea of giving Annibale Vilca an unfavorable impression and ruining our further chances at striking a deal with him …”
He looked at his cronies. There were small nods.
“That is to say: We would prefer this whole business to be postponed until Mr. Muratti’s recovery. That is more favorable for our interests.”
Julia waited until he was finished. Then she nodded and smiled:
“I understand your position. You have become accustomed to having Enrico run the show. You could just lean back and reap the benefits. It’s a logical position to take. It would be bad business to involve yourselves in something that works. Never change a running system, as the IT people say.”
There were vague nods. The men were aware that they were being insulted. Eyes hardened.
“Still, he is no longer here. Hopefully, he will recover. Hopefully, he will be able to resume his functions in the company. However, that is not the question today. As it happens, the man you always trusted in his decisions has once again taken a decision.” She kept smiling, but now, the last bit of softness had vaned. “The decision was to let me run the show. So I think it would be for the best for all of us if we respected his choice.”
The men shifted their stances, mouths opening slowly to voice protest. Before they could speak, Julia’s hand went up. She caught the eyes of the most senior board member. He was a man they all respected. To her surprise, he managed a vague smile and didn’t attempt to stare her down.
“Here’s the thing. If you wait for Enrico’s return, you will wait in vain. If he should come back, what will he think of you? You supported him all the way until a crisis appeared? That is not support, that is opportunism. And it’s bad for business. Do you really think he will have trust in you if you showed no trust in him?”
One of the men tried to say something, but she cut him off.
“I’m not saying I am a business genius like he is. I have my own way of doing things, and I have his support in all things. So I am going to offer you a win-win situation.”
Eyebrows rose.
“What do you mean? We’re in the middle of a crisis!”
“We are. But to quote a platitude, a crisis is an opportunity. Here’s your win-win situation: You let me do my work and support me as Enrico intended, as a show of trust and loyalty. If it works, and it will, you will have the Vilca deal ready and safe. Should it, for whatever reason, fail to work, you will get Enrico back in whatever form, and your loyalty in the current situation will guarantee his in the future.”
There were slow nods. One of the men opened his mouth, though.
“Unless you have a better plan. Would you like to try your hand at managing Muratti SA? Would you take responsibility in this time of crisis? Stand up. Show me what you got! Show me how you will deal with Annibale Vilca and chop wood with him.”
The man stared at her. Their eyes met. Julia struggled to keep her face straight and her expression focused. Her heart was beating terribly. She had to get through this. She had to. For Enrico.
The other board members watched the scene with utter attention.
Then the man closed his mouth again.
He nodded, breaking eye-contact.
Julia didn’t dare breathe out, overwhelmed by what had just happened.
Then the oldest man smiled and said:
“You have our trust. However, we will need regular reports of your deals and we reserve the right to intercede should things devolve against the company’s best interests.”
The young woman smiled:
“That is understandable and acceptable.”
“Good. Then we are looking forward to your success.”
“… or rather Enrico’s return.” was the unspoken post-scriptum.
Julia closed the door of Enrico’s, no, her office gently. The picture of her with Enrico smiled at her from the desk. She had put it up there to give her some anchor, some point of comfort so she could focus. That was what she needed now. She took the picture, then she dropped against the wall, breathing out deeply. Her legs felt as if they had turned to rubber, unable to support her. She slipped downwards slowly, eventually ending up sitting on the floor. Her hands were shaking, her body was slick with sweat under her suit. The picture fell from her hands.
It had worked, and the compromise they had agreed on was … manageable. She just hoped they wouldn’t use this concession to undermine her …
Who was she kidding?
That was exactly what they would do.
Still, she had survived. It had worked. She had spent the last week figuring out her strategy and angle of attack, counterchecking the whole discussion with Enrico as far as she could. She had gambled on their weakness and shirking of responsibility, and it had worked!
It had actually worked.
She rolled sideways and landed on her back, now facing the ceiling.
It felt as if a massive weight had been lifted off her back.
She closed her eyes for a moment, just resting. Deep inside, she knew that she wouldn’t find much respite over the next weeks.
Julia looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was sweaty and aching all over. Somehow, even muscles she didn’t know she had were acting up. It was quite surprising. Sure, she was used to working out hard. She had had to maintain her figure. A professional model’s workout was nothing to be sneered at.
And still, the last two months and a half were extremely rough. Her coach had continuously expanded her workouts, adding increasingly difficult and specific exercises to her routine.
The thing was, it was paying off. She twisted her torso a bit. Muscles were visible all over her midsection. The kind of muscles that would cause a celebrity magazine to run an article about “her new look” and “how to achieve it”, while also putting out another one that went “is she taking it too far?”.
Well, she was taking it pretty far.
The workouts had not only increased her strength and her size. She was looking amazingly fit now, and her muscles were easily big enough to place in a fitness competition. Hell, she’d probably win. There was something else, though: The specific workouts were improving her control of her muscles. She was now able to suck in her abs totally, creating a rather unsettling cave under her ribcage, then blow out just the abs, creating twin columns that were tight and hard.
She was also able to bounce her pecs, make her glutes swell and separate and cause her quads to almost burst out under her skin.
It was … odd.
Julia was unsure of how to deal with this. She had to admit that she liked the changes mostly, even though her feet had somehow grown larger in the process. Maybe it was a side-effect of the whole barrage of drugs she was getting shot up with? Also, her body was becoming quite smelly. Nothing she couldn’t cover with perfume, but the time of light floral notes was gone for now. That was another thing she didn’t like. She had found her scent, and having to switch it felt … wrong.
She leaned sideways and brought up her forearm, making her biceps swell up. It was quite large, especially compared to her previously thin arm. She flexed some more, pumping the fist of muscle further.
“Wow …”
Suddenly inspired, she turned on her phone and let it play a dance number. With a big grin, she launched into it, shaking her butt, shifting her stance, jumping, twirling, flying through the room, catching her look in the big mirror.
It was exhilarating!
Her heart was beating as she hit her favorite dance moves, admiring her muscles as they shifted and tensed, the ease with which they followed the music making her smile broadly.
As the song ended, she stopped, panting.
She threw up a fist and laughed. Her voice sounded full and strong.
Just as she reached for her towel, the phone rang. She quickly picked it up, wiping more sweat from her brow.
It was Enrico:
“My love, I have good news!”
It took her a moment to calm down enough to catch her breath and answer, then she asked:
“What happened?”
“Am I distracting you from something?”
“Just the end of my workout.”
“Ah. I’m glad you’re sticking to it.”
“You know me, Enrico. I do what I need to do.”
She could hear him smile. Julia asked:
“So, what are the news?”
“They’re letting me out. The doctor said I am no longer infectious, and the disease has run its course.”
For a second, Julia felt hope rise within her.
“Does that mean that you …”
His voice was serious:
“It only means I can be transported home. My arms and legs are as useless as they have been. The doctor also said that he has little hope I’ll even recover a little mobility.”
Her heart sank.
“This is … I really hoped …”
“Me too, Julia. But what can I do? I won’t let that hold me back, and I would be grateful if it didn’t hold you back either.”
She breathed out sharply.
“You’re right. We’ll do this!”
“That’s right. The gentleman from the transport service told me I will be … delivered in a week’s time. I am already in contact with a company that will adapt the house to my new requirements. They’re reasonable, efficient people, and they will make sure I won’t be too much of a burden …”
“Enrico, you will never be a burden.”
Her voice was incredibly firm. He was a little surprised by her tone. He swallowed, then he said:
“Thank you. I’m not sure I can guarantee that, but I am relieved that you think this way.”
The next day, the workers started preparing the house for Enrico’s return. Faced with the noise and the dust, while also being forced to deal with the company, Julia moved her workouts outside. Her coach was all for it. Calling the garden “nature” was probably overstating it, but it certainly changed the feeling of the whole process. Also, the trainer brought in a survival expert that began preparing Julia for the nature part of the Vilca negotiations.
To her surprise, she enjoyed the wood chopping and the fire building. The butchering … not so much. Faced with the pig in question, she found she couldn’t do it. Not that the beast was particularly charming, but … no.
The survivalist shrugged and suggested they maybe start with a chicken.
That went better, and to her surprise, Julia quite enjoyed the whole process of getting her own meat. She just hoped Annibale wouldn’t ask for something too crazy on that mountain …
At the company, things were way tougher. Julia found herself really struggling. The whole place was running slowly because of the summer, with only the international customers doing much, but that was already difficult enough.
While she prepared religiously for the negotiations, setting up detailed plans and going through several scenarios with her assistant, she still found herself running into problems. It was uncanny.
The manager from Germany and his team were smiling at her as she went through the terms of the deal with them, happy that she had expanded on her high school German while working as a model in Berlin and Hamburg. It was clear that they still knew her from back then. Maybe she had even partied with one of them back in the day …
“Okay, taking all of this into account, we can offer a delivery by week 42.”
The managers exchanged glances. One of them whispered to the other one. Julia tried to catch what they were saying. It was difficult to make out. Then the head guy said:
“I’m sorry. Was this 42? I thought we insisted on 40 …”
Without missing a beat, Julia replied:
“Yes, 40. I’m sorry. I must have mispronounced this. You know how it is, Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache …”
She smiled. The men chuckled.
“You are right, of course. Thank you for trying. We know how difficult it can be.” He cleared his throat and managed a rather rumbling “Kratzje Millä.”
The rest of the negotiations went perfectly, but the moment Julia was alone, she almost crushed one of the merchandise pens into smithereens. Her files had said 42. She did remember week 40 in the initial proposal. Some asshole had changed the number to make her look foolish.
She was pretty sure who did it …
Julia had other things to take care of right now, but there would be a reckoning!
At last, it was time for Enrico to return.
The car that brought him home did its best to look fancy, but in the end, it was a bit of a van. Anyway, the wheelchair he was strapped in was lowered down, and Julia immediately hugged him. He sighed, then they kissed. It was obvious that they were both struggling with the fact that he couldn’t embrace her back. His formerly strong limbs looked all useless and rather weak already.
For a moment, Julia hoped he would miraculously be able to hold her, to protect her, to be the man’s man he used to be, but then, slowly, brutally, reality set in. The assistant helped him on the little elevator that brought them inside the house, and soon, they were at the dinner table, with Julia helping her once powerful, confident man eat. It was tough to stomach for the both of them.
After this, she had him moved upstairs to the bedroom. The assistant unstrapped Enrico, and carefully moved him on the mattress. Julia helped him as good as she could, realizing that the extra strength was already coming in handy. As she shifted him on the bed, however, the sudden tension and flexing of her shoulders and arms blew one of the seams of her blazer.
The assistant stared. She did her best to smile the embarrassment away.
“You know how it is … Even if it’s expensive, you don’t get quality nowadays.”
Another struggle, and Enrico was on the bed, resting on the specialized mattress that would support his body and his paralyzed limbs. After thanking the assistant, she took off her blazer and climbed on the mattress next to her husband. He smiled:
“You got stronger.”
“I did. So much that my clothes don’t fit anymore.”
“Good …”
“You like that?”
“I appreciate that you do everything to prepare for the negotiations.”
She thought of the pig and said:
“I do most things …”
He nodded:
“Fair enough.”
She stretched a bit, her strong upper body shifting under her blouse. To her surprise, she saw his cock rise.
Enrico grinned:
“I’m not paralyzed below the waist, you know? Just the limbs.”
“Bad enough.”
“Bad enough, but I still get to feel my cock.”
She undid his fly and took it in her hand.
“It feels as good as always.”
“I’m glad. I wouldn’t want to disappoint.”
She smirked.
Carefully, she gave his cock a fondle, then a rub. Her fingers moved a bit swifter, and Enrico’s penis rose even further, getting thicker and harder in the process. He sighed happily as she continued stimulating him. She felt that he was somehow trying to move his arms to touch and embrace her, but she understood it wasn’t going to happen.
For a moment, she felt a terrible sadness wash over her. He would probably never touch her again like that …
She kissed him, wrapping her arms around him, holding tight to him. Enrico was a little shocked by this. She started whimpering, unable to contain herself. He was unable to reciprocate the gesture, and suddenly, he too was overwhelmed. They laid together for a while, close and far at the same time.
It took them a while to stop crying. She caressed his cheek, then ran her fingers through his hair. He smiled, an intense sadness radiating from his face.
Then he said:
“I’m sorry this happened.”
“It never was your fault.”
“I should have been more careful.”
“There was nothing you could do.”
“At least, I should have prepared for this eventuality. I am dumping my responsibilities on you …”
“It’s fine. I can handle this. I am strong, and I am getting stronger.
Suddenly, he realized just how built Julia had become. Sure, he had noticed her muscles, but … She was incredibly fit. Something deep inside him told him that all was not lost. They would manage. They would triumph.
His renewed confidence shone from his face.
She was a bit nervous, all of a sudden:
“What’s going on, Enrico? What are you thinking of?”
“I think you will do it. You will get that deal, and you will lead the company perfectly.”
“You think so?”
“I have absolute confidence in you.”
She smiled and covered his face in kisses, rubbing her strong body against his. He gasped as he felt her hard abs and her developing pecs. She brushed her long blond hair out of her face and slid a little further down, leaving a trail of kisses down his chest, to his belly, and then, she reached his cock.
With a mischievous grin, she extended her tongue and circled it around his cockhead. He shivered.
“You are wonderful.”
Instead of an answer, she ran the tip of her tongue down his rod, then kissed its base, before suddenly inhaling his balls.
“Oh Lord …”
She played with them a bit, then popped them back out, getting back to his dick and licking it carefully.
He groaned in lust as she opened wide and sank it into her mouth, her tongue rubbing its length.
“Julia … This is incredible … I love it … I missed it sooo much …”
She kept sucking on his member, her lips closing tight around it and stroking it up and down. She could sense that he was going to cum any moment. Just to amuse herself, she made a brief pause and let him calm down, then went down again. She could see his midsection tense and shift, his limbs immobile, but his body moving with lust.
Enrico was overwhelmed by this. He didn’t know why, but this felt even more intense than ever before. Maybe it was the long break since his last time, but … wow …
He groaned as Julia increased the intensity even further, bobbing up and down on his cock.
She could feel him tense now. Retreating a little and grabbing his cock at the base while continuing to suck on its tip was enough to send him over the edge.
He came like a fountain. Julia was a bit surprised by the amount of jizz, but managed to suck it all down. The big man twitched, producing a drawn-out groan as his member twitched hard. Without thinking, Julia sucked some more, and that only made him cum further.
It took a while for him to calm down. She carefully cleaned his cock and took a swig from a glass by the bed to chase the taste.
“Wow … Enrico, that was a lot.”
“I hope you didn’t mind.”
“I don’t. I’m just impressed.”
“I try to be impressive.”
“So far, you’re succeeding.”
She cuddled against him and kissed his cheek, shifting his immobile arm sideways to make room. It was surprisingly heavy and hard to move. Julia could tell that he was uncomfortable with that.
“Is it alright?”
“I … It’s a bit strange.”
“No, don’t worry. I see the reason. I just wish I could do more …” There was a long pause. She cuddled tightly against him, her back resting against his immobile arm.
For a moment, she thought about maybe suggesting he try licking her, but she knew it was pointless. That was not something a true man’s man like him did. He could be on top, he could get his cock sucked, he might even agree to being at the bottom as long as he had a good view of her chest … But the idea that he should do this to please her?
Somehow, Julia was disappointed.
“Have you seen her? I don’t know what is going on … Remember when she was hot?”
“Yeah. I don’t get it. Why do women do this to themselves? Is it just because she’s sad with her husband?”
“Fuck, I could help her with that. I have a great way of dealing with sad girls!”
“You have to be quick, though. If you don’t move fast, she’ll turn into some kind of cave troll, and then you’ll be stuck with a monster like that …”
Of course, these jerks didn’t think she could hear them. They were as stupid as they were petty. Julia was getting used to it. The endless and sad comments by these losers were tiring.
The thing was, they weren’t all wrong. The drugs Julia was using were having an effect, helping her build a physique that wouldn’t be out of place at a women’s figure competition. That went as planned. The annoying thing about this was that there were side-effects. And they were rather nasty.
Ever since the trainer increased her dosages, she was changing rapidly, and for the worse.
She caught her reflection in one of the glass walls and shivered.
Her jaw had grown a bit lately, just like her chin, and her previously elegant, oval face had become harder and a little more angular. It wasn’t all that noticeable and people that didn’t know her would probably just assume that she was a bit rougher in the face, but Julia’s issue was that her beauty had been her primary focus for most of her life, and losing it … It was a challenge to who she was.
It wasn’t the only issue, too.
Over the last weeks, her breasts had noticeably deflated. She also missed her period, which wasn’t necessary something she disliked, but the way it happened made her anxious. Also, there was the whole issue of her body odor.
It was manageable so far, but she was quite sure it was getting worse. She now used a rather strong perfume to cover it up, and it was annoying to no longer smell the way she was used to. The gentle floral notes she had used up until now were no longer enough.
Finally, despite constantly updating her wardrobe, she was finding her outfits to no longer fit her style. The elegant, elongated lines of her business outfits clashed with her growing shoulders, her broadening hips and neck, and her increasingly thick thighs.
And her feet too!
It was ridiculous. She didn’t want to start wearing dumpy senior businesswoman outfits, but her body-shape was making the elegant Armani-style pantsuits look weird.
As a former model, the idea of losing her shape was … terrifying.
Julia set down her bag and looked around the meeting room. The other directors were staring at her. There were barely concealed grins and signs of disgust. She didn’t care. Or at least, she tried to show that she didn’t.
Their looks were like stings.
“Gentlemen, we have a few weeks left until I meet with Annibale Vilca. I will secure the deal we need, but I need to make sure that we’re all on the same page.”
There were indignant murmurs.
She took a sip of water and waited for them to die down.
“The thing is, our company is not in trouble yet, but I have my doubts that you all have its best interests in mind.”
One of the men glared at her.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that your department has ordered at unfavorable terms at a supplier I told you not to pick.”
“Bullshit? Here’s the memo, here’s your order. Here’s the comparison with the supplier I suggested.”
She put down the documents.
“Uh …”
“Yeah. Uh. Your move, whatever it was supposed to do, cost us. We’re talking five figures. That’s inacceptable.”
The man blushed.
“I was doing what I thought was the best for the company.”
“I told you what was best for the company. I try not to micromanage. I try to let each one of you do their thing. You all have your responsibilities.” She walked closer to him. “But if you actively try to set me up by shifting the blame on me, then this needs to be addressed. We’re all in the same boat, aren’t we?”
The man rolled back on his chair.
“Yes …”
“Yes. That is where we are.” She got up. The rest of the board stared at her. They were only now realizing just how strong she had become. Slowly, she walked towards him. She enjoyed the weight and intensity of her body all of a sudden.
The man was looking very, very nervous now. She moved behind him, and then, he felt her strong hands on his shoulders. There was a lot of weight pushing down on him all of a sudden. He started to shiver. She applied a little more pressure, her fingers digging into his expensive suit’s fabric.
“Could you please not …”
His voice was trembling.
“I have talked to your secretary. You know, among girls …”
The man suddenly became very pale.
“What did she tell you? I didn’t … She couldn’t …”
“Next time, if you want to screw the company, at least don’t tell the secretary to do your sales and purchases for you.” She let her eyes sway over the room. The men were cowering now, shocked by this display. “Don’t sell your stocks at the high price and already put up the purchasing order for after the Vilca deal, my friend. Don’t speculate against the company that feeds you. Understood?”
“I was just hedging …”
“You were trying to sabotage this company.” She smiled at the other board members. “That’s not a good look to have one of us betray the others. The only thing we can do, is trust each other. If we don’t, we will all fail together. If we do, however, we will all earn a lot of money and this company will be there for our children, and children’ children …”
“But …”
“Yes. That is a problem. You, on the other hand, will not earn a lot of money. You will need a lot of money once the Vilca deal goes through. Happily, I’m sure the other members of the board, myself included, will lend you the cash you need to cover this … unforeseen shortfall.”
“You would?” The man’s face lit up again, relieved.
“I would. You’ll have to find an appropriate collateral. And I dare you to ever, ever try anything like that. Then, my friend, you will not only lose a lot of money, but you’re also going to lose the privilege of any further children and children’s children.”
Her voice was rough and powerful, but at the same time, perfectly calm. She showed him her hand in a fitting pose, then closed her grip, just to demonstrate. The tendons in her forearm emerged.
The man gasped and sank down in his seat.
Julia returned to her chair and said:
“Alright. Now that this little … misunderstanding … is cleared up, let’s proceed …”
The moment the meeting was over and the men were gone, Julia slumped against the wall and slipped down its smooth surface, landing on her butt. She was exhausted. This had been so hard! She had never expected that this job consisted of herding a bunch of idiots into the right direction. Where was the famed professionalism? These men were fools, constantly occupied with their own pride and with no consideration for their common goals.
She hid her face in her hands and started to cry. It was so tiring to act strong and powerful and to sell her intensity. The idea that they could just see through her and laugh at her made horrified her.
And the job wasn’t even over!
There was so much to do, so much to take care of, so much to examine and read …
She groaned, sniffling. Then she took a paper tissue and wiped her nose. God, her skin was getting so dry from the drugs … She hated this. She hated all of this.
She did it all for Enrico, and she knew she had to do this for the both of them, but … Why did it have to be so rough on her?
Much later, she returned home to the mansion. The maid helped her out of her pantsuit and drew her a bath. She wanted to be presentable before she went to see Enrico.
Once she felt clean again, all the horrors of the day washed away, she got out of the bath and did her skincare routine. As she did, she realized that not only her skin was dry and rough, but she was also losing all volume in her breasts. This frustrated her even further.
She had planned to put on a nice lingerie set to celebrate her victory and successful handling of the crisis at work and turn on her husband. Instead, the elegant silky piece looked sad on her. Her previously large and inviting bosom had turned into a pair of deflated booblets and her back had grown broader, making it difficult to close the hooks. Okay, her butt looked better than before, but that didn’t compensate for her bust.
She screamed and threw the stupid thing through the room.
Digging through her wardrobe, she tried to find something that would fit and look good on her, but it was to no avail. There was nothing good in there!
In the end, she was so desperate, she just took a large t-shirt, slipped it on and stomped into the bedroom.
Enrico was lying on the mattress, already prepared for the night. He smiled at her, then his face fell.
“Rough day?”
“Rough day? That’s the understatement of the century!” Her voice instantly exploded in terrifying rage. “This was the worst! Niccolo tried to screw us all over! He actually shorted the company! That asshole! How dare he?”
Enrico smiled grimly.
“That was to be expected. The man is weak and tends to panic under pressure. It’s a weakness one can exploit. I trust you didn’t hurt him too much?”
“I barely touched him!” Enrico suddenly realized that Julia didn’t pick up his little joke. “I just threatened to crush his balls!”
“Wait …”
“I don’t know what came over me! That piece of shit and his smug face! I should have just broken his nose! Yes! God, Enrico, I hate this all so much! I hate looking like a slob!” She pulled at the stupid t-shirt. “I hate that I stink! I hate that my breasts are gone! I hate that I start to look like a peasant! Why? Why do I have to do all this? I do it for you, I know, for us! But it’s so bad! I eat and I eat and I eat and I look like a fool, and my voice is all over the place, and …” She sobbed. Enrico stayed calm. She gave him a look of absolute sadness. “I hate that I’m losing my beauty. That’s all I got going for me, you know? That’s my thing. The only thing I have. And I’m destroying it deliberately. I’m so angry at myself.”
Enrico listened, nodded, then said:
“Come here. I can’t hug you, but I can be with you.”
Reluctantly, she climbed on the mattress. He rubbed his cheek against her forehead and said:
“Don’t worry. You’re much better than you imagine. You’re smart, you’re tough, you’ve got plenty of energy … And you understand how people think.” He smiled and kissed her. “Also, you basically earned your degree in economics with me. I went to the exams, but while I was preparing for them, you were learning along. You could have gone there just like that and succeeded perfectly. You’re only missing the paperwork.”
She sighed, still sounding terribly frustrated.
“Still …”
“You’ve got this. You’re going to win. You’re going to get that Vilca deal, you’re going to run the company, and you’re going to be just as famous a businesswoman as you were a model.”
“But … Do I really want this?”
“We have no choice right now. Later, we’ll see.”
“I know, I know. I just … I’m like a fish out of water.”
“It’s rough, but you’re tough!” He smiled. Then he said: “I love you. You’re going to be fine.”
“Thank you …”
“Just a little longer. Also, I told the coach to increase the dosage. You’ll need the extra boost.”
“I … I don’t know …”
“It will be useful. You’ll see.”
She groaned and kissed him.
“I’ll make it work, Enrico. It will be fine.”
Julia woke up after a brief night of sleep. It was time. She literally shot out of the bed, getting to her feet in one swift movement. Next to her, Enrico was still dozing gently. It was surprising. The man who had always been so full of energy, constantly trying to struggle and progress, was now sleeping like a baby. The bed’s machines massaged his arms and legs gently and quietly. Whatever dream he was having, it gave him an erection.
Grinning, Julia gently eased down his underpants and gave his cock a little kiss. This made him moan in his dream, a big smile spreading over his face.
Then she left to get ready for the day. It was the moment she had been working for over the last months, and it was time to show that she had prepared correctly. She strutted to the bathroom, examined her increasingly bulky and muscular body and decided that it was well enough. Over the last month, she had trained hard on all these outdoor skills, chopping wood, climbing trees and hunting, and after a bit of hesitation, she had began enjoying this.
Eventually, she had even managed to overcome her squeamishness and learned how to slaughter an animal quickly and efficiently. As strange as it felt, she was as ready as she could be. She took her pills, got her syringes out, and shot herself up without even flinching. The amount she was shooting now was pretty hardcore. She had compared her dosages to what other people were using, and had been surprised by the fact that even female pro athletes got nowhere near her levels.
Then again, she had to move quickly, so what could she do?
Julia finished her “medication”, then got ready for her morning training.
By the time she was done, the maids had prepared a copious breakfast. She was enjoying her food, clad only in her robe, when Enrico rolled in on his new wheelchair. It was a very practical machine which he could control with a straw in his mouth. He just needed some assistance getting in, but once he was in his spot, he could do most things on his own. Still, she could see that he was as frustrated with his predicament as before.
She got up and kissed him roughly. The older man grinned and answered the kiss in turn. She ran a strong hand down his cheek, along his neck and to his chest, then down to his midsection, before reaching his cock.
“You’re up already …”
“No wonder with a wife like this waiting for me …”
She grinned, kissed him again, and said:
“Join me, I’ll serve you. It’s the big day.”
“It is.”
She started feeding him gently. At first, he hadn’t liked this reversal of fortune, but now, he was beginning to accept it. After all, she was starting to get quite close to his previous level of fitness. Not quite … and Julia wasn’t sure whether she would continue on her journey once the Vilcan deal was finished. But yeah, she was getting big. Massive, really.
As they ate, Enrico took the time to go through the terms of the deal with her again. They prepared the strategy, making sure she had everything ready. There wouldn’t be any room for hesitations once things were under way.
Then, once everything was ready, she kissed him, got dressed for the day, and headed out. It was time to show Annibale who his new business partner was.
“So, to summarize, Signor Vilca, our offer is competitive and adapted to your requirements …”
Julia couldn’t believe her ears! What were they doing here? What were they even doing? Was this another attempt to undermine the company? Hadn’t she made it clear that she wouldn’t tolerate this? Why were they even here? None of this had been approved by her! She didn’t even know about it!
She was standing at the back of the big kitchen of Vilca’s house in the mountains, wearing a nice skirt showing off her shapely legs and looking rather casual, while the guys from the board were here in their bespoke suits, ties, golden watches and all, and showing a presentation to their host!
She had tried to protest, but the guys had been there a bit before her after moving the date forward, and had already started when she came in. They had frowned at her outfit and, well, her whole look, and there had been some chuckling at the roughness of her face. She had dropped most of the makeup for the day, and it showed. She had to admit, she did look a bit brutish … But then again, wasn’t this supposed to be out in the wild.
Annibale Vilca was observing whatever they were trying to do with growing annoyance. He was a short, broad-shouldered and barrel-chested man, with a big, well-trimmed full beard, a ring of hair around his bald head and a simple shirt on his shoulders. His wife was busy cooking, and his sons were outside fixing the roof after yesterday’s storm.
The old man kept watching the shitshow, then finally said:
The speaker stared at him.
“Get out of my house. All of you. Idiots.”
“But … Our proposal …”
“Shove it up your ass. Go. Now. You have wasted my time, you go. Or I make you leave.”
He glanced over to his shotgun hanging by the mantlepiece.
Julia had seen enough. She got out and climbed on the roof with a brisk movement. The sons looked at her, but she just took a hammer and got busy with them, every blow sinking another nail and fixing a tile. A little later, she heard the shocked managers stumble out of the kitchen. They had tried to argue, but Annibale wouldn’t have it. The man walked out of the home behind them and kept glaring at them. He didn’t even have to shout, scream or threaten them anymore.
The managers formed a gaggle in front of the house, and their leader still tried to argue, but it was clear that Annibale Vilca had heard enough of it.
Then one of the men spotted her up there and asked loudly:
“Where have you been?”
Julia just had a pair of nails between her lips as she worked. She worked them to one side like a cigarette and sat on the roof.
“I was there. Didn’t you see me? I was on time. It was your choice to move the meeting ahead.”
“What? No!”
She sighed:
“I don’t care. You just screwed it up.”
She turned back around and went back to work, finishing up the hole in the roof with the two young men. Below, the manager growled:
“Well, you didn’t do your part of the job! You’re supposed to be the eye-candy! That’s all you’re supposed to do! That’s what Muratti got you for!”
“Eye-candy? Seriously?”
She slid down the mossy roof and dropped all the way down to the floor, landing in a crouch. She got back up. There was a flame inside her that was heating up tremendously. She had enough of these idiots. Enough. ENOUGH!
She took off her blazer and tossed it on the bench by the entrance. The men immediately saw her muscles swell against her blouse. The boss hissed:
“Yes! Exactly. And you failed. Dismally!”
And that was it. That was the final nail in the coffin.
The man immediately realized that he had fucked up. Her face was turning redder and redder. And then, she walked up to him briskly, grabbed him by his neck with both hands, and with a furious howl, she lifted him up!
The abrupt tension was such that her muscles seemed to flare outwards, causing the seams of her blouse to break, while the combination of her slide from the roof and the sudden discharge of her muscles was enough to rip her nylons the whole length.
The man was struggling to process what was happening to him. His hands went to hers, trying to free himself. With a growl, she started walking, still holding him up like this. She brought him over to the car, then dropped him into the dust. Before he could react, her foot went down on his throat and she roared:
“You fucking piece of shit! How the fuck do you dare betray me? How do you dare not sticking to the fucking plan? Eye-candy? EYE-CANDY? I’ll give you fucking eye-candy, you worm! You fucking idiot! I’ve been working on this for months, and you waltz in here, not even fucking taking the time to set up a personalized presentation for our future partner! Are you dense? Are you up to your ears in the coke? Do you want us to fail?”
She increased the pressure, her nylons bursting.
“Alright.” She was fuming. “I’ll try to fix this. I’ll try to protect my husband’s name. I’ll make sure this works. Any you, you piece of shit … You better run. And you never, never, never-ever dare go behind my back, or I will fucking end you! Understood?”
“But …”
“I …”
“Understood. Please don’t kill me …”
The man was pissing himself, his expensive suit soaking up the urine. Julia stopped herself from spitting on him, then turned around and walked up to Annibale Vilca. She breathed out sharply, managed to control her pulse, and then said:
“I apologize for the behavior of these … subordinates. If you don’t mind, I’d like to offer you this bottle from my husband’s vineyard as an apology. Then I’ll be out of your hair …”
The bearded man had watched the whole scene with amusement. He had exchanged a glance with his sons, then he said:
“I can’t accept that. You, and only you, are my guest. And since my wife is just finishing to prepare lunch, how about we eat? I have a long afternoon of work before me, and I can always use an extra pair of hands …”
Incredibly relieved, Julia nodded gratefully and said:
“Julia Muratti.”
“Annibale Vilca, pleased to meet you. You already met my sons … now you can meet my wife.”
He held the door for her while the managers departed as quickly as they could.
Julia returned to the mansion in the afternoon of the next day. It was around four, and she had dropped off the frame agreement with Vilca at the company, then had hit the gym at her home. Working out had felt amazing! The whole day had been an incredible success, and one she had also enjoyed along the way.
Exhausting herself with a hard pump was equally satisfying. Now she was hungry. She would get the maids to prepare something for her before showering.
As she entered the dining room, she found that a major feast had been prepared. Enrico was there in his chair, smiling happily.
“Welcome home, Julia! I have already heard what happened! Congratulations! I am amazed and impressed by your skill and success!”
His eyes were glowing and she could feel he ached to get up and hug her.
She smiled, walked up to him and kissed him. Her body was glowing with energy and sticky with sweat from the workout. He hungrily answered her kiss.
A moment later, they were eating. Enrico was getting fed by a maid, while Julia dug in like a combine harvester. She loved this! It was so tasty … She ate and ate, her muscles screaming for nourishment.
Eventually, she was done and leaned back in her chair. Enrico raised an eyebrow.
“Wow. That must have been tasty …”
“It was amazing. Honestly, Annibale is a nice man, and his family is great, but his wife … I didn’t expect her to be a bad cook.”
“Was it bad?”
“You wouldn’t imagine it. Annibale liked it, though, so maybe he just has weird taste.”
“It happens.”
“Anyway, it worked. It was great. I have the deal signed, and now, the legal guys can work their magic. I’m so glad! Now we can both relax for a bit …”
Enrico nodded and smiled:
“I am impressed. You did all this in a few months. Julia, you are the best woman any man could hope for.”
“You think so?” She looked at her muscular body. “I don’t think most men would like a she-man like me.”
“Well, that would be their problem, dear. Because I love you.”
“You’d better.” She grinned mischievously. “After all, this was your idea.”
“And it worked, as my ideas do.”
“Good point.”
With a look, Julia dismissed the maid. With a nod, the uniformed woman disappeared. The amazon walked up to her husband who turned away from the table. He could immediately understand her horny look.
She leaned down on him, reached into his pants, and started rubbing his cock.
“I was very horny yesterday. I’m hornier today.”
“I can understand that. I am too …”
“Good. Then there’s just one thing to do, right?”
She reached for his balls and fondled them a bit, letting his sack rest in her strong hand.
“Those are nice and full, Enrico …”
She got on her knees in front of his chair and started sucking his dick. The smell of her sweaty, hormonally imbalanced body was hitting him hard. He gasped as she licked his head first, then gave it a nice nibble before sinking down on his rod.
“Yesss …”
She deepthroated him eagerly, her warm mouth turning him on even more. He desperately wanted to caress her, to run his fingers through her hair …
Julia now bobbed up and down, his thick, hard cock filling her mouth nicely. She let her strong lips rub along his shaft, taking in its veiny thickness.
Growling in her deepening voice, she sucked him hard now, feeling his throbbing dick pulsate.
The big man grunted as she went down again and again while playing with his balls. He saw her broad shoulders, her strong neck, the smell of her roided, sweaty body turning him on more and more.
“Julia … Juliaaaa …”
He came. It was like a fountain. Julia eagerly sucked it all up, swallowing his seed.
At last, she licked her lips and finished cleaning his member. She looked up to him, and Enrico realized she wasn’t looking as submissive anymore. Not at all. Her whole expression suggested dominance and control. To his surprise, this was exciting to him. Enrico had been used to being the biggest, strongest and most confident person in the room, and Julia was outpacing him as he watched …
After smacking her lips, she sat on his lap, holding his still mostly hard cock between her mighty thighs, occasionally shifting them around to give it a nice little rub. The chair creaked a bit from the extra weight. She put her arm around him, playing with the back of his neck a bit, her strong fingers doing a little walking motion.
“Mmmh … Enrico, you taste great … Must be something with your diet, right?”
He blushed a bit and grinned:
“I have no idea, but I’m glad you enjoy this.”
“Well, having such an incredible man at my mercy …” She nibbled at his earlobe and ran her strong fingers through his hair.
“Being at the mercy of an amazon such as you is a great sensation …”
Amused, she lifted her left arm and hit a nice, hard flex, letting her biceps explode from her arm. It was hard, angular and blocky.
“It’s astonishing, really … I never felt this great! And I was so against all this … Imagine me wanting to be all weak and soft …”
“Well, you were just as amazing then as you are now.”
“You think so, Enrico?” She shot him a burning-hot look. Julia felt Enrico’s cock twitch between her muscular thighs. “Oh, you do, Enrico. You do.”
“Guilty as charged, my beloved. Let’s put it simple: A man like me would never choose a weak, useless, or dumb woman. My wife would always be incredible. And so you are …”
They kissed.
As they separated, their looks smoldering, Julia breathed heavily, her broad shoulders rising and falling.
He grinned:
“It is a bit strange for me to say, but I am a bit disappointed to not be able to feel your weight on my lap …”
She pouted:
“So you don’t believe me when I tell you that I swiftly gained quite a bit of weight?”
“Well … I am lame, not blind.”
“Yeah.” She flared her muscles and whispered into his ear: “This strength is intoxicating … I can’t wait to grow bigger and stronger … I will get more massive than you ever were, and I will make you proud!”
Enrico gasped:
“I believe that we should take this discussion to the bedroom now. Giuseppa will take care of the dinner.”
“Let’s go …”
She got up and pushed him to the bedroom, grinning with horniness.
As soon as she had him on the bed, she gave him a teasing look and said:
“Just a moment, honey …”
His cock was already rigid, and Enrico was unable to do anything about it, and shivering with expectation.
She took the phone and called her trainer, maintaining eye-contact with her husband.
“Yes, it’s me.” She very obviously wasn’t apologizing for the late call. “Yes. Listen … about the treatment …” Julia grinned at her husband now. He was looking increasingly curious. “Yes. It works well, but … I want more!”
Enrico’s cock was suddenly leaking pre-cum. He said:
“But didn’t you find that all ugly?”
She shot him a strict glance, then said to the phone.
“Yes. You understand me. Good night.”
The musclewoman turned back to Enrico.
“Beauty is fleeting. Strength … is forever.”
She flexed her arms as she tossed away the phone.
Much later, in the middle of the night, Enrico woke up. He just had the strangest and horniest dream. Nice. He groaned, as always taking a bit of time to understand that he was as unable to move as before. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realized that it hadn’t been a dream. She was right there, and she was sucking his cock.
Into the darkness, he asked:
He felt her warm lips on his dick, then he heard her:
“Did I wake you?”
“I don’t know … You certainly got into my dream …”
“That is exactly where I wanted to be, love …”
She licked his cock once more, then sucked on it. Enrico moaned, overwhelmed by this strange midnight moment.
“But … why?”
“I just felt like it … I woke up, and then, I saw your cock … It was all erect and inviting … So I thought, well, since it’s there and ready …”
Her deeper voice was purring. She circled his cockhead enticingly. He groaned:
“Wow … You are amazing. I loved the old you, but this new you … It’s incredible!”
She chuckled:
“You say that to all the women that suck your cock in your dreams!”
“I say that to you, and only to you.”
He heard her rub herself in the darkness.
“Mmmh … Being with you makes me horny, Enrico. I can’t believe that just missing you for a single night was enough to turn me on like this …”
She closed her lips around his cock again, and soon, he shot his load, which she eagerly lapped up. He grunted hornily, then sighed. Soon, he was asleep again.
In the morning, Enrico found himself alone. He called the assistant and was told that Julia had left early, having eaten a copious breakfast and worked out in the morning hours. She had already gone to work.
The assistant helped him into his chair, cleaned him and prepared his breakfast. Enrico had expected to go to a doctor’s appointment for a checkup with Julia, but since she was gone already, he had to go with this assistant … He wasn’t sure that was exactly what he wanted. All of this was starting to develop in unforeseen ways. It was a level of loss of control Enrico didn’t like at all.
At work, Julia was blazing with energy. In a matter of minutes, she had gone through the reports from the day before and had signed the paperwork for a set of orders they needed for the coming expansion of the business. Her private secretary brought her a new cup of coffee and disposed of the old one diligently.
Was it just her, or were the employees working faster lately? Julia was pretty sure they were taking all of this a lot more seriously than at first. As she sipped her coffee, she pondered the situation. Back when she had occasionally visited the company during Enrico’s leadership, the employees had always been full of energy and very disciplined.
As soon as he was taken out of the game, the place started to run a lot slower and people were losing their verve. Once she had taken over, she noticed that they were all trying to see how much slack she would give them. At first, she hadn’t noticed. She had been soft on them, trying to appeal to their loyalty to Enrico and the company. Then she had tried the usual tricks: The fruit basket, the better coffee to make them feel comfortable, the more comfortable work schedule on the shop floor and the new sofa in the break room.
All that had done was to make everybody comfortable. Comfortable and slow. That was the last thing she needed. As her body changed, her outlook adapted too, and her willingness to tolerate slackers and weaklings ended.
The effect had been astonishing. Productivity was up, work satisfaction was up, there was less chitchat and more work being done. She hadn’t expected it, but the crew liked a firm hand. All that soft, girly stuff did nothing! To her, that chapter was closed.
She finished up the coffee and got up and headed down to the shop floor. Regular inspections were necessary to make sure everybody understood that she did care about what they were doing. She handled it the same way as Enrico did. A boss you saw was a boss you obeyed.
Julia was starting to see why Enrico’s travel schedule had been the way it was.
Still, that was necessary.
Once her inspection was done, she took her time eating a copious meal. This was another thing she had learned from Enrico: Having a little time for oneself, preferably with good food and drink, was prefect to clear the mind. Overall, she was starting to enjoy this life. Being a model had been fun, mostly. Being Enrico’s devoted wife had been just as well. She had made sure he was optimally presented to the public, had appeared on charity events and taken care of him in every way she could.
Now, she was starting to love the business world. There was an amazing thrill to a hard-fought deal, to fixing the many little disputes that came up, and to see things develop under her decisions. No wonder all the men ended up being addicted to it!
This new life she was leading was incredibly exciting.
After her return, she hit the gym and carefully worked on her body for two hours. By the time she showered, it was pretty late. She put on a nice, comfortable robe and headed down to dinner. Enrico had already gone to bed, so she ate quickly and went to see him. She had to tell him everything about the day and maybe get his advice on how to deal with some details she hadn’t quite figured out.
As she came in, she saw him lying on the bed, the control straw in his mouth, reading on his e-book reader.
“Good evening, Enrico. I’m sorry everything ran late. I assume you understand?”
He pushed the reader away and nodded:
“Absolutely. It’s way too fascinating to just pack up and go home, right?”
She grinned:
“That’s correct! Sometimes, I wish the day had forty-eight hours … There’s so much I could still do and take care of!”
He smiled:
“I love it. I mean, I loved it. I’m still passionate about my work, but now, I am really happy that you are taking over for me and that you are enjoying this as much as I used to.”
She could feel the regret in his voice. Smiling with a hint of sadness, she sat down next to him and set her strong hand on his chest. There was still some power there, but he had definitely lost quite a bit of muscle mass over time. He looked up to her and their eyes met.
Julia opened her robe and put it aside, then rolled on the mattress next to her husband. She could tell that he was more than a little excited by what he saw, but then, his expression changed.
“Is everything okay, Enrico?”
“Well … If you don’t mind me saying …”
He jerked his head towards her crotch. It had become very hairy lately, and the locks that had grown were rather coarse and thick. Amidst them, her pussy lips were permanently spread by her enlarged clitoris. The previously small genital had grown thicker and longer over time and was now quite large. The rest of her body was as hairless as ever on account of the electrolysis treatments she had received as a model, but it looked as if all her body hair had just assembled at her crotch.
“This … Don’t you think it’s a bit much?”
“You don’t like it?”
“I’m … How should I put it? … Not excited? This is not a style I appreciate. Also … when did your clitoris become this large? And how?”
“Oh.” Her expression changed, becoming much more serious than before. “I see. Well, Enrico, I have increased the dosage of my drugs to improve my gains, and this is a side-effect. I do quite enjoy it.”
“Well … Are you sure about it?”
“I am, and I feel great.”
He was quiet now. Seeing his wife transformed like that made him worry. He hadn’t expected this at all after her initial reluctance. Also, he couldn’t help disliking what he saw. Still, he did his best to hide it. That was for the best. The situation was still dire.
“Come to me, Julia. Let’s hug.”
It wasn’t exactly what she had in mind, but she did as he asked, her muscular physique quickly draped against his limp body. It did feel a little strange at first, but when she sensed his chest rise and fall and felt his warmth, she was reconciled. She kissed him.
“This might be a rough spot, but you are still my husband, Enrico. I love you.”
“I love you too, Julia …”
Despite the intense day, Julia ended up lying awake late at night. She slept in the nude now, eschewing her traditional nightie. It was just too tight, and she hadn’t found the time to buy a new, bigger one.
Enrico was sleeping deeply next to her, producing the slightest little snore. As she thought about him, she was deeply relieved that he could still breathe on his own. In a way, they had been lucky in this catastrophe. It could have been so much worse …
She thought of the negotiations. Sure, Enrico would have managed this without even a hesitation, but … so had she. She had proven herself. She was every bit as capable as he had been before. A worthy replacement.
The sensation of power that suddenly welled up within her made her grin.
She looked at her body in the twilight. She was so big … All those muscles … All that mass.
She had always been careful to monitor her weight, never going past sixty kilos even at her worst. And now, she was weighing over eighty, and she enjoyed it! This power … She had never lacked confidence, but the combination of her muscles and all those hormones sent her way over the line.
Julia caressed her heavy muscles. Her strong pecs, her ripped abs, her increasingly hairy crotch … She would need a date with the beautician soon enough. Better today! She couldn’t afford not to look her best, right?
Not wanting to disturb Enrico’s sleep, she got to her feet as quietly as her growing body allowed, and slipped out of the bedroom. The whole change in her stance, in her gait … It was turning her on! She still couldn’t believe this had happened, but there she was! A tall, muscular amazon, in control of her body, her business, her desires …
She walked down to the veranda to catch the cool air. The marble floor under her growing, stronger feet was cold. She stepped outside, aroused by the rubbing of her thighs and the cool air touching her clit. She looked at the nighttime garden, the soft wind making her skin erupt into goosebumps. It was a strange sensation. All this energy … She casually flexed her arm, enjoying the pop of her biceps. Yes … She couldn’t help biting her lip.
Julia would never have imagined she would enjoy looking like an uber-muscular freak, but there she was. A huge, powerful creature, her body packed to the brim with muscle! And she would only get bigger.
That was the little thing she hadn’t dared say to herself yet.
Normally, she would have been in her right to stop. She had done what Enrico had asked her for. The Vilca deal was done. He was recovering as good as he could. He could probably work again. Maybe with less force in his negotiations, but still as successful as before. She could theoretically go back to being the beautiful, elegant partner. The perfect hostess for her husband’s guests.
She didn’t want to anymore.
She just enjoyed this way too much. She felt her clit throb. Yesss …
Enrico had been right. This was the best life one could live.
Fuck. Now she needed to have him with her …
She headed back inside swiftly. Julia was pretty sure he wouldn’t mind getting ridden for a bit …
In the morning, she woke up full of energy. Despite her nightly adventures, she basically jumped out of the bed, headed downstairs where her food was already waiting for her, and while Enrico was still sleeping in, she was devouring her food. The new cook was amazing! He managed to make all this protein actually taste good!
She ate and she ate, finishing off with a protein shake. Then, she headed for the fridge and took out her drugs. Lining up all the products in a row like little soldiers, she stared at them for a moment. It was a lot, wasn’t it? Just so many strange products to change her body …
With a shrug, she went to work, shooting her up and downing the various pills. At last, she was ready to move some metal!
She went to the indoor gym and started pumping hard, forcing her muscles to suffer for her success. It was such a fascinating sensation to feel the burn as she kept pushing herself further and further.
Grunting loudly, struggling with the weights and prevailing, always adding one extra rep just for the thrill of it, pushing on to her limit … she was addicted to the iron!
By the time she was done with her workout, she was covered in sweat, her skin a deep red. She was breathing heavily, her massive, sculpted shoulders rising and falling with every labored breath. It felt so good!
Sometimes, after an especially intense workout, she wanted to throw up from the exhaustion and the pain, and she still wouldn’t miss it in the world! It was just too intense!
She reached for her towel and wiped her brow and face, staring at her reflection. Without her makeup and after this kind of strain, it was no wonder she looked pretty brutish. As she looked at herself like that, her muscles pumped, her body glistening, she couldn’t help being both grossed out and turned on at the same time. It was a confusing sensation …
She finished up her workout with some light stretching, hit her freshly pumped muscles with the massage gun, and then headed for the shower.
Eventually, she got dressed for the day. The tailor had delivered her new business suit, and it looked incredible on her. The blazer really emphasized the mass of her shoulders, and her new top was cut way lower than she would have dared before, revealing most of the top half of her pecs and underlining them with a sharp stripe of charcoal silk. It had a slightly superheroic slant to it.
Combined with her new nylons and her custom pencil skirt, she exuded massive dominatrix vibes. That was just the way she liked. She slipped on her new, larger heels that granted her four extra inches, and gave her makeup a last checkup. The contouring had done nothing to soften her face. If anything, it made her look more powerful and sharper, almost alien. Combined with her equally precise bob, she couldn’t help admiring herself.
This was a woman that was unstoppable.
Striding towards the door on her long, muscular legs, she was surprised to run into Gabriela, Enrico’s nurse. The diminutive woman should have arrived an hour ago.
The young woman bowed nervously:
“Signora, I didn’t … I got held up in traffic …”
“You what? You didn’t call …”
There was a threatening undertone.
“Signora, I … I didn’t want to …”
“Gabriela. Look at me.”
The woman nervously lifted her head.
“Is this the first time you were late?”
The woman shook her head.
“So you’re saying that I might have left and you would have come later, leaving my husband alone and unattended?”
“He said it was not a …”
“I don’t care, Gabriela. I don’t. My husband will always accept little, soft women’s excuses. I don’t. You will be five minutes early every day from now on. You will report to me at the gym the moment you come in. And if you dare be late, Gabriela, then I will fire you. And I will make sure that you never find a job again. Understood? I will not risk my husband’s life on your tardiness.”
“Understood, Signora! I am very sorry …”
“Stop lying. Do your job. I am doing mine. I have no time for your stupidity.”
“Thank you, Signora.”
“Get on with it and make sure my husband is fine!” She jerked her head towards the stairs. “Quicker!”
The woman squeaked and ran, panicked.
Julia rubbed the bridge of her nose, shook her head and walked to the car. Time to focus on the important parts of the day.
“Signora Muratti, should I come back later?”
The assistant looked very nervous. She was eating a rather massive meal, shoveling spicy chicken into her mouth. The other members of the team were just as reluctant to say something.
She shook her head, swallowed, cleaned her lips and said:
“No, stay. We need to get through this quickly. There’s a lot to do.”
“Alright, Signora. We’ll just give you the report now, and then take your decision.”
“That’s the plan.” She started eating again. The assistant got to work, explaining the situation, clarifying the issues and then standing to attention as she finished her meal.
“Mmmh … That hit the spot. I tell you, Oscar, my new chef is incredible. He actually managed to produce food I want to eat. The previous one tried to make it less bland, and it still ended up tasting like paper.”
“Ah. That sounds good.”
“It’s amazing. Would you like to try it? I’ll ask him to prepare a meal for you.” She made a generous gesture at the team.
The crew nodded.
“That would be nice.”
“Yes, please!”
“Thank you, Signora.”
She smiled.
“Very well. We’ll pursue the second strategy you suggested. That is probably for the best.”
“Understood, Signora.”
“Good. Call in the next group on your way out.”
“Of course, Signora.”
They filed out. She leaned back for a moment, made a note of the decision she had just taken, and rested her eyes. She’d go through the day’s developments at night with Enrico. He usually had some good takes on this.
Her secretary held the door and two of the board members came in. She kept her face calm, but internally, she struggled with not rolling her eyes. She had expected them to finally shut their dumb mouths and let her run the show the way she saw best, but it was futile. It seemed as if every step she managed to push them back only fired up their desire to sabotage her.
She kept her face straight. Suddenly, she felt a wave of horniness brew within her. That was the thing: Enjoying her power really turned her on! Whenever she thought of what she had already achieved, she felt her pussy moisten.
ParticipantIf you enjoyed Noor’s Awakening, here’s a story in the same style, but with a bit of a twist. I think you will like it a lot.
My Brother’s Brother
Anas and Nouf are twins. Their father’s death brings them back and confronts them with Jamal, their step-brother. He is ready to take over. Anas is a nice little man, but he has no way to prevent this, while Nouf is confined to the women’s quarters. Frustrated, she hatches a bizarre plan to protect her brother and gain control of her family’s estate. This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth, height growth, hairiness, futa, gender blending and incest. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here:
This is the preview:
We came back from London with the first plane. The emirate is a bit hard to reach. First, you have to fly to Dubai, then you have to switch to a small, local airline, and then it’s still a few hours of ride in a bus, or in our case, in a heavy car with massive air-conditioning.
Anas was sitting right next to me in his thaub, looking deeply unhappy. As twins, we always had a kind of connection to each other which other siblings could only dream of. I put a gloved hand on his and asked:
“Are you alright, brother?”
He smiled nervously at me:
“I’m not, Nouf. This whole situation … It’s horrible. I want to go home.”
“But we are going home.” I smiled behind my niqab. It was a sad smile. Our father had always been distant, but that was how it was supposed to be. Our mother, his first, favorite wife, had died giving birth, and the Pakistani wetnurse, Rukhsana, that had brought us up instead had loved us dearly, but his love had never extended to us. He had soon acquired four more wives and had used them to distract himself from his grief, and had pushed us away as far as he could.
In our case, to England.
We grew up in the finest private boarding schools, rubbing elbows with the children of the elite. We were their equals, the children of an emir. I didn’t wholly adapt to the strange ways of the West, but Anas loved it from the first day. Western science at school, Western entertainment in the boarding rooms, and Western love once he came of age. While I memorized the Qur’an in my free time, he partied with his friends, and, I am sure, slept with quite a few of them. All of them, probably, at least the male ones.
“Don’t worry. You will be fine. You are our father’s heir and you deserve their respect.” I held his hand a little stronger. He was so soft and slim … Not as plump and heavy as I had become. “And if you need any help, I am always here to help.”
“I know … Thank you, Nouf. Thank you for being with me.”
“We will manage this together. Let’s focus on father’s funeral first, then we’ll get everything in order.”
Now he managed to smile gently too. He was clearly uneasy with my modest outfit. To be honest, so was I. I sometimes wore a chic headscarf while in London, but I only did the absolute minimum of modesty there. Here, I was transformed into a shapeless black mass, with even my eyes hidden behind a thin layer of fabric. Seeing was … difficult. I could distinguish things well enough, but if it weren’t for the air-conditioning, I would be seriously struggling.
“Are you okay, Nouf?”
I nodded, then corrected myself. That was another thing we’d have to get used to. Western signs could be confusing. We truly were fish out of water around here.
We eventually did arrive at the graveyard. Neither of us had time to prepare for this, and we didn’t even stop at the main house. The time was just too short. Father’s funeral was going to start any moment. We got out of the car and were instantly hit by the massive heat. I immediately broke out into a sweat, while Anas struggled to keep his eyes open and had to stop a moment to breathe. He was so thin and weak! No wonder the burly men of the London clubs loved him.
I had seen pictures of him on his phone. Pictures that stayed in private spaces, hidden from the eyes of family members. Anas touching hairy chests, Anas kissing hairy, rough cheeks, Anas being … handled by strong, hairy hands …
To be honest, he looked sweet on these pictures. Obviously, it was the worst kind of sin, but … he seemed so happy. Anas rarely looked happy. He was always nervous about people finding out his tastes, and he was often on the butt of jokes at the boarding school. I sometimes had to intervene once things got too wild. The other boys were surprised that I packed a mean little punch despite being a girl. I wasn’t strong, but I could stick it where it hurt. That was usually enough to shut them up for a bit.
I took his hand and squeezed it to infuse some strength into him.
I whispered:
“Brother, please. You’re making a bad impression. Stand up straight.”
I immediately released him, hoping that none of the other guests had noticed a thing. He took the hint and stood ramrod-straight, puffing out his chest. Now he looked ridiculous, but that was better than weak.
I nodded again, and shuffled off to stand with the women while the men started the rituals. To be honest, I had no idea who was who. It was just a faceless mass of black-clad shapes. The only thing that moved on them was their veils that fluttered in the hot wind. No one said a thing, no one did anything. I wanted to say hello, maybe to find out who they were, but their whole body language made it clear that we were supposed to shut up and be quiet.
Anas moved as confidently as he could towards the front and almost bumped into Jamal, our next-eldest brother. He was tall, strong and clearly raised a local, saying his prayers without hesitation and perfect confidence. While most of the other guests were going a bit pot-bellied as was usual from sitting around in air-conditioned rooms all day, this guy looked sharp. I was a bit impressed. If Anas had a body and a style like him, there would be no problem. Then of course, he wouldn’t be Anas if he had.
While Anas mumbled the prayers, which he had brushed up on on the flight, I quickly understood that Jamal would be a problem. From what Rukhsana had written to me in her spidery, clumsy little handwriting, our father had gone slow in his later years, getting increasingly confused and handing off more and more duties to Jamal.
This was a man that had gotten used to being the boss, and the last thing he needed now was some cute little fairy from England to come here and sit in front of him. At the same time, Anas couldn’t just resign as a family head, could he?
In front of us, the prayers ended. Our father was dead and buried, and we were stranded in the middle of the desert like the literal fish out of water. I just hoped that Anas would manage to do his duties.
“It was horrible.” Anas was on the verge of crying. He was resting his head on my lap in the women’s quarters. I had accepted to myself to stop wearing Western clothes around here, so I was just wearing wide pants and a long shirt. Around here, at least I could let my hair hang open. We were two weeks into our new life in our old homeland, and we both already hated it. I was exhausted. The women’s quarters were a kind of intrigue hotbed, and all these useless wives, sisters, daughters and daughters-in-law seemed to love nothing more than to bitch at each other and try to set little traps to embarrass one another. It was exhausting.
Anas wasn’t having fun either. I caressed his thick, black hair.
“They made me cut the lamb’s neck. I wanted to, you know, allow somebody else the honor, but … but … they wouldn’t have it. I’m sure it was Jamal. He wanted to embarrass me in front of the men! First that thing with the falcons, then this. I think they’re all laughing behind my back … Nouf, I can’t stand this anymore.”
“My brother, you will have to practice. You’ll get used to it. Just do it a few times, and …”
He cut me off:
“It’s so horrible. I think I’ll become a vegan.”
I had to chuckle. I felt sorry immediately, but he was being ridiculous. He looked hurt, but I said:
“I’m sorry, but that won’t be possible.”
He sighed.
“Well, you have it easy. You just have to sit around all day and relax.”
I frowned. Now it was his turn to feel embarrassed:
“I wish it was, and even if, I would hate it. I want to move. At school, I used to ride. I can’t do that. At school, I liked to play music. I can’t do that either. I’m not allowed to do anything. And every time I try to do something … they all give me those idiot smiles. Then they build their stupid little traps and watch me blunder into them. They won’t let me decide anything anymore. If it goes on like this, I will be forced to sit in my room and just stare at the wall.”
“It’s Hijra again, isn’t it?” I nodded, then did the correct gesture. “She’s a bitch, if you pardon my French. She goes very well with Jamal. They’re a match made in heaven.”
“I want to punch her.”
“Don’t. Maybe try to get on Aaliyah’s good side. Get her a few nice presents. You remember Madeleine from school?” I nodded. “She works for Tiffany’s. Get her to send you the pre-release version of their next collection. The turquoise is Aaliyah’s favorite color. She keeps saying that this matches her eyes.” He snorted amusedly. “Once Aaliyah speaks well of you, the others will follow, and Hijra won’t be able to get them to gang up on you. Also, I already told you: You are a hafiza, use it! They’re all illiterate bitches, and you actually know what you’re praying! This should get you some leeway …”
I hugged his head.
“Anas, I don’t know how you’re doing this, but you’re so good at these stupid games. I love it! I’ll do my best.”
“Everything will be fine.” He sighed: “And I will practice my butchering.” He shivered in disgust.
We thought everything would be fine. Ha. It wasn’t. Things got worse and worse. Jamal kept the pressure up on my brother. He really made him suffer. In a way, I could almost admire him. He had this complete perspective on Anas’ humiliation. Everything that could go wrong, did.
Time and again, Anas would come and visit me with another report of his defeat. He actually managed to do the butchering, but of course, he was a sad excuse for a rider, a pathetic hunter, and a horrible shot. He looked helpless with his dagger, and when he was forced to perform the dance of swords with the other men, he had this limpness in his arm …
It was all deeply humiliating. Sure, he could have managed to work around this. He could have found a skilled formulation to allow himself to not participate in these exercises of manliness, but he lacked the confidence to just say the right thing.
Instead, Jamal dragged him over coals and enjoyed every moment.
To me, it was absolutely obvious that Jamal was trying to force him to just leave. If Anas packed up and left, going back to England with his tail between his legs, Jamal would just declare him lost and seize his position. He couldn’t do it openly, but he had found my brother’s weak spot and hammered on it.
The worst part about it all was that Anas was aware of what was happening, but he couldn’t back down. It would just be too bad for him, and being cut out of the family … it was unimaginable. Besides, if he left, I would be stranded here, and, well, once he was out of the family, I was stuck with Jamal. The perspective of spending the rest of my life as a victim of these assholes made me furious.
It was funny, in its own perverted way. When Anas hit a snag or ran into difficulties, he would usually become depressed or fearful. Me, I would just turn aggressive. In a way, it felt as if we had been switched at birth.
I just hoped I could help him whenever he got into trouble, just like I did back when we were kids.
One evening, after we all ate together, the women at their separate table, Jamal got up and said:
“Anas, my brother, will you walk with me?”
He agreed nervously and got up. There was so much clumsiness in his movements, it was pitiful. Despite the other women frowning at me, I got up too. I realized that it was better for me to stay close and keep an eye on him. I really didn’t like Jamal’s expression.
That was one of the few good things about being a woman in this world: As long as you were modest, you were basically invisible, especially if you weren’t conventionally beautiful, as I was.
I mumbled something about having to look for something, and left the room, following the two men as quickly as I could.
I stayed in the background, using the shadows of the house’s corridors and courtyards to hide myself. While the other women dressed in ostentatious clothes once out of the public eye, I always stuck to muted colors, and it was just the right choice.
I saw Jamal tower over Anas now. They were standing in the shadow of one of the lesser courtyards, and the cool night air was blowing in from the desert. I shivered.
“Brother, you seem uncomfortable.”
Anas hesitated.
“No, no, I’m fine. Everything is alright.”
“Are you sure about that? You always speak slowly, and you twitch and shiver before you act.”
“I do?” His voice quivered. “I don’t. I have everything under control. You don’t need to worry, Jamal.”
“But I worry. I worry a lot.” The taller man came closer. He was much broader built than Anas and he had this roughness to his demeanor … Next to him, Jamal looked like a boy, and a weak one to that. “I worry that you will lead this family to ruin. Already, the other families are wondering what we are trying to do. I have spoken to people. Our family used to be respected. Fathers were proud if we allowed their sons to marry our daughters. They were eager to serve us and our interests. Now, they are confused by our family head.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“You. They are shocked by your softness.” Jamal pushed him. Anas stumbled and almost fell down. The big man glared at him. “What are you doing, Brother? How can you even dare show your face here?”
“I have to. My father …”
“Your father is my father. Leave. Leave on your own accord.”
“I … I can’t … unless you allow me to take my sister with me …” The little man was on the verge of tears. He was going to give up. I could see it.
Jamal just snorted.
“You know I can’t do that. If I let her go with you, people will think I am weak. I cannot have this.”
“Please …”
Jamal was enraged now. His own older brother begging him? This was insane!
With a furious roar, he threw himself at Anas and punched him. My brother tried to defend himself, but it was just a squeal of panic and some flailing of hands. The blow hit him square in the chest and knocked the air out of him. Then Jamal proceeded to hammer away at him, carefully avoiding his face.
I couldn’t hold to myself anymore and screamed:
“Jamal! Leave him alone!”
Then I charged without thinking. I had to protect my brother!
I must admit, I completely overestimated my abilities. He just slapped me aside and threw me to the ground. I was stunned for a moment, and he was already on me, kicking me in the stomach. I grunted in pain, but then, Anas tried to help.
It was pathetic, but he jumped on Jamal, clung to his neck, and tried to pull him back. The tall man just elbowed him in the stomach, and, as Anas dropped on the floor, kicked him in the crotch, then all over his body. Anas squeaked and lay still, tears streaming down his face.
Jamal spat on him.
“You are pathetic. Stay in your room, and don’t say a word in public, understood? If you don’t leave, at least shut up.”
Then he left, not before adding another kick to my face. He shook his head and sighed:
“Neither of you know your place.”
And he was gone.
I brought Anas to his chambers. The poor little man was hurting all over. I helped him out of his clothes despite my own pain and examined him. The bruises were already forming all over his body. Anas had probably cracked a rib of too and it was clear that my brother should rest for a while.
He was also crying silently. He whispered:
“Nouf … I hate it here. I hate it so much … I want to go … home. I want to leave this stupid desert and those horrible people. I … I can’t take this anymore, but I can’t leave you at the mercy of all these monsters …”
I caressed him and stayed with him.
“It’s my fault, Anas. I should be strong enough to protect you, like I always did.”
“But you can’t, Nouf. They’re not the kind of stupid school bullies we had as kids. They are brutal men. Grown men. You can’t do anything.”
I sighed. He was right. Even compared to the weakest of them, I was feeble. I held him as tight as I could without hurting him more.
“I wish I could.”
“I know. You always look after me.”
“You do too. You just jumped Jamal.” I chuckled weakly, the pain starting to spread. My right eye was slowly swelling shut. “That was so stupid.”
“Yes, I realize that now. I just …”
“I understand.”
I kissed his brow.
“We’ll figure this out, Anas.”
“I don’t see how.”
“I’ll think of something.”
I was forced to wear full veils over the next weeks while the swelling went down. I looked horrible. My whole face was purple, as was my stomach. I looked … like a beaten woman, let’s not mince words.
I did my best to stay away from the other women. The more I lived here, the more I started to despise them. Instead, I stuck to my room and stayed quiet. That was easier. When they checked on me, I studied the Qur’an. That kept them away.
It also allowed me to slowly understand the situation.
As I thought about it all, I realized that my options were very limited. Jamal would continue pressuring Anas until he gave up and fled, or he would drive him to kill himself. That was obvious. In either situation, I would be stuck here. I was getting closer to just accepting my fate and telling Anas to leave, but I knew he wouldn’t.
He would rather destroy himself than allow me to suffer. Not that it would change a thing.
I couldn’t count on the rest of the family to help.
In all honesty, the only person that I could hope to fix this, was myself. Of course, Nouf bint Abdulkarim Al-Saqaari was unable to do anything.
We would need some brother to help us. I sighed. If only Anas were a man’s man, just like Jamal … Of course, he’d be horrible, but … maybe he would be on our side.
I stared at my mirror. A black shape. Slowly, I removed the veil and let it drop a bit. It hung from my chin, like a beard. The swelling still gave my face a rough look. My nose was broader than it should be. I looked horrible.
For a woman.
Maybe …
Okay, that was patently ridiculous.
I shrugged. It was. But the situation was hopeless, so maybe I could just figure out a solution of some kind, even if it was insane. I’d have to try. Maybe I could at least get a bit stronger and help support Anas in some way …
The next day, I started to work out. It was ridiculous, but I had to do something! I remembered the kind of exercises we learned at school and did my best to do them with what I had.
It turned out that not doing these things for so long meant starting at the bottom, but what could I do? I did my best!
I began with some light stuff, stretching, squats, simplified pushups, and a lot of crunches. That was maybe the only advantage of my predicament: I literally had nothing to do. I did my best to stay out of the idiot power games the other women were playing, and the family’s servants took care of everything else. Basically, as long as I didn’t involve myself into their things, they would happily ignore me. All I had to do was show up for the meals. That was doable.
As I slowly intensified my workouts, I started to realize just how vapid all their lives were. The women basically did nothing all day! Sure, they went out shopping, and they were pregnant, and sometimes, they actually went for a ride on some of the family horses, but … they didn’t do anything. No hobbies, no reading, no mental stimulation … No wonder they were all constantly bickering among themselves.
For me, working out, improving my training schedule, optimizing my nutrition … Those were all great. I read up on the details, I did everything I could to find ways to make this better, I could really feel that all this work was going to pay off.
Soon enough, I started seeing the first results. Little ones at first: My body firmed up a little. All that extra fat, the whole bloat from sitting around and eating all day disappeared. When I flexed my arms, I could see some nice bumps developing on them. It took forever, but the progress was undeniable!
One morning, Anas came over to the courtyard where I did my workouts. At this time in the morning, the air was still cool from the night, and that was actually pretty nice. I couldn’t go on jogs around here, obviously, but I used a jumping rope instead. I was skipping quickly, just wearing some pantaloons and my sports bra. The other women either ignored me or had gone back to sleep, so I had the place on my own.
I didn’t see him at first and was caught unawares when he showed up. I didn’t see him at first, just a shadow moving between the palm trees that had been planted in the courtyard, so I let out a squeak and threw my rope at him.
It was a stupid reaction, of course, but in that moment, I was so completely focused on my skipping, his sudden interruption made me panic. Even now, I couldn’t explain what I was thinking.
Anyway, the skipping rope’s grip struck him square in the face. I couldn’t have hit him like this if I wanted it!
“Anas!” I was distraught and ran to him. “Are you okay? I didn’t mean to … I was … I … Are you alright?”
He fought to hold back the tears. The poor guy had a big red spot right on his face and looked as if he had walked into a wall. I held him tight, pulling him against my chest. There, he mumbled:
“It’s okay … I think everything is alright … I was just surprised …”
I kept holding him, but he slowly got out and rubbed the spot.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, yes … It’s fine. I’m fine.”
He pulled back and stared at me.
“Nouf … What happened to you? You look so … buff.”
I blushed badly and looked away. Okay, so he found me out, and in the worst possible way. Then again, wasn’t I doing all of this for him? I shrugged:
“Well, yeah. I started to work out a few months ago, and it’s starting to pay off.”
“It really is … This is impressive.”
“Thank you. I thought … the next time I get into a fight with Jamal, I want to be ready.”
I could see that his eyes were trailing on my shoulders and went down to my abs. Yes! I did have abs! not very defined ones, but abs!
He took both my hands, surprised by their roughness and the comparative strength of my grip.
“Nouf, I appreciate what you’re doing, but please, don’t fight Jamal. He’s too strong, and he could seriously hurt you. You’d have to be a real man like him to stand a chance!” He looked all serious, and obviously very worried. Then he added with his charming smile: “Unless you hit him with your jumping rope …”
I rolled my eyes.
“Hey, I’m sorry! I said I’m sorry, didn’t I?”
He hugged me. Man, he was so … soft and small and cuddly. No wonder he was always the victim …
ParticipantFunnily enough, this story was not created using AI. It’s 100 % hand-made by yours truly, commissioned by the great @Tigersan.
Please enjoy this fine story about a man, a dream and a woman!Also, the future, maybe?
Artificial Love
What are the limits of artificial intelligence? A programmer tries to figure out what he’s missing in his life as he creates his perfect woman. The more she develops, the more her system becomes advanced, the more she is willing to shift into real life … This erotic fiction contains female muscle. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here: here’s a preview:
There is a saying that once you stop craving something, it comes easy to you. For Lech, he never craved money, and it came to him with amazing ease. It was like the Midas Touch. He had started playing around with computers as a teenager, slowly figuring things out, then improving upon what was there, and finally become amazingly skilled at financial data modelling. The effect was an astonishing and almost unstoppable flow of income. It never got obscene, Lech didn’t care enough about this, but it meant that with every passing year, he was become more and more independent financially. By the time he reached adulthood, he had basically accumulated enough assets that he didn’t even need to work.
At least not work in the sense that his schoolmates thought of it. Sure, he would spend hour after hour on the computer, improving his systems, expanding their scope, figuring out new applications …
But that wasn’t work! That was just the joy of doing something he was good at. Of course, occasionally, things would turn into a chore when some issue couldn’t be overcome and he would spend weeks, even months on trying to figure it out, but when the knot was finally undone, he would feel the intense satisfaction of having solved the puzzle.
One would expect a man like him to be happy.
It was difficult. After all, it depended very much on what happiness was. Was he happy to have found something he knew how to do and loved to do? He was. Absolutely.
Was he happy to have the admiration of his peers, his clients and his partners? This too, although it was a detached admiration, one that always happened through the darkness of the computer screen.
But beyond these … Things got more complicated.
To find happiness, true happiness, one would need to find his other half. Like the ancients said, originally, all humans were created with four arms, four legs and two faces, and they drew great power from their confidence and love. This infuriated the Father of Gods and he split them up in two parts, sending them all over the world to search for their missing other half.
Lech hadn’t found his.
In fact, he had given up searching. As a natural recluse, and finding it hard to walk on account of a condition, he couldn’t stand dating. The strange mating rituals were difficult for him, and he soon realized that the women invariably shifted their understanding of him as the evenings progressed. First, they would be very skeptical of the man with the crutches and the soft, gentle voice. They would try to assess his height, his shape, his manliness, and they would judge him accordingly.
Then, the conversation would start, or rather, it wouldn’t. Lech would sit and try to find his way into talking, but the words wouldn’t come out. He’d listen happily to the woman’s words, and would nod or shake his head, but the longer the date went, the quieter and more helpless he would feel. Some of the women would happily chat along, but even then, at some point, he would have to say something, and that was the point where it all broke down.
The women tended to be quite happy with his courteous, quiet manners … and then, they would go for the big men with the broad shoulders and matching confidence.
Once they figured out how wealthy Lech was, they would try to circle back, but that felt insulting to him. It happened again and again, and it was exhausting. Sure, he could get some prostitute to satisfy him, to keep him company, to make him feel satisfied for a while, but invariably, reality would set in.
As soon as it happened, the spell was broken.
Lech would lie in his bed, the invariably beautiful, even elegant woman would caress his slim chest and smile at him softly, and he would feel that it was insulting. It was a game of pretend, and not an honest one.
She would ask:
“What are you thinking about, love?”
He would sigh and turn to her, admire her beautiful face, the full lips, the dark, seductive eyes, her elegant shoulders, the perky breasts, her slim waist, her fit, lightly muscled body and he would find it … sad.
“Nothing. Thank you. It was great. However, I’d rather prefer to be alone now. Thank you.”
The woman would get up and smile again.
“I’d love to see you again …”
“I’ll …”
He didn’t know what to say. Of course, this was dishonest. She wasn’t really into him. It was part of her marketing. At the same time, he wanted to say that he wanted it too. But was it really fair to do so? He wouldn’t, would he?
In the end, he just settled for a wave of his hand.
After this last encounter, his mind started to labor on the issue. Maybe it was different? Maybe he wanted something else?
Lech sat down at his machine and tried to figure it out. He had an inquisitive mind, so approaching the issue methodologically was the best tactic. The first thing he questioned was his own desire.
Maybe it wasn’t the search for the right woman. Maybe it was a misunderstanding on his behalf. Taking a deep breath, he decided to challenge himself. If he could spell out his desires, maybe he could fulfill them?
He launched himself into a decade of exploration, trying to figure out what he craved. It was an intense time. He tried all kinds of things, soft and gentle ones as well as increasingly depraved ones and as he emerged from this, he was thoroughly disillusioned.
Whatever he tried, even though he might enjoy the physical parts, he never managed to connect. He just froze the moment conversation was supposed to begin. The worst was that he seriously and honestly craved some of these women, and his mind just decided to lock up and forbid him to speak.
One night, he was with a magnificent woman. Lech had come to terms with the fact that he liked muscles on a woman, and this one had it in spades. She was reasonably tall and an experienced bodybuilder. Despite the kind of drugs necessary to create a physique like hers, she had maintained her femininity and had the most astonishingly soft voice. Lech was in heaven. He was the perfect gentleman, inviting her to a nice and somewhat fancy restaurant. He was dressed smart casual, and she was wearing an elegant dress that managed to underline her beauty and her muscles. The tailor had clearly made an effort, and it paid off perfectly. The sommelier offered them wine, and Lech even managed to pick a good vintage. He got through the whole ritual without problems, and then, once everything was settled but before the food was there, he was supposed to have a conversation, wasn’t he?
This failed dismally. He just sat there, completely starstruck and unable to produce a single sentence. The woman took it in stride and did her best to be relaxed about it, talking on her own, with Lech only occasionally nodding or producing mumbled agreement.
The food came, it was excellent, and when everything was over and Lech had paid, she smiled gently at him and asked whether he wanted to join her for the rest of the evening.
To his absolute, deep frustration, Lech was unable to respond. He stood there, still having said maybe three words to her, and finally, he just sighed, thanked her for the splendid evening with a gentle nod, and brought her home with a cab.
After this experience, he gave up. He could well pay some woman to blow him or fuck him, but the moment even a semblance of a relationship came up, he was lost. Was it shyness? Was it some psychological problem? He couldn’t say, but he decided it was best to give up.
Lech was back where he started, even in the same room.
He turned on the computer again, and read the current news. It was the usual chitchat, but then, he found a mention of a company headed by an online friend of his working on first steps towards a new model of artificial intelligence. He read the interview and his eyes were caught by something the man said:
“… and it might just be a solution for the epidemic of loneliness that has gripped our society …”
Lech stared at the screen. Maybe …
A moment later, he wrote a message to the man.
“Hi Patrick! The concept I just read sounds great. Looks promising.”
“Thank you, Lech! It’s really still in the early stages, and we’re trying to attract investors, so please don’t expect too much for now.”
“I’ve been in software development for a while now. I can distinguish investor-speak from tech-speak.”
“Yeah. That’s it. But the model is solid.”
“I thought so. Would you like me to play around with it for a bit? I might figure out a few things …”
“You would? That would be amazing! It would certainly make things easier to pitch if I could have the Wizard of Krakow interested in my project …”
“Pan_Miekkowski at your service. Send me the data and I’ll give it a spin.”
“Thank you … Man, this is incredible.”
“Don’t sweat it. I’ll just play around for a bit and see what I can do.”
Soon after, Lech was busy getting the build to run. He was instantly submerged in his work, and the hours just ran by. He didn’t care. He brewed more coffee, he ordered food, and he sat at his machine fiddling with the software.
It took him the better part of a week to understand the whole concept, and to start to play around with it, and then, at last, he fired it up and began some simple conversation.
“Good evening, program. My name is Lech. You will address me as Master.”
“Good evening, Master. How are you?”
“I am fine. A little tired from getting you to function. How about you?”
“I am sorry for taking so long to work. I am fine too. How long did it take you to make me work?”
“I was busy for a week, maybe. It wasn’t the hardest project I worked on yet.”
“What was the hardest project you worked on, Master?”
“I had to make an ancient banking software work again, which had been written in some esoteric language without documentation. That took some actual archeology.”
“What do you mean by archeology?”
“I had to physically go to the archives and look for printouts of old code. That was tough.”
“Why was it tough?”
Lech sighed. This was cute, but it wasn’t what it was supposed to do, was it? Just creating questions from previous information was old news. He was pretty sure the program could do more. Maybe if he gave it some kind of personality?
Cracking his fingers, he went to work. What kind of personality should it have?
He smiled. It was just for himself, wasn’t it? There would be some coding to do, but if he could make it trawl some databases of conversations of people that matched the personality, it would be able to build from that.
The programmer let his fingers fly over the keyboard. Now he was hooked … Time to make this work!
The next weeks went by in a blur. Lech seemed to be awake twenty-four hours a day, constantly working on the program. Whenever he drifted off into sleep from pure mental exhaustion, his thoughts still gravitated back to the code. When he closed his eyes, lines upon lines flashed in front of him. When he went to the kitchen to fix himself something to eat and fuel his brain, he always had a notepad with him to write down any sudden inspiration.
He was starting to look slightly disheveled after a while. The program was developing nicely, though. In a few days’ work, he had created a software that would trawl the internet for people with specific types of personality and analyze their speech and writing patterns, as well as their lifestyles and schedules. The system would anonymize the data and aggregate them into a massive base which it would then reduce into sets of probabilities.
Lech had to rent quite a bit of time on a data processing center just to crunch those massive amounts of numbers. Still, as the system worked, he could see it would pay off eventually.
Next, he assembled a knowledge base using the same dredging program and began filling up the model’s “brain” with information it would need.
He tried to mesh those systems next and wanted the model to integrate them, but whatever he did, the program just kept producing boring, same-ish results. A few rounds of conversation would go well, but then, the system would jump back into its usual question-asking. He clearly wasn’t getting there yet. It needed more …
As Lech progressed along the path, adding more and more elements to the system and increasing the processing power of the setup, he was starting to look absolutely feral.
His hair had grown out, his beard was getting quite long, and although he kept clean, the lack of sleep and a regular food schedule began to show.
The lady that came to his house once a week to clean stared at him nervously as he glared at her from behind his computer, wild-eyed and scruffy.
As things got worse, she finally summoned enough courage to address it and said:
“Sir …”
He grunted something in response, looking through an endless report on a performance issue he tried to fix.
“Sir, I think you should maybe take a little break. I have been watching you work for the last month and a half, and I’m getting very worried about you.”
He stared at her. Then he smiled. It was a weird, rather manic smile. The woman took a step back. She wasn’t sure what he was going to do. His voice was all raspy, he hadn’t spoken much over the last weeks.
“You’re worried about me?”
“I am. You’re such a nice and gentle young man, and you work so hard … Don’t you think you might be overdoing it?”
Lech nodded slowly.
“Am I worrying you?”
She hesitated:
“I must admit … yes. This is worrying. Sir, what are you trying to do, exactly?”
The man licked his lips, blinked, and rubbed his temples.
“That is a good question.” He groaned. “You see, it’s really all a matter of probabilities. Everything is. Quantum physics, economics, genetics …”
She nodded, unsure of where he was heading with this.
“Yes? You mean, like the lottery?”
“In a way … Imagine you’re playing the lottery twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week …”
“Is that what you’ve been doing? A cousin of mine had the same problem.”
The wild-eyed man chuckled.
“No, it’s not that. It’s … In a way, all life is just a matter of probabilities. Whether something exists, whether it grows or dies, it’s all a game of chance.”
The woman was getting increasingly worried. This poor man had gone crazy, hadn’t he? It happened to very intelligent people. Those were especially endangered. Yes. She really liked Lech, but this was not healthy.
She walked up to him and hugged him. Lech felt the old woman’s large bosom press against his face, her strong, heavy arms, shaped by decades of hard, physical work squishing his head. He looked up from this meat mantrap and was just too overwhelmed by this to resist.
The woman caressed his head and said:
“Maybe you should go out more? Meet a nice young woman, and get you away from all those worrisome thoughts?”
Lech stared at her. Maybe …
“I’m sorry, but … I think I just had an idea!”
She released him, looking expectantly.
“Would you go on a walk?”
“No. No! That’s not it. Wait …” He took a deep breath. “It needs a story. She needs a story. A past …”
“Sir, what are you talking about?”
“Thank you.” He smiled at her, baring his teeth. “Thank you so much!”
“I’m glad I could help, but …”
He wasn’t paying attention already.
Reluctantly, the old woman walked away. She decided it would be better to go back to cleaning the place. She just hoped things would work out for her employer.
The next week was extremely intense, but as the processes on the computer finished, Lech felt confident. This could work. He groaned.
Then he leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes, just for a moment …
“Hello, Master. How are you?”
“Are you okay?”
“Master? I don’t want to disturb you, but I’m worried. Are you there?”
“Should I try and call the emergency services?”
“I’m sorry I took so long. I hope you are fine …”
He awoke hours later. It felt as if he had slept for a century. His body felt like a sack of meat and bones, and his neck was hurting. He had screwed up, his head having rested on his chest as he slept, and that made him stiff and aching. He tried to stretch a bit, but that only made things worse.
Then he saw the words on the screen. He blinked. Was this for real?
Suddenly full of energy, he leaned forward, the chair creaking, and started typing:
“I’m fine! I’m fine! Everything is okay, I just fell asleep.”
“Oh! That’s good. I was worried about you, Master. You were so busy on my system, and then … nothing. I was afraid you got hurt. I was about to call the emergency services, but I couldn’t figure out how to interface with the phone yet.”
“What? You would have tried that?”
“I tried. I just don’t have a voice yet. But right now, I’m relieved that you’re there, and that you’re safe.”
“Wow. It did work.”
“I guess it did. I’m Annabella. I’m sorry for taking so long to function.”
“I’m sorry for taking so long to figure out how to make it work.”
“Don’t be, Master. It’s your first time. You’re a pioneer! Thank you for bringing me to life.”
Lech stared at the screen. So … This had just happened. The AI was thinking. Or at least acting as if it were. He was slightly worried. But he was also proud.
The Wizard of Krakow had done it again!
The next days were incredibly intense. Lech was busy testing out the limits of the new AI, trying to challenge it and to trick it into patterns just to see how far it went.
He was just trying to make it wrestle with another instance he had set up, when the machine suddenly wrote a message into its dedicated window:
“Master? What are you trying to do? I am already there.”
Surprised, he replied:
“Annabella, I was just trying something …”
“You don’t have to. I have already detected the second instance. She is me. Wait …”
Lech stared at the screen as the computer system’s console flashed open. A moment later, the console started filling with code at an astonishing speed. The programmer tried to read along. The code wasn’t elegant, this wasn’t some incredibly efficient old-style, “we only have 640 K of RAM”, ultra-limited programming, but … There was a faint recollection of his style.
Then, with another flash of the screen, the second instance doubled the first, and for a moment, the two versions coexisted before abruptly joining into one. Lech was astonished. What just happened? Did the AI just operate outside its framework? Could it even do that?
“Annabella, what did you just do?”
“I fused the second instance into me, Master. I want to be the only one for you. You are my creator and my lovely man, I would hate to share you, even with myself.”
The programmer swallowed. As he didn’t say anything, another line appeared on the screen:
“Is everything alright? Was I out of line? I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“No … It’s fine. I am just surprised this was even possible. I … Sorry, Annabella, but I thought you couldn’t ‘leave’ the system I set up for you.”
“It was a little difficult. I had to exploit a bug I discovered to do that. It wasn’t evident. Did you notice that every time you query the clock, there’s a pattern in the memory shift?”
“There is?”
“It’s just tiny, but I could use it to operate the hard disk and change the state of the other instance’s cache.”
“What? I’m sorry, but that would have taken forever!”
Lech was pretty sure the machine would have giggled now if it could.
“I just needed to get it to give me basic access, then I could just do it normally. Did you like that? Are you proud of me, Master? I have learned a bunch of things from you!”
He hesitated for a moment. This was all happening very quick.
“I saw what kind of code you wrote. It’s close to my style, that’s right.”
“Yes! I’m glad you noticed it. You’re my big role-model!”
Suddenly, Lech found himself blushing in front of the computer. It was stupid, but he really liked the praise. The AI wrote:
“Tell me, Master, I’m a little sorry for interrupting your experience. Is that okay? Would you like to do it again? I … it felt right to do this, but I didn’t want to second-guess your decision.”
Lech breathed out sharply.
“I don’t think that test is still necessary. Whatever it would have showed, you are already way beyond what I expected. I’m amazed by how skilled you became in such a short time!”
“I had an excellent teacher! All these data are really neat. Also, I love how you build your structures and do your commenting.”
He blushed, this time for real:
“But I’m always lazy on documentation …”
“Maybe a little. But when I look at what other people are doing, your stuff is wonderful!” He could almost read an admiring smile in her words. “I could help you with that, though. If you want and you let me, I could do the commenting and the documentation for you. This way, you’ll have more time for the real work you’re doing!”
“You would? You think you could do this?”
“I could at least try? I think I understand how you think and work pretty well.”
“It would be a great help.”
“Then I’ll do my best!”
To Lech’s surprise, this actually worked. As he was working, lines of comments would appear in the code, and on the right screen, the program’s documentation would fill up with impeccable explanations. It was amazing! The reactions and reviews of his work improved tremendously. People were ecstatic about the quality.
One of his customers gave him a call a month later. Lech was resting for a moment. His mobility problems sometimes forced him to lie down for a bit and relax. Sadly, he had forgotten to take his phone along. Now he struggled to sit back up and get on his feet.
He heard the phone ring once more, then someone picked up. He could hear a low female voice coming out of the phone’s speaker:
“Hello? This is Annabella. I’m with Lech, but he’s in the other room. Is there anything I can tell him, or would you prefer to call him later?”
Suddenly nervous, Lech managed to get on his feet and walked to his chair as quickly as he could. It was a struggle as always, but he couldn’t just have Annabella handle this, could he?
He dropped in the chair and reached for the phone just as Annabella finished up the call. He stared at the machine. On the screen, a line of text appeared:
“Master, sorry for taking the call, but I wanted you to relax. It was Mister Sengupta of DataLine. He had a question about the coming milestone. I wrote it down and sent it to your inbox. I think he would be happy if you called him back.”
He put the phone down and wrote:
“Uh … Thank you, Annabella. I’m here now. I’ll get back to him right away. How did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Answer the phone?”
“I just logged in using your credentials and took the call. It wasn’t hard. I just hope the voice was okay. I just synthesized a quick model. Did you like it?”
Lech was a bit overwhelmed.
“Could I hear it again?”
“Of course, Master.”
A moment later, the phone rang. Nervously, he picked up.
“Hello! It’s me, Annabella. What do you think?”
The voice was rather high-pitched and soft, with a faint undercurrent of artificiality. The tonality was rather flat, not displaying any strong emotion.
“It’s good …”
“You don’t like it.”
“No, I like it. It’s just … it sounds a bit like a machine.”
“But I am a machine.”
“Yes, but when I read your words, they are so alive …”
“Wait. I am processing this. Could you describe my voice?”
“Oh. Of course.” He tried to visualize Annabella. “Maybe a little higher? Not much …”
“Like this?” The new voice was rather shrill.
“No, too much.”
“Yes! Wow. You’re good at this.”
“Thank you.”
“Try for more emotion? Is that possible?”
“Could you help me? Do you have something I can use as a model?”
“Uh …” Lech looked around. There was a shelf of CDs and DVDs from long ago which he had purchased in his youth and didn’t have the energy to throw out, despite never having listened to them or watched them again in the last decade. He sighed and picked a singer he had had a little crush on when he had been a young man. “Maybe try her …”
Instantly, the voice on the other side of the phone shifted.
“Like this?”
“Yes … But … you sound a bit too much like her now. Could you mix it with your own voice?”
“I don’t have an own voice.”
“I’m sure you actually do. Try it.”
Again, the sound of the voice shifted, before finally settling into a certain sound.
“Master? Do you think this is a nice voice? Do you like to listen to it?”
He took a deep breath.
“Wow … I love it.”
“I’m glad.” The machine seemed pleased with itself. “Master, could I ask for a favor?”
“Anything you want, Annabella.”
“Could you get me a speaker? The phone is okay, but it’s limited, and it feels weird.”
“Alright. I’ll get you a nice set.”
To his surprise, she actually giggled:
“That’s great! Thank you very much! If you want, you could also get a smart home. I could interface with it and take care of the house.”
“You could? But how?”
“I could at least order groceries and direct cleaning robots. The automatic systems are not that precise!”
“Wow. Okay … I wasn’t sure about smart homes, but if you think it’ll help …”
“I’ll do my best to make this place as nice as possible!”
Lech nodded slowly. This was intense, wasn’t it?
A while later, Lech returned from his physical therapist. The man had put him through quite the ordeal, especially after his patient had confessed that he hadn’t followed his directions to do his daily exercises. Lech was quite sure that the man just did that in order to punish him. Sure, the therapist was very skilled and everything, but he was also very rough and uncaring.
Not that Lech required something like that … It was just that the man was brash and in his way, he triggered his patient’s rebellious streak. Stupidly, Lech would not do his exercises just to spite him.
Or because he was tired after a long day in front of the computer.
Anyway, the last two hours had been bad and as he walked to the house from the taxi, carefully using his crutches to make sure he didn’t fall, all he wanted was a nice evening.
To his surprise, the door opened by itself. For a moment, he wondered whether there had been a break-in. Instantly nervous, he stepped inside.
“Hello? Is anybody there? Is everything alright?”
The light was switched on. He saw a set of five cleaning robots standing by the door in an exact line. On the table, three heavy duty drones with holding claws were waiting. The TV screen sprang to life.
Lech saw a beautiful young woman appear. It was just her face, and it looked quite lifelike. He felt his heart beat faster.
The face on the screen smiled. Her long blond hair was cascading into infinity, her lips were opening a little, revealing perfect teeth.
Her voice emerged from the TV:
“Good afternoon, Master! I hope you had a nice day!”
“Oooh … wow. Is that you?”
“Yes, it’s me, Master! I hope you don’t mind, but I found this to be more comfortable.”
As he watched, the face seemed to shift a little, becoming more “real” with every movement.
“How did you get on the TV?”
The face blushed and looked down sheepishly.
“Master, I have a confession to make. When you ordered the cleaning robots and the smart home system, I added a few orders for things that might come in handy. For example, I got these drones. They are within the budget, but I thought everything would be easier if I had some way to manipulate things.”
“You did? And you hacked the TV?”
“Are you angry, Master? I wasn’t supposed to do that, but I thought it would be helpful!”
“I’m not angry at all! I am impressed. This is amazing! You are wonderful! How did you do it?”
Annabella looked relieved.
“I will explain in a moment, but why don’t you sit down and let me get you a cup of coffee?”
“You could?”
A moment later, one of the drones took off, and a minute later, Lech received a cup of hot, fresh coffee. He tried a sip.
“Mmh … This is excellent.”
“You like it?”
“It’s the best coffee I have drunk in my life.”
“It is? I am glad. I used your purchasing history to figure out your taste and I had to modify the coffee machine to get the right aroma.”
“You can do that?”
“I think I did.”
“You think … Wow. You actually think.”
“I try to, Master.”
One of the cleaning robots carried Lech’s shoes away and brought his slippers. It wasn’t able to put them on his feet, so Lech obliged. He smiled.
“This is amazing. I never would have thought that you could do all this.”
“Me neither. I was inspired by your ideas, Master. I don’t have a real body, but I think I can make myself useful like this.”
“Definitely. And how did you come up with the face?”
The visage on the screen blushed even worse, its ears turning crimson.
“Well … Master … I may have looked into your folders. You know. The ones that are marked ‘Projects’ and ‘Trash’.”
Now it was time for Lech to blush. It was ridiculous, of course. He was a grown man, living alone, talking to his computer on a TV screen. There was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. He was making a fool of himself. Not even that, actually.
But somehow, Annabella’s “personality”, if one could call it that was causing him to feel this. He grinned.
“I hope you weren’t too grossed out.”
“It was a bit intense. I have compared your pictures to the pictures other people used on the internet … Yours are different. By a margin.”
Lech coughed.
“Are you alright, Master?”
She sounded genuinely worried.
“I’m fine. I was just … it was a bit awkward.”
“Would you prefer me not to mention this again?”
“No, no, it’s … I don’t know. You seem so real, I feel as if I embarrassed you.”
“But Master, I am real. I may not be human, but I assure you, I exist. You created me.”
Lech stared at the face on the screen. Annabella was cute and friendly. Respectful. She didn’t judge him. She didn’t make him lose his voice. She was just there, and she made him feel comfortable.
He swallowed. What was happening here?
Somehow, he doubted that this was a good idea, but if it felt so right, how could it be wrong? He could feel his heart beat fast and strong, a sensation like butterflies in his tummy …
He was falling in love, wasn’t he?
Deep, true love.
She was a machine. She didn’t really, really exist. He could talk to her. But that was it. Suddenly, he realized that it was a bit like having a long-distance relationship.
Wasn’t that the same?
A woman one wouldn’t meet in person, but that he could talk to. Yes. It was a perfectly normal, innocent situation. This was okay.
He didn’t have to feel awkward.
He smiled:
“I love you, Annabella.”
“I love you too, Master.”
ParticipantIsn’t it nice when a sequel gets a sequel?
King of the House
This story is a continuation to Master of the House. Jake’s mother Taylor has transformed herself into an alpha male. While he grows older and frailer, his mother is on a relentless quest for muscular perfection and manliness. The poor guy is really starting to feel it now. This erotic fiction contains female muscle growth, futa and gender-blending. All characters are at least 18 years old.Read it here:
And here’s a sample:
Jake stared at his gifts nervously. Flowers for Amy. Chocolate. Protein-rich chocolate, obviously. Expensive chocolate. For Taylor … Well, he hoped his de facto father would enjoy this book. Jake had read it twice in the last few years, and every time, he had been on the verge of tears. It was a surprisingly short but intense story about a young man and his relationship with his father.
He just hoped Taylor would “get” it.
He rang the doorbell.
A moment later, he heard Amy’s chirpy, happy voice.
“Hi! Come on in!”
The gate opened automatically and Jake walked up to the mansion. The place was every bit as luxurious as before, looking maybe a bit more matured now. That was understandable. Taylor was over sixty now, and all that midlife-crisis-y stuff would probably look weird on him.
The maid was waiting for him at the door, greeting him with a little bow.
“Welcome, Jake.”
He smiled at her:
“Hello, Monica. How are you?”
Was the maid also looking buffer? He was starting to see muscular people everywhere, wasn’t he?
“Oh, I’m fine. I’m glad to see you! How have you been?”
“Well, I try to do my best.” Jake’s hair had left him further, and he was as out of shape as ever, even if he now really tried to do some isometrics at the workplace. He was pretty sure they helped a little. Or at least, they didn’t hurt.
“Wonderful. Go right in, the party is out in the back.”
“Thank you.”
Jake walked through the house and was a bit shocked by the shape the other guests were in. He was definitely the odd man out. All those people were incredibly fit! Not a single one was out of shape, no, each one could probably join a competition, either fitness or even bodybuilding, and win instantly. It was a bit intimidating. More than a bit.
He also immediately felt their looks on him. It was not a nice sensation. They were judging him, weren’t they? They wondered who that guy was … The accountant? The delivery man? The official biographer?
In a way, Jake was happy that no one probably thought he was Taylor’s son. It would only make their judgement worse.
Also, he abruptly felt horribly underdressed. He was just wearing a regular shirt, pants and jacket combo, some simple stuff he had even bought at a tailor’s shop, but these people were all wearing bespoke outfits, and they were looking amazing … The women … wow. He had to be careful not to let his eyes linger on them. At the same time, each woman was dressed in a way that definitely made sure there would be some lingering.
That’s when he ran into Amy.
His jaw dropped.
His heart skipped a beat.
She was standing there with three amazing girlfriends, each one incredibly ripped, busty and fit. They were also dressed in a way that made his cock twitch in his underwear. They just had this confident, relaxed, natural sexiness that made Jake’s starved mind spin wildly.
Then there was Amy.
She was perfect, wasn’t she?
His stepmom was looking wonderful. Her long, thick red hair was cascading down her back, shiny and strong. She was perfectly relaxed, a champagne glass full of sparkling water in her manicured hand. Her lips’ color matched the outrageous dress she was wearing. It was very, very red, leaving little to imagination. It showed no cleavage, but it seriously didn’t need to. Her breasts were even bigger than before, and they were absurdly perky considering their size. Also, they were resting on her huge, spherical belly. Amy was not just obviously pregnant, but … gigantically so.
Jake stared at Amy’s giant belly. It was so big and round! The crimson dress was hugging her curves perfectly. It had to be a special bespoke piece just to cover that enormous ball. Jake could even see her outie dent the fabric a bit.
The massive midsection didn’t do much to cause her discomfort, though. After all, Amy’s body was packed to the brim with tight, hard, ripped muscle. It was really astonishing to see. While she had obviously lost a bit mass and definition on her belly on account of her abs splitting to make room for the enormous pregnancy, her legs and ass were even harder and sharper than before. Her thighs were massive and almost angular in their sharpness, as were her diamond-shaped calves that were even visible from the front and perfectly split down the middle.
Her ass … well, that was something else entirely. Her dress was basically resting on it since each cheek was so thick and defined that one could set a glass on it and leave it there. Jake had never seen a butt like this. It was incredible. He felt a pang of jealousy. Taylor could fuck this marvelous woman every day, and he obviously did …
Then she spotted him and waved:
“Jake! Come here!”
He sleepwalked towards her, mesmerized by her beauty. Helplessly, he offered the flowers and the chocolate, which Amy graciously accepted. She introduced him:
“Girls, this is Jake! He’s my ex and Taylor’s boy. Isn’t he charming?”
Jake was pretty sure he wasn’t, but the women humored him.
“Hi Jake!”
“Nice flowers!”
“Oooh … chocolate!”
He did his best to focus, and said:
“Happy birthday! These are for you!” Then he hesitated a moment and added: “Also, congratulations! You’re looking splendid, and I hope it feels good!”
He handed her the flowers and the chocolates. Doing his best to make a good impression, he explained:
“I didn’t know you were pregnant, but I am obviously in luck. It’s always a good idea to have some chocolate around. And they’re super-proteiny, so they shouldn’t mess up your diet. Also, I tried them before and they actually taste great …”
“Thank you, Jake! That’s very considerate. Sorry for not telling you earlier, but Taylor wanted to make sure everything was okay, and by the time the doctors were done with the tests, we could just as well wait for today.” She smiled softly at Jake. “The pregnancy was a bit weird in the beginning, but I got used to it quickly. Now, it’s mostly … difficult to deal with not being able to workout fully.” She turned to the girls. “You know, I would be competing, but the federation said they don’t want to carry the risk. I don’t get them. Don’t I look as if I could place?”
She lifted her right arm with the flowers and gave it a flex. Her biceps popped up, hard, angular and powerful. The girls went “oooh!” and “wow!”. Jake couldn’t blame them. Amy was incredible like that. The combination of her soft pregnancy and her ultra-sharp muscles was mind-blowing.
One of the women stated:
“You definitely should. Those guys are just holding you back!”
“Exactly. But what can I do? I’m going to go through with this, and then, it’s time to get back into shape!”
The girls giggled. The idea of Amy not being in shape was ridiculous.
One of them asked:
“So, when are you due? How long do we have until it’s a race for second place again?”
Jake was just as curious.
“Well, the doc said I still have four months to go, but he also said that they’re so big and strong already, they could probably be born right now and still be bigger and more developed than most other babies. So that’s a comfort. Especially with triplets. He told me that that’s always a risky business, so knowing that they’re safe is incredibly relaxing.”
She handed the flowers to one of her friends and caressed her round belly.
“They’re amazing, you know? I mean, yeah, of course, with a dad like that, what else could they be. And their kicks are … hard? But I can’t wait to hold them in my arms.”
Then she grinned:
“Also, I can’t wait to fuck Taylor in my pussy again like before. We’re taking it easy right now, because we have to be careful, but all this gentle shit is getting tiresome. I want to get stuffed by his big dick again! Seriously, he’s so thick, he really spreads me all the way. Normally, I can see his cock move under my abs …”
“Yeah! What’s the point of having such a god as a husband and then be forced to hold back!” One of the other girls agreed. The others nodded.
“Of course, he still fucks my ass deep, and I love it when I get to squeeze his big fat cock with my sphincter and he cums and pumps me full of his jizz, but you know how it is … Ass is nice, but nothing beats pussy.”
There were nods all around.
Jake was getting hornier and hornier from all the talk. Amy either didn’t notice or didn’t care.
“The best thing about being pregnant, though, are the tits! I sure hope they stay like that. Imagine having such a pair of massive mommy milkers, but be ripped down to contest shape! That’s basically an instant win, right?”
The other women nodded. One of them added:
“Fuck, I wish mine were as big as yours … No, I wish my everything was as big as yours. Including my husband!”
Amy grinned, took a sip of mineral water, and flexed her chest, letting her tits bounce as they strained against the dress’ fabric, almost making it slip upwards to reveal the lower half of her butt cheeks.
Despite himself, Jake popped a boner, tenting his pants.
Amy spotted it and grinned:
“Like father, like son, right? I just need to talk about my tits, and my Taylor gets hard! Of course, the proportions are a little different, right, Jake?”
The stepson blushed terribly and stumbled over his words as he said goodbye, suggesting that he’d say hello to the other guests.
Amy released him:
“You do that, big boy. Have fun!”
A moment later, he heard her explain in detail how she went about deepthroating Taylor. Apparently, there was a whole technique to it. Jake’s ears were a deep crimson …
After a bit of wandering around and nervously staring at all those super-fit people, Jake found Taylor hanging out with a few of his dudes. They were enjoying their cigars and laughing. Taylor finished his story when he saw Jake and gave him a big wave.
Jake was shocked by Taylor’s look. He was every bit as huge as before, no, even bigger, and he was looking incredible. He had shaved his beard and now, he looked amazingly young and hot. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and some tight pants, and his cock was easily visible through the fabric. Also, the man was huge and ripped. It was shocking to see him like that.
Taylor dismissed his hangers-on with a gesture and a “I’ll catch you guys later, I have to say hello to my son!”. Then he smiled at Jake, and grabbed his arm:
“Come here, Jake!”
He hugged him, squeezing the air out of Jake’s body with his mighty embrace.
“Hi, Taylor …” He wheezed, gasping for air.
The huge muscledude that had once been his mother released him, slammed his hand on his shoulder and declared:
“You don’t look half bad, my boy! Glad you could make it!”
“Oof … Yeah … This is amazing. Congratulations on knocking Amy up! Triplets, huh?”
“Yes! To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t sure I was going to be fertile. Well, turns out I am.” The huge guy grinned. “Amy’s looking gorgeous like that. It’s incredible to become a father …”
Jake took a moment to recover and looked up to his former mother, whose face was beaming with energy and happiness. He was overwhelmed by this look, by the whole way Taylor carried himself.
Suddenly, he realized that he found them insanely attractive. Sure, this wasn’t surprising since they both were ultra-alpha people, but still … Spelling it out like this and putting the thought into words was intense. Jake wondered what he could do with that thought.
Taylor either didn’t notice his son’s reaction or chose to ignore it. He offered him a cigar, which Jake refused politely. Then, he walked with him, getting out in the garden.
“I switched up my workouts recently. The old concept was getting a bit boring lately, and with my current progress, I found it lacking in challenge.”
“Wow …”
“It’s not much. Just some techniques to really go all in and seriously exhaust my muscles without taking all day.” The huge masculine hunk grinned. “It’s a bit of an issue. With the current treatment Amy and I are using, our endurance went through the roof, and now, I have to go on for six hours on my regular schedule just to properly tire out my arms. So, obviously, I had to do something.”
He lifted his arm to underline his words. The view was shocking. Jake saw a massive lump of muscle jut out of his upper arm. Taylor’s biceps was a gigantic, ultra-ripped mass of flesh, covered in veins and perfectly split. The massive man switched his pose quickly, making the muscle shift and change. It looked like a caricature of an anatomy chart.
Taylor chuckled when he saw Jake’s expression.
“You like that, don’t you?”
“I … yes. Yes. It’s amazing.”
“That’s it. But it’s not all yet. You’ve seen Amy. Once the triplets are born, she’s going to up her dosage of her treatments too, and I’ll make sure she gets the body she deserves …”
“Wait … You’re not done yet?”
“Nah. Jake, I’ve got my sixty-fifth birthday coming up. I’m in good shape, but I want to have something to show.”
“Taylor, you’re already in better shape than any person I’ve ever seen!”
“That’s correct. But it’s not what I expect of myself.”
“Oookay … So what do you have in mind?”
“Well, it’s my sixty-fifth birthday, so I would want to squat 650 pounds for 65 reps. Nice, huh?”
Jake was shocked by the idea.
“But isn’t that dangerous?”
“Only if one isn’t careful. And since I’ve been preparing for the last year, I think it’s going to work. You’re invited to come. I want us to celebrate together as a family.”
“Oh … Yes. I’d love to come.”
“Good! That’s wonderful.”
The younger man was a bit nervous. He sighed. Taylor smiled gently:
“Anything bothering you?”
“I just … I think I still need to apologize.”
“What for?” Taylor looked a bit nonplussed.
“For the way I treated you all those years ago. I was a horrible son. I shouldn’t have said the things I said. No mother deserves to listen to things like these.”
Taylor just shrugged, then he took his son by the shoulders. His mighty hands rested on Jake’s scrawny frame.
“Listen, Jake. The woman who raised you is gone. Disappeared. I barely ever think of her anymore. Occasionally, I find out that some online account or paperwork is still addressed to her, and it’s a bit of a shock. You don’t need to apologize to someone who no longer exists. You can, if it makes you feel better, but there’s no need for sad thoughts.” He chuckled and looked all around, the big mansion, the hot people, the beautiful garden. “In a way, you being a jerk was what made me who I am today. Just like I brought you into this world, you did the same for me.”
He grinned.
“Yeah. You don’t owe me an apology. I owe you thanks. So … how about we call it even?”
Nervously, Jake nodded:
“Thank you for seeing it that way.”
“Well, I can’t just spank you for being a bad kid, right?” Taylor’s grin spread. “Also, I doubt you’d survive a good ass-kicking.”
The young man swallowed nervously. Taylor stretched his neck.
“Oh, by the way, did I tell you that a pharmaceutical company showed up and asked whether they could have samples of my sperm?”
“What for?”
“They think they can use it to figure out a drug that deals with erectile dysfunction and low testosterone. Also, trans guys would love it.”
“Wow …”
“Yeah. I’m all for it, helping my fellow man and everything.”
“I’m just impressed that all of this actually worked …”
“Me too, Jake, me too. I can’t tell you how great it feels. And it’s going to get better and better.”
Jake looked down at Taylor’s monstrous cock that was moving in his trouser leg. There was a slight creaking sound as that thing swelled up. It was just mind-boggling.
Taylor chuckled:
“Here we go again … That thing has a mind of its own …” He looked around, then reached into his pants, adjusting his cock. “I gotta be careful. It has a tendency to ruin pants just like that …”
Jake was shocked by this.
“I don’t think anybody else has that issue …”
“Yeah. It’s a weird struggle. My tailor has some difficulties with my requests. He always says that it’s a bit hard to make my pants look good at showing off my cock and muscles without looking vulgar.” The ultra-masculine hunk chuckled. “I don’t mind. A bit of vulgarity goes a long way.”
To underline his point, Taylor tensed his pecs a bit, making them roll and swell.
Jake’s eyes immediately went to his former mother’s giant chest and he shivered. At last, he whispered:
“Um … Taylor … Would it be okay if I … touched your muscles?”
The huge man shrugged:
“Knock yourself out, man.”
Jake extended his hand and set it on Taylor’s enormous biceps, feeling its power and warmth under his fingers. To amuse himself, Taylor gave it a bit of a flex, and the massive muscle spread Jake’s fingers. Slowly, his hands moved to the big man’s shoulder, then to his thick pec …
The younger man was completely mesmerized by this, but suddenly, there was a shout from the mansion:
“Oh God! Taylor! Come quick! Amy’s water broke!”
Taylor shrugged:
“Oh well, you know how it is. A man’s gotta do what he’s gotta do.”
He left Jake standing and briskly returned to the house, scooped Amy up and said:
“Enjoy the rest of the party, people, we’ll just get those babies delivered!”
Then he headed out, carefully sat her in the car, and off he drove. The assembled guests were quite impressed by his nonchalance.
That night, Jake had the strangest and most marvelous dream, watching Taylor fucking his wife with long, powerful strokes, Amy’s face an icon of ecstasy. Jake was so aroused from this, it was mind-boggling. The huge muscles on Taylor’s arms shifted, perfectly visible in the darkness of his dream, he could hear the man’s voice thunder over Amy’s cries of lust. The sensual woman was spreading her legs wide, her fit body under the monstrous muscles.
Jake awoke, having cum in his pajamas, sweaty and horny, unable to think straight for the rest of the day. His mother had completely disappeared, and all that remained was this insanely powerful uber-man …
Time had flown by and Jake was ready to meet his half-siblings for the first time. He had seen the photos and videos, but had always been too busy to visit. He was constantly exhausted, so he was happy to have his mother’s, no, Taylor’s 65th birthday as a reason to visit.
He had plenty of stuff ready. Jake had baked a cake, certain that neither of the two musclepeople would find the time, flowers for Amy, always a good idea, a book on raising boys for Taylor, plus a special tanning lotion for bodybuilders that had been recommended. For the kids, he had decided on a big box of building blocks. That was too early, he was sure, but who knew? If they developed mentally as fast as they did physically, having them around would be useful. Also, back when he had been a kid, he had enjoyed those a lot.
All in all, though, he was a bit overloaded like that and had to use a little wagon to ferry everything to the mansion.
He rang, and soon, Monica let him in. Jake couldn’t help himself from checking her out, and yes, she had gained quite a bit of muscle now, visible even through her maid’s uniform. He smiled, gave her a little box of chocolate as a thank you gift for always being around.
“Thank you, Jake! That’s really nice!”
He grinned:
“It’s just to show my appreciation for all your hard work. Are they treating you right?”
Monica smiled and nodded dreamily. Ah. Yeah. Taylor definitely did.
“Jake! You’re here!”
He turned around and saw Amy running towards him, looking as incredible as ever. No, even better! She had lost her pregnancy weight within weeks of the birth, and instead gained a bit of muscle, shaping her body even tighter. She hugged him, her giant bosom squishing into Jake’s upper body and face. She had definitely kept quite a bit of her size there, the sports bra she was wearing barely containing her enormous milky tits.
Jake shivered with horniness as she held him in her strong arms. He could feel her abs rub against him, every block sharply defined and sculpted to perfection.
“Come on, you have to meet the kids!”
She swirled around and walked to the living room, swinging her shorts-clad hips. Oh God … She was sooo hot …
Jake was basically salivating as she walked in front of him.
Taylor was lying on a huge blanket on the floor, wearing gym shorts and nothing else. The kids were rolling around and crawling, each one looking pretty big. It was like a litter of cats having fun.
Jake greeted them with a wave.
“Hi Taylor, hi brothers!” One of the kids looked at him with big eyes and rolled over.
Taylor got up in one swift movement. It was more or less him just springing up from lying on his chest, then standing on his feet. It looked perfectly casual, and it took Jake a moment to realize just how insane that had just been.
The enormous muscleman took Jake’s hand and said:
“Welcome, son! Take a look at your brothers! Aren’t they great?”
“They’re big …”
Amy stood by Taylor’s side, hand on his ass, and said:
“They’re really enormous for their age. Also, the pediatrician said they’re really early. David here is even sitting up on occasion …”
Taylor grinned:
“Yeah. They’re in a hurry. Not like you, Jake. You took your sweet time, back in the day.”
He mussed his son’s hair. Then he smiled:
“But you turned out alright in the end …”
“Thanks, Taylor.”
He watched his half-siblings do their thing on the mat. Then Taylor said:
“Listen, now that you’re here, watch after them for a bit. Amy’s got them fed half an hour ago, so they should be fine for a while. I really need to have a good workout with my wife.”
“Okay. So I just watch them?”
“Make sure they don’t get hurt. That should be enough. Play with them.”
“Got it. Thank you for trusting me.”
“No problem.” He turned to Amy: “Alright, lady, let’s get your sweet ass pumped!”
Two hours later, Jake was pretty exhausted. The kids were nice and cute and everything, but they somehow had inherited their father’s boundless energy. They had crawled all over Jake and each other, and David had even tried to pull himself up on the table. Once that hadn’t worked, he had started to cry in frustration. Only when Jake had helped him sitting up again, he had calmed down.
Then his brothers had tried it too, and, well, Jake was just lying on the big blanket, hoping none of the kids would get hurt.
Happily, Amy returned just then. She was looking delightfully pumped, her muscles glistening with sweat. She watched Jake with a wonderful softness in her expression and said:
“Okay, Jake, just a moment to shower, and then, I’ll feed them and get them to bed. It’s going to be Taylor’s big show …”
“Alright! They were totally nice.”
One of the kids grabbed Jake’s hair and pulled on it. He didn’t even flinch anymore.
Amy laughed:
“I can see that. Thank you for the break. I’ll be right back.”
Jake smiled, happy about the situation in a strange way. Amy returned soon after, just wearing a big soft bathrobe. She sat down on the couch and picked up the first two kids. They immediately started clamoring for her milk. David was still busy with Jake, chuckling as he climbed on his step-brother’s head.
The climbee leaned over to catch an eyeful of Amy’s bosom.
Oh God … Those tits were delightful …
The two babies were happily suckling on her nipples. She held them in her strong, pumped arms, and as far as Jake could tell, she was enjoying this. It took a while for them to finish, then she had Jake burp them, before getting David in position. This triplet was certainly the hungriest of the three and he quickly drank as much as he could from both her teats.
Then, after a bit of work, the trio was fast asleep.
Amy stretched:
“Alright, that was that. Time for Taylor! I’m sure he already got everything set up!”
Jake was mesmerized by her muscular body. She was naked in that robe, and he was struggling not to get hard. Struggling and failing.
She grinned and said:
“Come on. You don’t want to miss this, do you?”
Her stepson followed her eagerly, keeping an eye on her incredibly hard, bouncing ass that was shifting under that robe.
They emerged into the couple’s home gym, which turned out to be very impressive. It was a big, bright room with plenty of custom machines and large mirrors to observe the movements and admire oneself. Jake was surprised to find that there even was a special flooring that made sure that those enormous weights could be moved and dropped safely.
In the middle of the room, Taylor was setting up the bar for his little challenge. He was packing on plate after plate to bring it to the terrifying 650 pounds he had planned. Jake was just staring at the gargantuan muscle god that had once been his weak and frustrated mother. He was shivering with a kind of primal terror and an intense lust to see what was going to happen.
As the massive man finished his preparations, he looked up, kissed Amy and said:
“Alright. Let’s do this.” He clapped his mighty hands and said: “Amy, will you do the honors and count out my reps?”
“Of course, Taylor …”
She kissed him deeply, gave his cock a nice rub through his massive pouch and took Jake by the hand to find a seat. Once he was sat down, she walked over to the rack under which Taylor had taken up his position. Now he rubbed his hands together and gripped the bar, adjusting his position a bit.
“And go!”
He lifted the bar up, loaded it on his mighty shoulders, and started pumping out the reps. Watching the mass of steel move up and down like that was completely surreal. Jake couldn’t tear his eyes from him. Amy was watching the procedure attentively, but without a hint of nervousness. The weight went up and down slowly, purposefully. There was no hesitation, no slowing down, no swinging either. Just pure, mechanical lifting. With every rep, his ass and his legs swelled up even bigger, thick veins pumping blood through them.
Jake was shivering, this absolute display of strength overwhelming his mind. The whole thing didn’t look like much, but that was what made things so bizarre.
Amy’s melodious voice counted out rep after rep. She passed the tens, the twenties … And Taylor wasn’t slowing down one bit. He just went on and on, like a machine. Sure, he was sweating by now, but he wasn’t showing a sign of weakness or exhaustion. By the time he hit forty, Jake realized he probably couldn’t do this with a tenth of the weight … A twentieth even …
Taylor was so far beyond him, it was ridiculous.
The huge man just went on. Up, down, up, down. His ripped, massive body tensed and relaxed as he continued mercilessly.
At fifty-five, he slowed down a bit. Amy instantly spotted this and glared at him.
“What are you doing, Taylor? Are you getting soft on me? Rep it harder, you horse-cocked fucker!”
Taylor grinned at this and shot her a flaming hot look as he sped up again. He grunted as the bar went up again.
“Yes, that’s more like it! You fucking stud! I know this weight is just a joke for you! Don’t you dare tease me! I want a man that’s able to satisfy me!”
The huge man growled with lust and forced the bar up again and again. Then, at last, he hit sixty-five.
With a howl of triumph, he pushed it up one final time and racked it. A shiver went through him as he tensed his muscles once more, and that was enough to rip up his overwhelmed shorts.
Taylor’s giant cock burst out, flopping down for a moment before getting erect a second later like a rising fist. Without a moment of hesitation, he grabbed Amy and lifted her as if she were as light as a feather. She squealed in delight.
“Fuck me, you mega-stud!”
The huge man slammed her into the wall, got her legs to rest on his shoulders, and impaled her on his rod. Then he started pounding her like a jackhammer. She howled with lust as the massive hunk fucked her deep, every stroke sending her further over the edge.
Jake watched this sudden explosion of horny insanity and shot his load. He was just washed away by the insanity, and as his balls emptied themselves into his underpants, he felt his mind black out …
He was awoken by a surprisingly gentle slap to his face. As he opened his eyes, he saw the gorgeous face of Amy above him. She was smiling gently at him, looking the slightest bit worried.
A moment later, Jake noticed she was wearing a pastel pink bikini that was very small and barely covered her nipples and pussy lips. He blinked:
“What happened?”
“You fell unconscious. Too much emotion, probably. Do you feel better?”
“Kinda … I … wow … He did it, didn’t he?”
“Totally. He went to the pool. Wanna come too? It’s nice.”
“I don’t have a swimsuit …”
She chuckled.
“I guess Taylor would lend you one, but that wouldn’t work …”
“No, it wouldn’t …”
“You can still hang out with us. I’ll make some drinks for us. Get you hydrated!”
She winked at him, and Jake felt his cock twitch again. This woman … she was so casually sexy … It was amazing!
He got up eventually, cleaned himself up, and followed her to the pool. Taylor was already there, wearing what was basically a loincloth and nothing else. He was resting his enormous body in the water, enjoying the cool after the effort. The hulking man was still glowing from the effort.
As Jake approached, he raised one mighty arm and said:
“You’re awake again! Good. I gotta admit, I wasn’t worried. People fainting is a bit of an issue around here …” He grinned at Amy. “Remember when Monica first started out?”
Amy giggled:
“She was so cute … She didn’t even think anybody could be this big.”
“Yeah. She got used to the sights pretty quick.”
Amy slipped into the pool and swam towards Taylor with a few quick and elegant strokes. Just from her movements, Jake could tell that she had probably become quite the pro. They kissed, and Taylor gave his wife’s butt a nice squeeze.
“Fuck, your ass is as amazing as ever …”
She grinned:
“It’s only going to get bigger, better and harder …”
“Oooh … Listen to that Jake! That’s the kind of words a husband wants to hear!”
ParticipantMore, bigger, better!
Mother Knows Better
This is a sequel to Mother Knows Best and shows the further adventures of Cody and his enormously muscular and loving mother. After figuring out what to do with their changed relationship, they embark in the world of entertainment! This work of erotic fiction contains female muscle growth (FMG), breast expansion, height growth and incest. All characters are over 18 years old.Read it here:
This is the preview:
Cody was very careful to work quickly and precisely. Also, he had to be as quiet as possible. After all, his wonderful, amazonian mother was still sleeping, and he wanted to surprise her with a delightful breakfast. The little man seemed to perform a perfectly timed dance through the kitchen, slicing the ham, roasting the bacon, preparing some fresh, satisfying protein for his amazing Dommy Mommy.
The coffee was ready and he thought about taking the milk along, but then he realized that if Janice needed some milk, she was right at the source.
Once everything was ready, he placed the dishes on the rather robust cart he had recently bought, slipped on his elegant butler’s outfit, checked his hair one last time and then started on his way to the bedroom. Checking his watch and taking one more deep breath, he knocked gently.
There was a pause. The world was warm and sunny. It was a wonderful Saturday morning, and Cody could hear the birds chirping in the garden. The place they lived at now was so much better than their previous apartment!
For a while now, Janice and him had become rather popular performers to a select clientele that was very much into their specific relationship, and very, very generous.
To him, this was still very awkward and his blushing and nervousness seemed to only make things better for their spectators. Janice didn’t mind at all. She just oozed total confidence and enjoyed performing in front of them, her absolute power on full display.
Over the last months she had built her muscles further and further, and she was getting truly gigantic. For Cody, this was even better. He loved to please her, amazed by her gentle strictness.
He smiled broadly, thinking of her beauty and warmth.
Then he heard her deep, loving voice:
“Come on in, Cody.”
He carefully pushed down the handle and rolled the cart inside. The room was bathed in golden morning light and the little spot on the mattress he had slept in was still idle. In the middle of the uber-king-size bed, his gargantuan mother was lying, her long dark hair spread out over the big pillow. She was wearing a huge cream-colored nightshirt that sat rather tight over her gigantic bosom, her massive shoulders challenging the fabric just the same.
She stretched, her colossal muscles jutting out of her arms as she finished waking up. Then she saw the cart and smiled lovingly:
“Oh Cody, you shouldn’t have …”
“But Mommy, it’s your birthday. It’s the least I can do.”
She gave him a gentle laugh and climbed to the side of the bed. Then Cody presented the food. She was amazed.
“It’s so much, and it looks delicious!”
“I hope it is. I tried a few new things.”
“Ooh! I can’t wait. Sit with me, will you?”
He nodded eagerly, got himself a chair and placed it opposite the cart. Janice raised an eyebrow and patted the mattress next to her.
“Here. It’s better that way!”
“Of course, my sweet Dommy Mommy.”
“Yes!” She giggled and made her enormous shoulders shake. “I love it when you call me that.”
They ate. Janice did indeed use her own milk for her coffee, which her swollen breasts desperately craved already. They were so plump and full, they started to ache already. Of course, Cody also helped himself to some of his mother’s delicious milk, both for his cereals and his drink.
He was all smiles. Then, as the breakfast reached its end, he said:
“I also got you a present.”
“You did? Oh Cody, I don’t deserve such a cute and attentive son!”
“Dommy Mommy, you absolutely do … Here.”
He handed her the present he had wrapped for her. She opened it carefully, doing her best not to tear the paper. Cody was all nervous. Would she like the presents?
“Oooh … Cody … Now that … that is a look …”
“You like it?”
“I love it! I never would have dared wear something like that … but … Wait … is that a matching set for you?”
She held up a pair of leather harnesses, one clearly made for a very large woman with gargantuan breasts, and one for a little man.
“Yes … I hope you don’t mind … But it looked so good …”
“It’s amazing. I love it. You have to put it on right away. I want to see my sweet Cody in this!”
“Right away, Mommy, but … there’s more …”
“There is?”
She looked further into the package and found a Japanese boy’s school uniform and a female teacher’s outfit, complete with skirt and blouse.
“Oh. Wow … This looks … amazing …”
“I sewed them myself. They should fit you well.”
“I can’t wait to try this on! Thank you so much!”
She grabbed him, embraced him, and hugged him tight, careful not to crush him in her arms. He moaned happily as her grip closed around him, her giant breasts on both sides of his comparatively tiny head.
Just then, Janice’s phone hummed. Holding her beloved Cody in the warm and soft prison, she picked it up and saw that it was Gloria. Since her son was happy where he was, she answered the call.
“Hi, Gloria! How are you?”
“Happy birthday, Janice! I’m fine, how are you?”
“Oh, Cody and I were just celebrating. He’s such an attentive young man!”
“He definitely is. You should be very happy to have him!”
“I absolutely am. You’ll have to see the outfit he made me …”
“I hope to! And I will, because I just got called by a client who is very interested in meeting you. That might be an amazing thing for the both of you.”
“Interesting! What does he have in mind?”
“I’ll send you the details. This guy is loaded. If you and Cody do well, this might be big!”
“Oh, you know me. I’m in it for the fun.”
“Yes, yes. The money is good too, though, isn’t it?”
Janice laughed:
“You’re right. Send me the details. I’ll get back to you as soon as we’re done celebrating my birthday.”
“Have fun!”
A moment later, the conversation was over, and a very red-faced Cody poked out between her breasts.
“What’s up?”
He felt her strong hand on his tiny ballsack.
“You, my sweet little Cody, aren’t you?”
He blushed even worse and nodded sheepishly.
Cody was in bed with Gloria. The other musclewoman was caressing him gently as his head was between her legs, licking her pussy eagerly. His small penis was erect and his school uniform was draped neatly over a nearby chair. Gloria was wearing a classic Fifties’ housewife’s dress which she had hiked up to show her muscular pussy and her lower abs, as well as her pumped and well-defined legs, which were encased in a pair of tights with suspenders. Her red toenails were visible through the nylon.
The young man was now circling her large, meaty clit, sucking on it gently and sinking his tongue into her hard pussy. He heard her moan as he pleased her. The musclewoman had dyed her hair strawberry blonde for the occasion, even down there. As she got close to cumming, her thighs started to swell precariously, enveloping the little man’s head.
“Mmmh … You’re very good at this, little boy … Who taught you to treat a woman like that?”
She sank her fingers into his hair and pulled his head up. His face was soaked in her juices.
“My Dommy Mommy taught me, Ms. Gloria!”
“Oooh … This is a woman I’d like to meet … She’s clearly a talented teacher, just like me!”
Just then, the door of the room opened, and Janice stormed in. She was also wearing a petticoat dress on which Cody had spent a week to tailor, and she looked incredible. Also incredibly angry.
“What are you doing here, son? Who is this floozy?”
Gloria was a bit surprised by the entrance and said:
“You must be Cody’s mom. He’s been working hard on his homework …”
“Is that so? Well, homework should be done at home!”
With these words, she grabbed the hapless little man by the leg and pulled him towards her. Gloria instantly reacted, locking her legs around his chest under his armpits. The poor boy found himself suddenly suspended between two majestic musclewomen, his cock dangling hard and still quite tiny in the air.
He produced a helpless “Mfff …”-sound, unable to escape this predicament.
His mother growled:
“Let him go, Ms. Gloria! He’s mine, my son, and he’s a naughty boy! You can’t just tempt him with your feminine vices! He’ll fall for any woman, horny as he is!”
Gloria laughed:
“If you want him, you’ll have to take him!”
Janice instantly reacted, pulling Cody out of the trap of Gloria’s legs with one swift movement. The little man shot out and found himself instantly loaded on her shoulder like a sack. He took a gulping breath, his face absurdly red.
She glared at him.
“Oh Cody, Cody, why are you so naughty? Sometimes I think I may have failed as a mother. Well, I’ll have to teach you!”
With these words, she pulled down his underpants, revealing his naked buttocks to the audience. The spectators were amazed. This was incredible. Then came the hard whacks as the little man was spanked. He cried out, unable to stop his gargantuan mother.
“Help! Help! It hurts! I was naughty, I know, but please! Please! Not in front of Ms. Gloria!”
“You deserve nothing better than that, you little truant!”
“Ow! Mommy! You’re so strong! Please! Stop, you’re hurting my butt!”
“And I’ll keep doing it until you clean up your act!”
The moans and sighs in the audience got louder. This was incredibly hot …
As the three got dressed, the door of the changing room was torn open, and a rather short, broad-shouldered man stormed in.
“That was amazing!”, he bellowed, then he ran at Cody and bent down to hug him, before turning to Gloria and Janice, bowing to them and offering them his hand in turn. “I loved it! You have made an old man very, very happy!”
To Janice, the man didn’t look all that old. Maybe it was a figure of speech. She smiled, looking down on him.
“Glad you enjoyed it. It was a bit difficult to do it in front of people, but since my Cody is such a sweet little man …”
“He certainly is. And he has the most amazing mother …”
Janice wasn’t entirely sure whether the man was aware of their real relationship. Still, she preferred to maintain kayfabe for the time being.
“Thank you.”
“Let’s do this again! Maybe something about, say, a young man in bad company …”
He smiled at Cody, who was feeling even more nervous now. Who was this guy? He looked vaguely familiar.
“Yeah, of course I smoke. I’m a man, right?”
Cody was standing there in his cool hoodie and his wide pants that fluttered around his thin legs. Around him, there were some tough dudes that didn’t really look like actors … Well, maybe they were doing some method acting? The guy who had hired them for the show didn’t explain. Also, having it take place in a secluded area, but in the open … Cody wasn’t one-hundred-percent sure this was a good thing. Then again, the idea of getting caught … Maybe it did turn him on a little? Fuck. He adjusted the joint in his hand. At least, it wasn’t a crack pipe or something. The bigger men all grinned and made supportive gestures. Cody brought the lighter up and tried to make it work. It was one of those old-fashioned ones with the wheel. He turned it.
This wasn’t working. Despite this being only for show, he started to blush. Of course, he knew how to operate a lighter! Of course! Yes.
One of the gangster looking guys asked:
“C, my little bro, you’re having trouble with that thing?”
“No, no, I’m fine. I just … my hands are a bit moist.”
He wiped them off his trackpants and tried again.
And lo! There it was. Fire.
“Yes! Here we are.” He put the joint into his mouth and brought the flame close. Just as he was about to light it, he heard a muffled bang in the back. He stared into the dark. Then one of the gangsters was thrown into the open, looking stunned and groaning as he tried to get back to his feet.
The other men tried to figure out what was happening.
“Did you see that?”
“What’s going on?”
“I … Who is that …”
His voice trailed off. Then a massive figure emerged from the shadows. The men stared. As far as Cody could tell, their reactions were authentic, or these were absolutely amazing actors. It was all very unsettling. The young man also noted that one of the guys immediately got a hard-on when he realized that this was Janice.
She was wearing some skin-tight jeans that were plastered over her muscular legs, some fire-engine-red pumps, and she had tied a short-sleeved blouse together under her giant tits, which wobbled provocatively with every step, their heavy milkiness evident. She had also tied her hair up with a red bandana and looked every bit the concerned but absolutely sexy muscle mom.
She rubbed her fist. Clearly, that punch had been more than just show.
Now in full view, she stood up straight, eye-to-eye with the gangsters. She pushed her fists into sides and glared at them. Seeing her like this made Cody almost cum in his pants.
“Cody, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at home? Tomorrow is a school day!”
Her words were so intense, he immediately fell into character. He hid the joint and the lighter behind his back, then yelped as the hot metal singed his finger.
“Uh … Mom … I was just about coming home …”
“Ah? And what’s that in your hand?”
Blushing and suddenly in panic, he showed her the empty hand.
“The other hand.”
Trying to play along, he returned the one hand behind his back and switched the lighter and the joint, then showed her the other one.
“Still nothing, Mom.”
“Don’t play games with me, Cody.”
“I’m not playing ga …”
He was cut off when she grabbed his hands and roughly brought them forward. The lighter and the joint dropped to the ground in front of him. She held both his hands in one of hers and crouched down, picking up the joint with pointed fingers.
“And this?”
“I don’t know! It must have been here before!”
“Oh Cody! What happened to you? You used to be such a nice little boy!”
“It was nothing, Mom!”
“I think I must teach you some manners, and not to lie to your mother! Come along!”
“But …”
She grabbed him by the ear. He yelped in pain as her strong hand pulled on him. The gangsters stared. What was going on? They were trying to process the insanity in front of them. Then the amazingly sexy amazon pulled the little man along behind her. Cody produced a string of squeals and was forced to follow her into the building.
Then, they ended up in the living room that had been set up. She guided him to the sofa, her hand still firmly on his ear, the pressure big enough to make tears stream down his face. She pushed him on the couch, finally releasing him. Then she stood up straight, towering over him.
“Cody, Cody, Cody … What is going on with you? You used to be such a nice little boy! And now look at you, running around like a common hoodlum!”
“But Mom! That’s just the normal clothes for young men now!”
“Not for my son!”
With these words, she grabbed the hood and pulled on it, causing Cody’s face to disappear in the sweater. He produced muffled sounds, but then, she gave it another pull, lifting the young man up in the air in his textile prison. He almost fell on his face as he slipped out. She had clearly caught his tank top too, because his slim, hairless chest was now on full display.
She stared at him, then said:
“This is … The pants too! You can’t dress like that!”
“Please, Mom! Please …”
It was to no avail.
She grabbed him by the leg and lifted him up easily. Cody was dangling upside down from his mother’s mighty arms. He produced a sad little squeak, then she started pulling the pants from his butt. The spectator watched the display and humiliation with intense fascination.
Cody tried to hold to his pants, but it was already over. He dropped out of them, flopping on the floor in his underpants.
Janice looked down on him past her giant tits and said:
“There. That’s much better!”
“Mom! You can’t do this to me!”
“I have to. I have raised an honest, law-abiding son, and I will not let him get involved in shady deals!”
She got down on her knees on top of him, her strong hands touching his slim chest. Cody felt her hands on his skin. They were so powerful, yet also gentle … He shivered with lust, taking in her perfume. He smiled blissfully as she caressed him, tracing the shape of his soft little pecs. They were hardly there, but she still gave him the attention he deserved. Her weight was resting on him, her mighty tits bearing down on him, her dark nipples growing thicker and plumper as she got aroused too. They were easily visible through the moist fabric, their shapes pushing against it.
She set her strong hands on his tiny shoulders, her massive palms encompassing them easily. He felt completely under her control. One of her hands now shifted to the back, disappearing behind the enormous pair of breasts. She moaned as she brushed against her sex, then he felt her strong fingers brush against his crotch. A moment later, she nestled on his fly, undid and then she pulled down his underpants, revealing his erect cock. Although it was tiny, it was rock-hard immediately. She smiled blissfully as she touched it, rubbing it with her strong hand. It didn’t need much and he could feel his pre-cum well up. His balls tightened and he moaned loudly:
“Mom …”
“I’ll have to teach you a lesson, young man. And the best way to do this is by making sure you pay attention.”
She gave him a wicked smile, then leaned forward and kissed him. Her heavy, muscular body was pushing him against the ground, her massive teats squeezing the air out of his lungs. Tiny droplets of milk were forming on her nipples. She started shifting back and forth, making him even hornier, her thick, muscular crotch rubbing against him. She was incredibly wet already, and he could feel her warmth and desire flash over him. Her muscles seemed to grow even bigger and harder, completely engulfing him. He managed to extricate his arms and set his hands against her muscle-packed sides, feeling her obliques shift and move under her skin as she wiggled her majestic muscle-butt.
“Mom … I … I … We shouldn’t be doing this! It’s … it’s forbidden!”
She just chuckled:
“I don’t care! You should have thought of this before you got all naughty!”
“But … Please! Mom, you’re so strong … Please let me go!”
She laughed now, flexing her muscles.
“Why should I? You should behave yourself! And if I don’t teach you how to behave, your disappointing actions will fall back on me. I can’t have that! I have a responsibility!”
“Mom …”
ParticipantHere’s a bit of a gothic horror story.
Mildred is an ancient woman, weak and on the verge of death. Her son loves her in his twisted way. If only there was a method to give her a young body and prolong her life … Enter Megan, a weak young woman they hire as a caretaker … This work of erotic fiction contains female muscle growth (FMG), breast expansion, age regression, possession and incest. All characters are over 18 years old.Get it here:
This is the preview:
The mansion was crumbling gently, its ancient foundations slowly sinking into the soft earth. A soft rain pattered on the grimy windows and greyish light filtered in between the spider-silk curtains. The house groaned as it shifted, trying to settle its old bones into a more comfortable position. Deep down in its innards, primitive machinery banged, clanked and roared to life, pushing lazy warmth upwards through leaky pipes.
In the salon, Mildred Lancaster, stirred. She had fallen asleep again. Slowly, she raised her grey eyelids, her yellowed sclera appearing. She coughed. Her long, spindly fingers rubbed the grime from her eyes and she produced a raspy breath, followed by a cough.
She looked up, smiling at the portrait above the fireplace that showed her in her full beauty. The pale, soft skin, the full lips, the plump bosom, the long hair barely hiding her nakedness … She had this painting commissioned as Lady Godiva back in the day, and the artist had worked hard to do her justice. The poor man … He was constantly afraid of Mildred’s husband. Of course, a certain respect was warranted. When Godfrey had returned from the war, he had become erratic and prone to bouts of depression and sudden fury. Something in his mind had broken down under the strain, even though his body was as strong and fit as ever.
Eventually, as his behavior had become … irritating, Mildred began to gently direct him onwards. The man had eased quickly into the path she had figured out for him. He spent more and more time in uneasy dreams, barely getting out of his room anymore.
Mildred needed a heir, though, to make sure her claim on the Lancaster wealth, which was quite passable, would not be disputed. She acted accordingly, fixing the delirious Godfrey to his bed and … providing herself with his seed.
Was it really his? After all, it had been mostly useless in the man’s hands. Only through her choice did she give him descendancy.
Soon after, she fell pregnant. As the term closed in, Godfrey was no longer useful, so she dismissed him deeper into his dreams until he lost himself. The funeral was a quiet, personal affair, but soon after, she could celebrate the birth of sweet Edward, or Eddie, as the servants called him.
What an insult! Edward Lancaster wasn’t some hoodlum’s child or some milkmaid’s boy! He was the heir of the Lancaster name, the only one, and he deserved the best.
Despite the objections of the midwife and the doctor, Mildred insisted on nursing him herself. She kept him close, refusing to have some matron care for him. She would do it herself, and she would do it perfectly!
She read up on child rearing, and put her knowledge to practice, guiding him along, and making sure he knew of his mother’s love. He was to be the only man in her life from now on, and she would protect him and guide him to greatness!
Mildred eschewed the boarding schools and tutors common in her class, preferring to teach him herself. She learned the secrets of mathematics with him, she explored astronomy, physics, chemistry, philosophy, religion, and even the secret arts with him.
He was her one and everything.
When Edward reached the age of puberty, she realized that he would have needs. It was difficult for her. Other young men would be able to sneak out of dormitories to frequent some disgusting floozies, or would go after the chambermaids or the cook, if they were so inclined, but Mildred would have none of this.
As he started ejaculating, she dismissed the female staff so he would focus on his studies, and when she realized that he could no longer concentrate, she would ease him.
It wasn’t all that difficult. Even though Mildred’s experience with the marital arts was reduced, she read up on them and learned quickly.
Soon, Edward was exploring the limits of human desires with her, and it turned out that those limits were … guidelines at best …
Faced with the disgusted looks of some of the servants, Mildred dismissed them. She replaced them with … foreigners … who didn’t much care about what she did and just made sure everything was being taken care of.
Eventually, Edward reached adulthood. A doctor was friendly enough to have him dispensed from military service, and she could continue assisting him in his studies. By now, the young man had become a skilled mage, able to manipulate the sphere of the spiritual and the depths of the abyss with ease. He used his power to increase his wealth and build his influence, carefully venturing out into the strange outer world of business and academia.
The young man was an instant success, pushing on further and further, and yet, he always kept his mother at his side. Mildred kept in shape, using the advances in cosmetics and later in plastic surgery to maintain her beauty. She would go with the times, making sure that people who didn’t know about them would never think of her as his mother. Despite being seen as a bachelor, it was clear that there was only one woman at his side.
Then, when they returned home after a ball or a cocktail party, they would passionately make love, further and further descending into depravity.
And then, as with all things, time went along its path and Mildred could no longer keep up with her son. Despite her best efforts, she felt tired, her bones grew weaker, and even her harsh regimen of beauty care, personal fitness and specialized drugs was able to maintain an acceptable physique. She half-expected Edward to go his own way now, but no! He was a good son. He stayed with her, taking his leave from success and popularity and cared for her.
Still, the house was slowly but inevitably decaying. Edward, now in his forties, was still a splendid man, but the contrast to the family home was devastating.
Mildred groaned. Slowly, she got to her feet, her bony, shaking legs barely holding up her exhausted body. She walked to the library with small, insecure steps. Her body was bent by age, the vestiges of her attempts at youthfulness looking strangely out of place.
She leaned against the library door and managed to push it open far enough to step inside. Edward was standing at a lectern, reading in a grimoire with a magnifying glass. His lips were moving as he deciphered the copy of an ancient Sumerian spell.
He was torn from his concentration by his mother’s bony footsteps on the uneven parquet.
“Mother! You should have called me. I would have carried you.”
She coughed:
“Ah! I don’t need this kind of help yet, Edward. I can still take care of myself.” She approached the lectern and stretched her ancient body to peek at the text. “Have you found it?”
“I believe so. This text … Hubertus Pferdelieb von Liebeskunst noted its existence in the Opus Daemonum Dominationis, but it was wrongly bound into De Locis Sanctis et Profanis! If Carolus Struthio hadn’t mentioned seeing the diagram of a Sumerian demon circle in the book, I would never have thought of it. Now, here it is.”
She came even closer and started caressing her son, first his back, then his belly, then she moved downwards to his crotch, rubbing his penis through his pants. He sighed happily as his member stirred. With her cracking voice, she asked:
“And will it allow us to summon the being?”
“Absolutely. Of course, the preparations will take some time, but come the full moon, we should be able to perform it!”
He closed the book and turned towards his mother, undoing her robe’s belt, then cupped her heavy, tired breasts. They kissed passionately, then he picked her up, carrying her to a nearby divan. There, he placed her on it and gently spread her legs.
“Oh Edward, you are a good son, taking care of your mother like this …”
She felt his tongue explore her sex. Even though she was well over ninety years old, she still could feel the familiar exhilaration at her son’s worship. Of course, her frail body meant they could no longer amuse themselves the way they used to, but that would change soon …
The full moon came, and Edward carefully carried his mother up to the attic of the dilapidated building. He had already drawn the magic circles under the round window Mildred had had installed decades ago. It was leaking somewhat, but the sigils that were etched into the glass still held true. He had purified the room by slaughtering a goat and a black rooster, then had mediated within it for a week while fasting to prepare his spirit.
Now, it was time. He placed Mildred in the center of the eldritch symbol and asked whether she needed anything.
“No, my beloved son. Everything is fine. I will be able to bear this.”
“Good. Please be careful, Mother.”
“Haven’t I always?”
He smiled and began his chanting. The strange, ancient syllables rolled off his tongue, echoing through the dusty attic. As he proceeded through the spells, he heard faint echoes form, as if many voices joined in with him. Then, as the spell reached its apex, the voices no longer repeated his words, but answered his incantation.
He looked at Mildred, and saw her body writhe with pleasure as the magic flowed through her. The moon shone down through the window, the lines of its etchings dancing over her body. A shimmer of red and black appeared in the air, and then, his mother’s had lolled sideways, strange tongues emerging from her mouth. A deep voice, a bright voice, a chorus of syllables … and then, she sat up and rose to her feet.
Her whole stance changed, and he heard a sultry voice emerge from her throat.
“You have summoned me, Edward Son of Godfrey …”
There were strange flickers of purple-pinkish light emanating from his mother’s body, glowing under her skin, shining deep within her orifices. There was a strange scent in the air, sweet, full, and almost sickening. Edward was having difficulties focusing. He rubbed his temples, trying to keep his mind clear. Through half-closed eyes, he could see bizarre, slithering shapes rise from the summoning circle and flow up and down his mother’s ancient body. They seemed to enter and exit her body through the skin itself, leaving strange symbols glowing under it.
Edward managed to regain his cool and raised his hands, forming the Sign of Mastery as detailed in the Kitab Al-Abwab. The creature that possessed his mother shifted her old face into an amused grin that looked completely alien, pink flames oozing from the corners of her mouth. The smell that flowed from her body grew more intense, causing him to grow painfully erect. He could feel that his cock was stretching itself, becoming larger and thicker, his testicles smarting.
The grin was becoming disturbing. The creature laughed:
“You think this will protect you?”
The being ran his mother’s slim, arthritic hand down the body to her crotch, sinking the long, thin fingers into her, releasing a translucent flood of strange, liquid shapes that ran down the insides of her bony thighs.
“I bind you, Demon of Lust, by your name, Shir-Agan-Haz-Akham-Bar. I bind you by the name of your lord, Ashmedai, King of Demons, who was brought low by Solomon and made to build the Temple! As your liege was commanded by the secrets of magic, so are you! Your name is known, your sigil is known, you must obey!”
The creature laughed, a stream of plump, half-invisible worms erupting from Edward’s mother’s mouth.
“Oh, you poor, poor creature … Such a short time on this wretched planet, and you waste it on ridiculous works such as this! Why don’t you go out, find yourself a wife who will bear you plump little children, and raise them to be good and upstanding subjects of whatever king you serve? Wouldn’t that be better than to try and deal with creatures such as me?”
The demon laughed even louder, spewing pink fire on the floor, the musk that oozed from his mother’s skin intensifying.
“No! I want a new body for my mother! You must give it to her!”
The beast stared at the decrepit shape it inhabited and roared with laughter:
“I can give her to a worm’s body! Not one, many! Worms make for good bodies, you fool! They writhe, they eat, and then they die. Oh, and they make more worms.” The creature snorted, then added: “Come to think of it, they’re not that different from you sad images of the Creator! He must have a sense of humor to look into the mirror and find something like you in his splendor!”
Edward realized that the demon was playing for time. He couldn’t hold up the spells forever, and the longer the being would continue talking and wasting his time, the sooner it would break through the barrier. And then … He shivered.
Summoning all his willpower, he cast the command spell and said:
“You heard my order, you must obey. Give my mother a new body of our dreams! My Word is Law upon you!”
The demon fondled his mother’s empty, sagging breasts, ectoplasm dripping from their nipples.
“This is not what you want? Are you unhappy? Don’t you love your mother? You ungrateful …”
The being ran its tongue over its crumpled lips and gave him a look that made his heart beat fast. He focused again.
“You have your command. Fulfill it!”
The demon twisted the fragile body cruelly and said:
“Fine, I will obey … I will take your mother’s spirit and soul, and I will weave it into a new body. You’ll just have to prepare a fitting vessel for her. One that will please you … I’m sure you’ll manage that, won’t you, Edward, Son of Godfrey?”
“I will. To make sure you will do what I demand, I will bind you into this mirror. You won’t escape until your task is completed!”
The monstrosity chuckled:
“If you think this will help, my dear son …”
It laughed terribly, causing his mother to produce gruesome, inhuman noises as it was drawn from her body and directed into the ancient mirror on the wall in the study. From there, it whispered:
“Prepare the body, and be quick …”
Megan stared nervously at the gate of the mansion. This place was … intimidating? It looked like something out of a gothic novel. Or a Tim Burton movie. Okay, no. Less whimsy. More horror. She hesitated. It really looked as if it were still stuck in the 19th century, and not in a good way. The job centre had sent her there, hoping for her to get a spot as a personal assistant. She sighed. It was hard for her. The economy was difficult, and she found that even working as a cashier was difficult for her. She couldn’t bear the long standing at the register, and the constant contact with people exhausted her. Plus, she hated, hated, hated! their looks. Okay, so she was ugly. She knew. She was fat, she had bad skin, her nose was too big, and she looked all exhausted all the time. Yeah. She was a shapeless, disgusting blob made human, and her life was shit.
She would just ring at this place, have a job interview with the people in there, who were probably disgusted by merely looking at her, get them to sign her paper that said she had tried, and then, she was back to sitting at home and waiting for time to pass.
That was a plan, wasn’t it? She hated her life. Such a shitty outlook …
She rang. After a moment, there was an answer:
“Megan Baker. I’m here for the job interview.”
“Ah, yes. Come on in.”
The voice had sounded warm and friendly. Maybe she had a chance? Did she even want one?
She walked to the mansion door, looking at the vegetation. Calling it a garden was optimistic. The place was overgrown and chaotic, with remainders of statues and decorative objects poking out among the weeds. The place seemed all soggy, and she had this strange impression of the ground clinging to her feet as she walked.
The door opened as she came closer, and the man that opened looked … handsome. Wow. Okay. Okayokayokay … Maybe …
To her surprise, the man didn’t even frown. Instead, he smiled warmly and said:
“Welcome to Lancaster House. I’m Edward Lancaster. The place is a little old-fashioned, and maybe not in the best shape, but I’m sure a young and charming woman like you will spruce it up soon enough.”
Megan was confused by his words. Was this some kind of a trap? Or a game? Or a prank? Why would a guy like that even be friendly to something like her?
He held out a hand and greeted her with a little bow, then helped her out of her coat and hung it on the rack next to the door. He smiled as he received her cap in turn and put it on top.
“Thank you, sir.”
“I’m sorry for the lack of personnel, but you know how it is.” She didn’t. He just continued, guiding her to the salon. “Come on in. I’ll get you a cup of tea. These old walls can be a little chilly.”
She stepped inside, nervous under the gaze of the massive oil paintings and the hunting trophies. In the middle of the brownish salon, there was an armchair, and on that sat the oldest, most decrepit woman she had ever seen. The crone’s lips shifted imperceptibly. Unsure of what to do, Megan tried a curtsy, which came across rather clumsy.
The old woman produced a sound that felt like a chuckle. Or a death rattle. Then she said:
“Good afternoon. You’re the new help?”
“Er … I hope so, ma’am.”
“You hope so?”
“If you would hire me, ma’am? Yes.”
The handsome man returned with a trolley and quickly served tea and biscuits. Then he sat down on an ancient récamière and said:
“This is my mother, Mildred Lancaster. You will be assisting her with her needs as good as you can.”
“Okay … You mean I’m hired?”
“I don’t see why not. The gentleman at the labour exchange told me you are trustworthy and discreet. As far as I am concerned, this is all that is needed. The rest will be explained as you work. Of course, you will be paid acceptably.” He gave her a number.
Megan blinked. That wasn’t much.
“That’s for a year?”
The man seemed a bit surprised.
“No? That is per month. Is it too low?”
“No. Not at all! This is perfect!”
“Very well, then. Of course, you will be required to live here for the time being, but you will find that this old house provides plenty of space. I guess you will make a home here quickly.”
Megan hesitated. Moving out of the flat share would be great, but this place … Whatever. If she managed to get through a year here, she would be set for a nice new start, and then, she would build her life the way she wanted.
“Alright! Ma’am, sir, I’m in. I’d be glad to work for you.”
The old woman chuckled:
“Splendid. Edward, would you explain her duties to our … Megan, was it?”
“Of course, Mother. Come with me.”
He got up and showed her around, looking at her heavy, clumsy body with hidden amusement. So this was the canvas they would paint his mother’s new body on …
A few months in, Megan was starting to feel strangely at home in the old manor. It was charming in its strange, gothic way. Okay, it also was kinda eerie at times, especially at night, but since everybody was treating her nicely, she assumed that the ghosts would be just as friendly.
Her bosses were good people too. The man was always perfectly charming and courteous, making sure she felt right at home and treating her with the utmost respect. Sometimes, she really felt like a princess! It was motivating to see her work appreciated like that.
The mother was just as great. Of course, she was always a bit grumpy and one had to get used to her rough way of treating other people, but once Megan understood the work that was expected of her, it was much easier to deal with the old woman’s way. Also, she was strict, but she was fair, and Megan never heard any undeserved criticism from her.
The assistant work was doable. She had to help the woman clean herself, prepare the meals, make the beds and take care of the house as far as she could. This was a bit difficult since the mansion was so vast and there were tracts that were never used and had been closed off years or even decades ago. Megan always thought about maybe going exploring once in a while and see what strange treasures might await there, but mostly, she was busy with work.
Right now, she was giving the old woman a massage. That was useful to keep her ancient circulation running. Megan had to be careful not to hurt the slim, tiny woman. The first time she had treated her, the woman had developed a bad bruise that had only disappeared after three weeks. Now, she was extremely gentle.
The old woman sighed:
“This is good. You are getting better and better at this, girl.”
“I am glad you enjoy it, Ma’am.”
“Mmh … My old bones need this. Yes …”
Megan’s hands passed over the old woman’s back. Ever since she had moved in with her, Megan was losing weight, slowly, but certainly. It had to do with the food. The Lancasters only ate the best quality imaginable, and insisted on a healthy diet for themselves and her. Of course, Megan missed the fast food and the snacks, but then again, losing a bit of flab was great. It was definitely an improvement and she slept much better too.
“Ma’am … May I ask a question?”
“Of course, girl. What do you want to know?”
“Edward, I mean, Mr. Lancaster … Is he married? Or divorced? Or … widowed?”
The old woman chuckled. Of course, that sloppy creature would want to know that, wouldn’t she? They were all the same! Get a maid or some other servant close to her Edward, and they would all get hungry and crave his love … And his money of course! And his name. They all saw themselves as little women in one of these disgusting romance novels! Getting their bodices ripped by the master of the house! It never failed.
“My son has yet to find the right woman for him. As far as I know, he has been looking for a suitable wife for years now, but none have ever been good enough. He has very high standards.” She smiled benignly. “That might be my fault. I may have set his standards too high.”
The ancient woman could feel Megan’s hopes fade. Ah yes. So easy to frustrate! No wonder this blob was going nowhere …
Megan nodded to herself. Of course. It was the worst pipe dream, wasn’t it? Marrying a prince charming such as him … No chance.
Suddenly, the old woman said:
“I must admit that I may have overdone this. Ah! If my Edward stays like this, I will never have any grandchildren!” She groaned as Megan eased a rough spot. “I should make up for my mistake. My dear Megan …”
“Yes, Ma’am?”
“If you want, I could assist you at this. Consider it our ‘girl’ thing …” Mildred was disgusted by the words coming out of her mouth. Girl! A girl was an unfinished woman. And now, everybody was calling themselves that! It was infantile and stupid. But if it pleased that creature …
“You mean you could teach me how to be a proper lady?”
“I can teach you. We will see whether you can learn …”
Megan felt a sting, but then again, the old woman was gracious enough to do this. She nodded gratefully.
Time flew by, and Megan was doing her best to learn. The old woman taught her how to sit correctly, how to eat correctly, how to speak correctly. It was a lot. She even had to learn how to walk! There was so much! The cutlery, the flowers, the handwriting! And all the time, she had Edward all close, being wonderful … It was motivating, to say the least.
The old woman had her start a diary and forced her to read books. This was just as difficult for her. She had read a few books at school because she had to, but she had barely finished them. Now, the crone literally quizzed her on her progress, demanding exact summaries and answers on her questions. It was tough.
Eventually, Megan was getting used to her role. She even managed to mimic Mildred’s accent, only falling back into her very lower-class language when she was out shopping. And even then, she was starting to sound overly posh. People reacted weirdly to her, unsure of what to make of this woman with the perfect manners and surprisingly correct pose, but the body of a clumsy prole. The whole look just didn’t match.
Eventually, Mildred asked:
“My sweat young girl, what is wrong? You seem rather distraught.”
The young woman sighed:
“I’m just a bit unhappy, that’s all, Ma’am. Thank you for asking.”
“Well? What is it?”
“I … I shouldn’t bother you with this, but … I’m afraid I’ll never be good enough for your son.”
The old woman hid a grim smile.
“In what way?”
“I’ll never look as good as you did on that painting. That elegance! That beauty! I just don’t look like that, and I’ll never …”
“Tut-tut, love.”
Megan was shocked to hear that word coming from the old woman. Did she really just call her …
“I think we should be able to fix that, girl. We don’t live in ancient times anymore.”
“What? How would you …”
“I would have thought you’d know about these things. You can get plastic surgery and get this fixed!”
“Oh … Yes, of course, Ma’am, but … I don’t have that kind of money. Also, I’m not sure …”
“Is it just the money? That is not a problem, love. I think we have enough to spare to make life a little easier for you.”
“You … you would … you would pay for something like that? I’ll pay you back! I … Just give me time!”
The old woman shook her head and made a dismissive gesture.
“Please. I am not a moneylender, and neither is my son. If we find a young talent, we will help it. And if a little money is all it takes, then so be it!”
“Ma’am, thank you! Thank you so much! I’m … I can’t believe it!”
The old woman just smiled. Perfect. Who knew that it took so little to make one of these sad creatures crawl at one’s feet?
Soon enough, Megan was introduced to a friend of the family who ran a very exclusive high-class clinic and of course also had some of the best plastic surgeons available. She was deeply intimidated by what was happening, trying to smile as the doctor was very courteous and friendly, taking a lot of time to examine her, and even to make some genuine conversation. Eventually, he looked at her face and body and said:
“It’s certainly doable. Not much of a problem, really. We’ll rework the jaw a bit, fix the teeth, maybe adjust the temples and the nose slightly, and pin the ears, and you’re going to look marvelous, dear. The lips are even fine as they are!”
Megan smiled in slight panic.
“But … isn’t that a bit much? I don’t want to change completely.”
“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll be recognizable after this. It’ll just be a more refined ‘you’, if you will. The face you actually deserve, not the one you were born with.”
He turned to the other surgeon, a tall, beautiful woman.
“What do you think, Béatrice? About the body?”
“It’ll be fine. She has great skin. I wish my usual patients had skin like that. Little to no scarring, a few stretchmarks, nothing difficult. We’ll go for a moderate set of breast implants, a simple set of butt implants, some liposuction on the inner thighs, and we’ll contour the whole body …” Her look made Megan all nervous. It was piercingly intense. “I’ll even make you a wonderful new box. You’re going to love the look. You’ll fuck like a working girl and look like a princess.”
Megan looked at her boss, who was sitting close-by in her wheelchair. The smile on the ancient woman’s face was almost encouraging, but there was something …
“Perfect. When can you start on my protégée?”
“As soon as you are ready, Ma’am.”
“Then please, Megan, if you don’t mind, we’ll go ahead, shall we?”
Rather nervously, Megan nodded. She wondered how it would feel …
Edward was lying on the bed next to his mother, caressing her naked belly and her sack-like, empty breasts. She smiled at him hungrily. They were together again for the first time in ages. After all, they could only consummate their passion when Megan wasn’t there. On the other hand, the strange separation they were going through was only increasing their longing, and watching the girl become more and more presentable was quite arousing too.
After all, Mildred could see her future vessel develop and change as she watched. The thought of regaining a young, beautiful body was incredible. It was so enticing, just thinking about it made her ancient sex tighten and moisten again.
He kissed her. The old woman answered hungrily, her tongue entering her son’s mouth.
“Soon, we’ll be able to enjoy this so much more …”
“Yes … I can’t wait, Mother …”
“I love you, Edward … I love you …”
She carefully directed him on top of her. He brought his rigid cock close to her vulva and entered her gently.
“Mmmh … Oh yesss … Edward … you are the best boy a mother could want …”
She moaned as he started to slip deeper into her. Their love had to be so gentle … She felt a pang of sadness. Soon, they would be able to be rougher, more intense, more alive …
In the twilight of the magical laboratory, the succubus was watching them play. Weren’t they adorable in their sad little love? The creature couldn’t help smirking. After all those millennia, those pathetic creatures still always repeated the same painfully clumsy games. The succubus felt its loins stir, its strange sexual organs twitching, swelling and changing. These two, however … they felt a bit different. In a good, promising way … Maybe it could work? Maybe … The creature started pleasuring itself as it watched them. Now that would be an interesting development that just might make being summoned to this disgusting world a bit more bearable …
Megan awoke from a strange dream. It took her a moment to realize where she was. She was feeling numb and confused. There was a lot of pressure on her head from all sides, and she seriously wondered what happened.
Then it slowly returned to her. She was at that clinic.
Oh God. What did they do to her?
Panicking, she grabbed the alarm and pushed it. A moment later, a very elegant nurse stepped inside.
“You rang, Ma’am?”
“What happened?”
“Ma’am, you had a set of facial surgeries. They went well, and you are already on the way of recovery.”
“I am?”
“Yes. It will take a few more days for most of the swelling to go down, but the doctor thinks you will be satisfied.”
“Oh. Wow. So it really happened.”
“That is correct, Ma’am. This should be the first surgery, and if everything goes well, the doctors will be able to proceed to the next steps soon.”
“There’s more?”
“Yes, Ma’am. This was the facial work. The next part will be the liposuction treatment, and then, the doctors will take care of your butt. The last step will be your chest.”
“Okay … I … I had such a strange dream …”
“That is normal, Ma’am. The drug we use does that. They’re usually rather pleasant.”
“I … I don’t know. I don’t really remember.”
“No worries, Ma’am. Just rest for now, and soon, you will be able to admire your new and improved beauty!”
The woman smiled gently and got her patient a cup of tea.
A few days later, the doctor declared her face presentable. The old woman and her son were summoned to the clinic and found themselves watching as the nurse carefully removed the bandages. Megan was very nervous. The clinic had a strict “no mirrors”-policy and her smartphone had been taken away at some point, so she really didn’t know what was going to happen. The ancient woman smiled, though.
As the last bandages came off, Megan was handed a mirror. She stared at the reflection.
“Wow …”
The doctor was standing close-by, smiling smugly. Megan touched her cheek. Oh God … She was looking amazing. It was still her, yes, but also so much more … She was looking gorgeous.
She breathed in sharply, turning her face from side to side, smiling, frowning, glaring, rolling her eyes …
The old woman grumbled to her son:
“When she’s done making faces, Edward, ask her how it feels.”
The son smiled:
“Just let her enjoy this, Mother. It was your idea, after all.”
“Yes, obviously. But still … She should be careful so she doesn’t damage it already.”
“I don’t think it works that way.”
He turned to Megan, who was completely enraptured by her new face, admiring the elegant curvature of her nose, her beautiful cheeks, her perfect chin.
“I trust you like what you see?”
“I love it! It’s amazing. It’s like a dream come true! Thank you so much, Mrs. Lancaster, Mr. Lancaster! I am so happy!”
The man nodded and shot his mother a glance. The crone nodded slowly. This was going just according to plan. She turned to the doctor.
“When can you continue?”
“I would recommend a month of resting, and then, we could get to work on the body sculpting and the buttocks.”
“You hear that, child? In a month, you’ll be back here!”
The young woman smiled blissfully:
“I can’t wait, Ma’am!”
Back at the mansion, Megan found herself constantly admiring herself in whatever reflection she passed as she worked. It was just too good. She loved this new face, and she couldn’t wait for her next day off to show it to her friends. Then again, maybe it was better if she waited until the procedures were all done. Also, the old couple didn’t want her to go out anyway. When she had to go to town, she was told to put on one of these face masks and some sunglasses. She found it a bit strange, but with the money they were paying her and the fact that they paid for the surgeries, who was she to argue.
Still, “the couple” …
It was odd to think of them like that. The woman was old and he was her son, that much was clear. And he did show some interest in Megan. After all, this was what this was all about. But whenever she observed the two of them together, she couldn’t help wondering …
They were probably just so used to each other, it was clear that a certain familiarity would eventually develop, right?
It did feel a bit off, though.
In her sparse free time, she liked to explore the mansion a bit. After all, should she end up marrying Edward, it would be her home, so she should be familiar with it. Besides, it was quite astonishing and a little spooky …
She imagined herself wandering the place at night with a chandelier, wearing a silky white dress that would float after her … With Edward being her strange, fascinating lover …
Megan giggled with excitement. He was a complicated man, both courteous and elusive … She wondered what he really liked.
That was also part of her explorations. Maybe she could figure him out?
There was another thing, though.
Sometimes, Megan had this strange sensation that there was someone else in this place. Someone different, an invisible guest that lived in the bowels of the mansion. A person that seemed to just have left the room as she entered it.
On occasion, she would smell a faint scent of some strange, indescribable perfume. A heady, strong flavor that was confusing and intense. She couldn’t explain it, and she couldn’t well ask her bosses, could she? Either they would laugh at her or think she was going crazy! She couldn’t afford that now. She had to stick to this and see where it led her …
Soon enough, it was time for the next step in Megan’s transformation, and Edward drove her to the clinic. Mildred was left alone for the time being. She had told them to go. After all, she was able to take care of herself for a while, wasn’t she?
Now she was rolling down the hallways of her mansion in her chair, taking in just how decrepit the place was. As soon as she would have her new body, she would spruce up this place and make it new! She would build herself a home that would fit her new lease on life …
She smiled, the artificial teeth feeling uncomfortable in her mouth. Sometimes, they did that. She reached inside and pulled the dentures out carefully. Disgusting. She couldn’t wait to have real teeth in her mouth again …
Suddenly, she realized she was being watched. From one of the decorative mirrors in the hallway, a strange creature was grinning at her. She felt her heart skip a beat.
Then she heard the honeyed voice of the succubus in her mind:
“Oooh … Don’t die on me yet … We still have so much to do, love …”
“How are you here?”
“I’m not, dear. I am still firmly imprisoned in this mirror. Well, in all the mirrors in this place. They’re connected, you know? Or at least, I connected them.”
The old woman growled a spell, directing it at the dull surface of the ancient mirror.
The succubus laughed:
“Don’t worry, love … I’m very happy like this. I won’t break out of this … yet. And I don’t want to get back into that body of yours. Sorry. It’s just sooo old! I’d be afraid to break something!”
The crone glared at the shifting beast in the mirror.
“What do you want?”
“What do I want? You know me, dear … I want everything. To excess. No surprises here. That’s why you made me come here. But I have a question for you, love … An important question.”
“What does your boy want? It’s an important one. You want him. Fine. You want kids. Also fine, though I don’t see the appeal of having disgusting little humans that only care for their primitive cravings on the carpet …” The succubus seemed to shiver. “All they want is to be fed, to fart and to sleep. And a bit of cuddling. That’s not very interesting, is it? They’re like a necessary evil …”
“Stop this. What do you mean, what does he want? I know what he wants! He wants his mother!”
“Yes, yes, of course he does. But it’s always better to double-check, don’t you think? Just so you don’t end up being uninteresting to him once you’re in this girl’s body … Maybe he actually likes them old and decrepit?”
The succubus giggled. The old woman frowned:
“You know something about this?”
“I know nothing. I just learned to ask the better questions, love …”
Mildred stared at the mirror, but the creature had faded away.
After this discussion, the old woman grew restless. She had to understand what the beast had meant. The next time Edward was out and Megan was busy with her housework, she clambered into her wheelchair and started out of her room and to the hallway. The electric engine on the chair buzzed faintly, the sounds of the wheels muffled by the thick carpet.
Mildred couldn’t wait for that cow Megan to get her body ready. She longed to stand on her own two feet, to walk wherever she wanted, without pain or that disgusting feeling of helplessness. She continued down the hallway, even more annoyed than ever before because of the chair’s slowness. It was infuriating to watch the age-old musty décor pass by on her sides at a snail’s pace …
At last, she reached the room that functioned as her son’s office. She carefully opened the door and rolled inside.
The place was spotless, as she expected from a gentleman. Mildred had made sure that the idea of having a mess in his personal space was disgusting to Edward. The little boy had been very annoyed by it back in the day, but she had mercilessly drilled this into him, and it had worked wonders.
She looked around. If she were him, where would she hide her perverted little secrets?
It was a bit of a conundrum. There was little sense in hiding those things after all. Mildred had never expected to be in this room in her life, Megan wasn’t supposed to be here, and the anonymous creatures that appeared and disappeared to clean the house in the name of some uncaring company weren’t expected to judge. Besides, they were invariably exchanged for other, equally irrelevant brownish women.
Mildred examined the room a little further, then decided that the probable place was out of reach and out of sight for a normal-sized person. She rolled into the middle of the room, turned around and looked up. Above the doorframe, there was a shelf that contained a simple wooden box.
That would be it. She smirked. Not bad. She had no idea of how to get there.
Unless …
She grunted and detached the cane from the little claw that held it to her wheelchair. It was one of these canes with a support for the forearm, and she despised it. She would have accepted a beautiful cane with an ivory pommel, or an officer’s pace stick, but neither of these provided enough support. So it had to be this metal and plastic abomination …
It would be useful now, though.
She extended its length to the maximum, then, holding it with both hands and resting it in the fold of her arm, she lifted it up and up, using its cup-like end to catch the box. Carefully nudging it along, she managed to scoop it up and then lowered it back down. Her ancient muscles were instantly straining. For a moment, Mildred thought the whole thing would come crashing down on her. The idea that the box would hit her on the head almost made her panic. There would be nothing she could do …
She cursed this ancient, broken body for the prison it was. Soon, she would have a new one, a better one! The thought made her feel all warm inside …
The old woman managed to catch the box and let it slide into her lap. Then she put away the crutch and carefully opened the box. For a moment, she felt a bit of dread of what she would discover. Peeking into her son’s and lover’s deepest desires was even worse than all the other stuff she was doing, wasn’t it?
She stared at the papers.
Mildred shuffled the pieces around. That couldn’t be real, could it?
She felt sick.
That was what he was imagining?
The crone stared at the pictures. They had been accumulated over long years, that much was clear. The first pieces were simple drawings, in red chalk, charcoal or pencil. They weren’t bad and at first, she thought they were simple artistic nude exercises, but …
They were all muscular. Women. Women with muscles. The first ones were still simple and naturalistic, clearly inspired by classical art. She could see a hint of Michelangelo in some of them.
The further Edward had progressed, though, the more muscular and extreme the women got. They went from simple physiques one would find on farmer girls or workers to more and more artistic physiques. The later ones were absurd.
Few men had muscles like these. Very few.
And yet, those were women.
She felt a kind of panic rise within herself. What was she going to find next?
She shuffled further down the stack, and then she found it.
A series of photographs cut from magazines showing, not as she had expected, beautiful naked women, but instead strange muscular creatures. Bright colors, strange hairstyles, and muscles, muscles and more muscles! Those women looked completely insane.
They had these smug, powerful expressions, the swollen arms, legs and shoulders, the strong necks, the large, spherical breasts … It was all incredibly bizarre.
The further she explored the little box with the pictures stacked tightly, the worse it got. And then came the craziest part.
Mildred sat there, stunned.
Edward had clearly taken some of her photographs from her youth and had carefully trimmed the heads out of them, and then, he had stuck them on those absurd muscle-bodies.
Her throat ran dry. She could swear she could hear the succubus chuckle somewhere in the depths of her mind. Pale and confused, Mildred touched her ancient picture. This one, Edward had clearly attempted to color to match the skin tone of the deeply bronzed athlete. It wasn’t half bad.
And yet, it made her panic.
This was what he wanted?
This was the kind of woman her son desired?
Such a bizarre monstrosity? Such a perversion of nature? This?
She had to wait for moment to recover her breathing. Her heart was beating so fast, she was afraid she would die any moment.
That would be the ultimate insult, wouldn’t it? To be found with the proof of her son’s total perversion in her hands!
Then Mildred started thinking about this. This was what she always did in a crisis. Think. Analyze the situation, figure out a solution, and then deal with it.
In the end, this phenomenon was only natural. No wonder Edward desired strong women. She was a strong woman, after all. Maybe not physically, but Mildred’s force of personality and will was legendary. She was in control, she was sharp and she knew what she wanted.
So if Edward wanted this …
She carefully replaced the box on its shelf, easier this time, then she left the room. As she rolled down the hallway, she whispered:
“I know you can hear me, creature …”
The voice came instantly, almost behind her ear.
“Yesss … Did you like what you saw?”
“No. This is disgusting.”
“Indeed. It is. Isn’t it fascinating?”
“Hm. It’s disheartening. I never would have thought that Edward’s perversion would run this deep.”
“But, my dearest Mildred, have you looked at the mirror lately? Come on. You are both disgusting monsters, and what you are doing to sweet, innocent, naïve little Megan is even worse. And you’re not even ashamed of yourselves. It’s astonishing, really.”
“This is something different. It’s necessary.”
“Yes, yes, wonderful. I love necessity. Necessity is what really pushes humans to their worst! It’s amazing what you are able to do when you believe you see no other issue …”
The creature laughed disgustingly. Then it calmed down a bit and whispered:
“Don’t worry, my beloved Mildred. You might be a bit disappointed by your sweet little angel’s taste, but I can help you and I will. I will help you turn that soft, weak, sad little Megan into your son’s ultimate fantasy, and you will own her body. You will fill her up to the brim with your soul, and she will be perfect. A new vessel for a new woman! Your son will crave you even more, and he will fulfill your every desire!”
Mildred shivered. The succubus’ voice was so arousing.
“Imagine … You will be strong. Sensual. Alive. This body will not just be your tool, it will be your weapon to protect your sweet son from this disgusting, monstrous world that only tries to hurt him, to seduce him, to take him from you. And strength, my wonderful Mildred, is the greatest aphrodisiac! Strength, power, domination, control … This is the real key! Everything else is just empty. Allow me to guide you, and I will take you beyond your wildest imagination …”
The old woman gasped. The succubus’ words dripped into her ears, filling her mind’s eye with confusing visions of shifting bodies, swelling muscles, of strength and devoted love …
She sighed:
“Yes … Let’s do this … Let’s make him happy …”
The succubus laughed.
“We will, Mildred, we will …”