M Lee

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  • in reply to: Old-school growth animation (NSFW) #69581
    M Lee

    Yeah YT will shut it down.

    But, DailyMotion will gladly welcome you with open arms.  They even have a group with one Female Muscle vids!

    in reply to: Looking for an Altawoman Story #68267
    M Lee

    Yeah, I'm 100% sure that it's not on the Altawoman site.  It wasn't a comic or a CGI Render.  Just a basic story

    in reply to: In search of two stories #30626
    M Lee

    I post Full Moon Fever Formula on Diana's site, too…

    in reply to: Breaking The Dam #3640
    M Lee

    Breaking the Dam

    Trina Scott was her parents’ pride and joy. They prayed so long, and tried everything imaginable to have a child. They were some of the first families to try the now widespread fertility drugs in the late 70’s and early 80’s. And, after years of trials and tribulations, they were blessed with results from the drugs. Trina’s mother conceived three children, one of which being Trina. At birth, their joy became somewhat melancholy though. Trina’s mother had given birth to conjoined triplets. A rare feat, but understandable given the drug treatments she’d undergone. And, what was worse was that the babies were not given a high chance of survival. A tragic choice had to be made, as Trina’s parents decided to separate the two weaker triplets from the stronger baby, who would be known as Trina. Doing this would undoubtedly kill the other babies, but they felt they had no choice. So, the doctors performed the harrowing surgery, and saved Trina’s life. During the surgery, it was discovered that the triplets shared many internal organs, which were “super-sized”, which were able to produce enough blood, hormones, and other bodily fluids to all three babies. Fearing the loss of Trina, they decided to keep as many of these organs in tact, and leave them in Trina’s tiny body. Also concerned that her super-organs would over-pump and kill Trina, small clamps were installed, to meter out their production. As a result, it was theorized that the connecting veins would atrophy, and shrink to a more manageable size for her body. The surgery was successful, and Trina was saved and allowed to live a normal life. Trina grew up like any other child, with only a few scars to show for the ordeal of her infancy. When she started 1st grade, she was the average height and activity level of any other 6 year old. But, as she aged, the differences between her and her classmates started to become more apparent. By 15, when all the other kids started their own growth spurts, and began to blossom into women, Trina was noticeably behind. This was a fact that wasn’t missed by her, or by her ridiculing classmates. Trina was small, and chronically exhausted. She was never able to be as athletic as the rest of her peers—sucking air from a 40 yard jog down the block. Her bodily dimensions paralleled that of some small boys, with no curves or bust line to speak of. The sheepish and small Trina lived a life that was always in the shadows of others.

    By 23, Trina had come to grips with her body, and accepted that nothing would bring about a change in her life. One day, while cleaning out her parents’ attic, she came across some of their old photographs and yearbooks. She marveled at the pics of her parents in their heyday. Dad had been an All-State high school and college quarterback and Heisman finalist, and mom had been a softball standout. Both of them were athletic gods. “What happened to me?”, mused Trina, as she perused the albums. Gathering more evidence, she looked through more pictures. All four of her grandparents were at least 5’10”, and all of her cousins, both male and female, were much bigger than Trina’s 5’1”, 111 lbs. Trina’s eyes widened with an obsession over it, now. Was it all a cruel joke, from God? Was she adopted? She just had to find out. In speaking to her parents, she was assured that she wasn’t adopted. But, that just fueled her inquisitiveness. Her final stop was to the Doctor. She’d recently decided go to a new doctor. Her family had been using the same doctor since before she was born, and had recently retired. So, she was shocked when her new doctor filled her in on what had been on her medical records. In the records were the entire story of her birth and the death of her conjoined siblings. “So, you see Trina, there are small discs covering the openings of many of your organs, which partially constrict the flow and operation of these organs. By removing at least some of these discs you should see a remarkable increase in your energy. And, with the greater hormonal flow, you might just see a small increase in your physical size. Nothing major, you might just gain a few pounds here or there.”. Trina accepted the plan, and went forward with the surgery, hoping that the small increase will at least help her become healthier.

    A few weeks had passed since the surgery to remove the restraint discs inside Trina. The only side-effects were small headaches from time to time. There were small increases in her stamina. She didn’t need to nap after work as in the past, but still, she wasn’t as full of energy as she’d hoped for. She decided to help her body along, and put her new stamina to use by buying a modest weight and barbell set, for her to use in her basement. As with all new things, Trina made good use of the weights for the first couple of days. But, she pushed herself too hard, and ended up retiring the weights within a week. It seemed like the more she exerted herself, the more she had her headaches. Not being one to take a lot of medicines, she often opted not to take any aspirin for the pain, and stop her new workout regiment. Taking it easier was Trina tried to do. A couple of weeks later, Trina had the worse day of her life. Her office got hit with a computer virus, wiping out most of her work for the past three months. She forgot her umbrella at home, and got caught in the rain, walking to her car after work, ruining her brand new work outfit. Arriving at her car, she saw that someone had knocked off the mirror on her car. And, to make it worse, she got a ticket for that missing mirror on her car, on the way home. By this time, her head was pounding with an intense pain, as if someone was shooting a nail gun right into the back of her neck and skull. Dreary-eyed she made it into her house and into her bathroom, cracking open the aspirin and taking 3 or 4. Taking deep breaths, the she could feel the headache ebb slowly. She made her way to her couch, to relax and let the aspirin do its magic. She sat there, kicking her shoes off and flipping on the TV, and checking her answering machine. It was then that things turned for the worse. The first message on her machine was her supervisor. “Trina, we need you to come back into the office tonight. With this virus, we’re gonna have to re-do all the work we lost. I know that you’re the only person on our team without a spouse or kids to go home to, so I know you won’t have any plans for tonight. I’ll expect you in by 8. Thanks”. It was already 6:30, and the traffic was jammed all the way home for her. “How dare he!!!”, Trina screamed, as she threw her remote control across the room. She barely took off her shoes, and has to go back to work?!? She seethed with anger, as her headache rebounded and overtook her. What her new doctor failed to tell her was that her internal organs, which she shared with her conjoined siblings never atrophied like her veins. Those headaches she had been experiencing were a side-effect of her organs trying to pump more and more into her constricted veins. And, since aspirin thins out blood, it allowed her super-organs to pump more and more, strengthening her body, and allowing her veins to expand, which in turn, allowed more flow to the rest of her body. A chain reaction had begun, and God knows how it would end.

    Stumbling back, Trina grabbed her head at the temples, trying to calm the pounding, but it was too late. She staggered to the bathroom, to find more aspirin. She flung the medicine cabinet door open and grabbed them. She stumbled to the kitchen, to get a glass of water. She tripped as she fell into the kitchen and drug herself to the sink, with aspirin bottle in hand. She flailed her hands into the cabinet and grabbed whatever glass she could, pulling others out in the process. As the other glasses crashed to the ground, her trembling hands reached for the faucet. Her brow was sweaty as tears streamed down Trina’s eyes. Trina was having a hard time seeing anything as it seemed that her eyes were constantly losing focus. As she reached to put the glass in her hand under the running water, she lost control of her balance and fell onto the floor, dropping the glass in the sink. As she lay on her back she arched it upwards, as it seemed the pain was only getting worse and spreading through her body. Seemingly unable to stand, or even roll over, the corner of her eye caught a glimpse of a glass that hadn’t been broken from the fall from the cabinet, and the aspirin bottle. There they lay, just inches from her outstretched hand. As she reached, her attention was broken from looking at the glass, to looking at her reaching hand. There it reached, with fingers splayed apart. But, the skin seemed to rippling across the back of it. Bringing her hand closer to her face, she was alarmed to see her veins bulging over her back of her hand, pumping like fuel lines at the Alaskan Pipeline. Out of sheer fear, she brings her hand to her chest with her other hand, and tries to calm herself with deep, cleansing breaths. “It’s okay. Just breathe, T. Just breathe and work your way through it”, Trina laments to herself. Then, a spasm racks her lower back and hip, forcing her eyes wide, and she jerks her right leg straight out, crashing through the door of the oak cabinet beneath her sink. The armpits of Trina’s suit jacked are soaked with perspiration, as her body is super-charged by the infusion of hormones from her organs. Noticing her foot in her cabinet, she focused her attention to pulling it out. She braced her left foot against the outside of the cabinet, and noticed a pulsing on her foot similar to her hand. She grunted deeper than she ever had before, as she gathered the strength to ignore the pain, and pull her foot out of the cabinet. Once free, her right foot was displaying the same pulsing as her hands and her other foot. She then began to feel muscle cramps all throughout her body. She rests her toes against the front of the sink basin, to see just what was going on. She watched her toes balled themselves up, as the pulsing veins intensified their work along the top of her foot. And, through tear drowned eyes, she could’ve sworn she saw them grow, slowly ripping through what was left of her stockings. As the sweat from her brow burned into her eyes, another spasm hits her and her legs jerk forward and up, dislodging the sink basin from the cabinet. Water sprayed upward throughout the kitchen, watering the room like an automated sprinkler system. The spasm of her legs turns her onto her left side, as the pain only seems to intensify. Trina begins to whimper in acquiescence to the pain and pulsing, now all through her body. She brings her right hand to her grimacing face and is greeted by a tearing sound from her shoulder. She looks to her arm and sees that she wasn’t just hallucinating about the growth of her feet. Her arm too is now growing, and her suit jacket has started to tear at her shoulder seam. She gazes down her arm as she watches in awe as her tennis bracelet pops free from her increasingly constricted wrist. Out of sheer disbelief, she squeezes and opens her hand just to convince herself that what she sees really is her arm. With every clench, she can feel her body pumping up…pumping bigger, and stronger. The first tear along her sleeve starts at the joint of her elbow, as the increasing girth of both her forearm and biceps are just too much for the fabric in between to manage. As the sleeves of her suit jacket and blouse opens like ripening corn on the stalk, she is greeted by her newly acquired and rapidly increasing muscular arm. A large vein, almost an inch thick seemingly, greets her at the head of her bicep as it pumps more and more to her bicep. Her thoughts drift from the pain of this moment, as she looks to her left arm and sees that it has followed suit, tearing away the fabric of her once tailor-made suit. Her left shoulder breaks free of it cotton constraints as she rests on her buttocks, which have clenched and she feels herself rising off the ground like a barber’s chair. Her short, wet hair is matted along her forehead as she crosses her arms, each hand feeling the chiseled and growing bicep of the other arm. She rocks back and forth, almost hypnotically, losing touch with the reality of what’s going on around her. Her head pounds with every beat of her heart. Her sweat and water stung eyes flutter as her thoughts are clouded more and more with her confusion, and “something else”, something dark, full of energy, but seemingly uncontrollable. She brings her left hand to her head as the pounding and throbbing only seems to intensify. “Unnnghhhh”, she utters in a new raspy tone. She leans on her right arm, which is now thicker than her legs ever were and gets up, wobbling to try to gain her balance. Her efforts are rewarded my more rips and tears as her thighs exert their presence in what’s left of her skirt, ripping it everywhere, leaving her skirt more reminiscent of a grass skirt, let alone part of her “power suit”. “Unnngghhh, my God, what’s going on inside of me. Something wants to get out…and I can’t stop it”. Trina stumbles towards her fridge, to lean on it for support. Just then an explosion goes off inside of Trina. “Arrrgggghhh!”, she flings her fist forward, and it goes through her refrigerator door. In a blind mixture of panic, pain, and uncontrolled ability, she yanks her hand back, ripping the refrigerator door off, launching it into the wall across the kitchen. Her bare gargantuan feet slip on the wet floor, and Trina falls onto all fours. She grits her teeth as she lands, punching holes into the floor with her palms and knees that break her fall. Her head cocks to the side as she hunches up. Unbeknownst to her, the final stages of her metamorphosis is before her and it’s going to go out with a bang.

    A growl emanates through Trina’s gritting teeth as she claws at the floor in front of her. Her auburn hair begins to grow with a fevered panic, quickly going from shoulder length to nearly touching the floor. She hears bones cracking as she brings her left hand to her face and sees her fingers lengthen before her eyes, and follows the spasms and cracks along her massive arms to see her arm lengthen and get even more thick, if that’s even possible. The right arm and hand follows suit. Sitting on her knees, she feels the urge to hunch her shoulders again, as the cracking noises intensify. She is forced back down to all fours as her back surges in size and girth. The middle seam of the back of her suit jacket is further strained as her shoulders widen, and her vertebrae pop in and expand, causing an increase in Trina’s 5’4” frame. Her ass widens. Her firm, round ass emerges, discarding what’s left of her failed skirt, and making short work of her underwear. “Yesssss…”, Trina hisses. Something inside her has told her to enjoy what is going on…and she’s can’t say no. Her shoulders then suddenly push forward as her delts and lats finally make themselves known. Erupting like a volcano her back shreds the back of her suit jacket and blouse. The spraying water runs down her spine, as her muscles bunch, creating a trough for it to run through. Trina forces herself back onto her knees, and flings her hair back off of her face. Her face is no longer grimacing, instead is seems to relish the wave of hormones that her body is flooding her with. She slowly slides up and down on her knees as her tongue seductively slides over her lips. “One more thing…give it to me”, Trina pleads. She isn’t disappointed. A peak starts to exert itself, coming from Trina’s chest. Trina cups her B cup breasts through her rapidly deteriorating blouse with her oversized hands. She feels her pectoral muscles coming alive, and they fight through her bra and blouse. Trina grunts as she still slowly grinds on her knees. Trina can feel her increasing size and her multiplying pleasure as her chest begins its share of her change. She runs her hands through her mane of hair as her chest spasms, thrusting her upper body forward. Trina is also greeted not just by muscle growth, but her breasts are growing as well. Reaching D cup range shoots the first button off of her blouse. Her breasts are visible at DDD, two more buttons are history and her swelling bustline crests over her bra like ripening cabbage. Her breathing is labored as she grabs what’s left of her shirt by the torn away collar and pulls it apart, popping the remaining buttons. Her abs and obliques have joined in the fun, as they sculpt themselves into their monstrous form. The water runs down her body, using the creases of her muscle as waterways to the rest of her body. Her now EE breasts fight off of each other, and in a final push, snap her inadequate bra across the room. Trina trembles as she feels one last eruption coming from within her…”Eeeearrrrgghhhh!!!”. And with that last burst, Trina slams her fists into the floor, smashing a hole through to the basement. Upon catching her breath, Trina opens her eyes. Her eyes look different, very different. Looking in them, you can barely see anything of what or who Trina was. She stands, and surveys her kitchen. Without speaking, just a low growl, she grabs the now-doorless refridgerator with one hand, picks it up, and throws it through the rear wall of her house! As she steps out into the world there’s a flash of lighting, as you wonder…is the world ready for what she has in store for it?

    in reply to: The Amazonian Corset #2445
    M Lee

    The Amazonian Corset

    By Apollo (aka Leondus)

    "Once upon a time, before the age and civilization that we know today, the

    world was a sinister and savage place. The law was obeyed only by those who were to weak to oppose those who upheld it. In the wiley jungles of South America, it was upheld by women. But, not by any run-of-the-mill

    women…Amazon Women. Women who posessed the speed of cheetahs, the agility of an insect, the strength of ten elephants, and the cunning of a jackal. A warrior class, seemed blessed by God, to rule and protect all. With any ruling class, there was a royal family. The matriarch of this family was Queen Noir-et-al. A goddess among the amazon race. Her height towered above all other amazons, with the strength to match. All other amazons loved, nurtured, and respected Noir in all her glory. She wore a corset, made of rawhide and lace, matching her skin tone in color. When the light of the full moon shone on it, it shone like the sun. Noir-et-al never removed the corset. Not to bathe, not to sleep. Rumor has it that she even wore it while engaging in sexual acts with her suitors–which never lasted long, due to her overpowering strength and amazonian sexual intensity. No other amazon–or human being for

    that matter–ever challenged her. That is, until the white man came from the East. Man brought their destruction, and greed. Viscious battles ensued. Time and time again, the foreign threat was squelshed by Noir and her unbeatable army. Until one day. The foreigners devised a special plot. A symbolic plot that would hopefully bring the amazons to their knees. Very carefully they executed their plan. It seemed like an ambush, not much unlike dozens of others that failed miserably. They’d captured two amazon women in a 20 foot deep pit which they’d dug, and waited for Noir to come to the rescue. They weren’t disappointed as Noir came, as expeted. When she arrived, she was greeted with the usual hand to hand combatics. Suddenly, as soon as she’d disposed of the fourth attacker, lassos were seen coming from everywhere. They found their marks, around her neck, torso, and arms. Unknown to her, these

    ropes were all tied to huge boulders, yards away, and simultaneously pushed off embankments. Each boulder had to weigh close to a ton, and Noir wasn’t ready to take that weight on her body. She was forced to the ground. Quickly, a man pounced onto her with a knife. Straddling her, her cut away her corset and flailed it in the air. This whole operation appartently was meant to embarass Noir and the amazons into submission. A violent scream emitted from Noir, in apparent outrage. She tore through her bindings and threw the man off of her. What came next was an outcome too impossible to predict. Noir seemed weakened. She shuddered as an awesome change overtook her. She was actually shrinking, losing muscle, losing strength, losing power. The men were shocked by what was transpiring, and smirked evily. They quickly beheaded Noir, throwing her headless remains off the nearby embankment. What made them even more happy what what occured next. They walked to the pit which still held the amazons they used for bait, they were pleased to find that they too had undergone the same transformation of losing their power and strength. Word spread amongst the men, and they quickly stormed and conquered what once was the amazon people. Noir and her people were wiped from existence. Noir’s corset was apparently the key. Like a crown to a king, literally gave her people power, and without that power, they were lost.

    This corset right here.", Dr. Tate pointed to a case with a tattered corset in it. "Of course, over the years time has worn on the corset. But, in it’s age, it shows the true beauty of the past. Legend has it that one day a noble descendant of Noir-et-al will return to claim this corset, and begin the charge to lead a new race of Amazon people. It will go on exhibit in a few days here at the museum, as soon as the South American Mythology exhibit is ready.". Ebony Wilcox, an uninterested onlooker popped

    her gum in boredom. She only took this Ancient Mythology course to fulfill one of her college requirements. And, being of partial Spanish heritage, the thought that this class might interest her a little bit. But, she couldn’t

    have been more bored. "Little Miss Know It All", didn’t feel she had time to

    think of the past, let alone lend creedence to some "mythic mumbo-jumbo" as she liked to call it. Her life was modern science and technology–studying supercomputers, and planning to be the next Bill Gates–not being some new age Indiana Jones. Still, the corset seemed interesting, even to her. She rolled her eyes, trying not to show her interest, and moved on with the rest of her class. Through the remainder of her three hour long tour of "the inner workings of the museum of Archaelogy and Natural History", her mind continuously drifted off to the corset. "I wonder how heavy it is.", "Did that thing itch when that Noir-et-al chick wore it?", "Did she take it off to shower, or go to the bathroom? And what about when she had her period?". All of the questions needled Ebony, but she was "too cool" to waste her time asking Dr. Tate them. Periodically, Ebony would stop her train of thought and wonder why was she so interested in that corset. And, everytime, she could never come up with an answer. That night, Ebony couldn’t get any sleep. She just kept on having the weirdest dreams. She dreamt she was alone in the jungle, bathed in the light of the full moon. Suddenly, from all around her, the rustling of leaves could be heard. It seemed to come from everywhere at

    once. Ebony tried to run, but each step only made the rusling louder, and seem closer than the step she took before. It seemed to run alongside her in the brush. The sounds seemed to swing from the overhead vines, and jump from treetop to tree top. The dream would end with her being overtaken by an unknown shadow without form. The shadow consumed her each and every time at the end of her dream, and each time she awoke, with an urge to be closer to that corset. Finally, after the 6th or 7th dream, she sprung out of bed, and to her trustly PC. She quickly hacked into ther security mainframe or the Natrual History Museum. "Such a simple system, for such a major place", she thought to herself. Within thirty minutes, she’d bypassed the entire security system, and gave herself free reign to get in and out of the museum, doing whatever she liked. But her sole purpose was to get what seemed to posess her dreams…the corset.

    The next morning, Ebony woke upfeeling refreshed and renewed. She bounced to the bathroom, to begin her day. She gasped as she saw her new accessory, the corset, fitting her like a glove. Dr. Tate had mentioned that the Amazons were all at least 7 feet in height. How in the world did the corest fit Ebony’s 5’3" frame? But, a more important question was, what in the world posessed her to steal this thing??? She knew that she couldn’t take it back, with some lame excuse about how she "found" the corset, and she couldn’t just throw it away, fearing that someone would see her, or just trace it back to her. It certainly looked like Ebony was going to be forced to sleep in the bed that she had made. Ebony removed the corset, and begun her morning routine to get ready for class. She brushed her teeth, and glared at the corset lying on the toilet seat, she showered and thought even more about the corset. After getting out of the shower, and drying off she looked at the corset again. Fearing someone finding the corset while she was gone, she slipped the corset back on, and made sure to wear baggy clothes over it, to keep anyone from noticing the corset. Noticing the wall clock in her peripheral vision, she saw that she was definitely running late for her first class. She bolted out of the door, on her way to the campus. She wasted no time, to make it to her class. She hurdled tipped over garbage cans, swerved passing cars, and made it to class in record time. She’d never made it to the campus this quickly. And, what made it even more bizarre is that she wasn’t the least winded or out of breath. None of this dawned on Ebony, she was just glad to have made it to class on time. For some reason though, Ebony seemed distracted in her classes. Most of her classes fit her major and kept her attention, but her thoughts kept wandering away. Wandering to the strangest things. She could smell the cheap deodorant of her professors, as she sat in class. She could hear the jocks in the back of class talking about their big game on Saturday. She could even

    smell the sex on women, as they walked by. How bizarre. Ebony defintiely took notice of these things. She feared that the stress, and guilt she felt from her recent larceny was causing her to hallucinate. But, when was the last time you heard of a nasal hallucination? And, she was so hungry! She spent at least an hour at the college cafeteria, eating. She’d never eaten so much in all of her life. Thank goodness for the corset, or her gut would have her looking like she was six months pregnant. All these things continued for her for the next few days. And, the strangest of all, she wore the corset everywhere. She wore it to all of her classes, she slept in it, she even showered with it on. Wearing it became so natural for her, she just forgot that she had it on.

    The fourth day, Ebony awoke feeling ill. She felt dehydrated, and panted as she awoke. Thinking she was coming down with the flu, she quickly downed some ibuprofen, and a glass of orange juice, and motored off to campus. She must have stopped at every water fountain she could find on campus on her way to class. She was so thirsty. In class, her attention was all over the place. She fidgeted in her chair, and couldn’t concentrate on class in the least. She seemed to eat twice as much as she’d been eating lately, and she only felt worse as the day progressed. By late afternoon, she was sweating profusely, and looking rather flushed. "Only one class left. That dumb Mythology class", the thought to herself. As she made her way to the night class, she began to feel only worse than she’d felt before. She stumbled up the stairs to the second floor, and dropped all of her books. She scrambled to pick them up, and make it to her class on time. She leaned against the walls for support, as she made her way to the classroom. Every step she took seemed to only sicken her more. Sweat streamed down her face as she looked more and more ill with every step she took. Fearing making a scene in class, she finally let go of her pride and stumbled into the restroom, to try to collect herself for class.

    Luckily for her no one else was in the restroom, as she made her way to the nearest stall. She crouched over the toilet, presumably to vomit, but was calmed by a gentle breeze from a nearby open window. She sauntered unsteadily over to the window to presumably get some fresh air. But when she made it to the window, the calming sensation was interrupted by a strange fire. A fire from within.

    Ebony regained her composure and walked backwards, away from the window, feeling almost a tug of war from within her. As if something was growing from within, and taking away all that she knew, all that she was. Suddenly, her fever returned. Sweat bathed Ebony, staining her shirt. Then, she felt a tighness. Her hands began to tremble, as veins protruded from the back of her hands, pumping, pulsating. Out of sheer fear, she covered her eyes with her hands, and ran her hands through her hair. Her body began an ordeal that no one had seen in centuries. Ebony dropped to her knees, as physical pain seemed to be only outdone by a seemingly mental pain. And with that, Ebony began to grow. Slowly you could see her ankles peeping out from the cuff of her denim jeans. Her wrists and forearms began to slide out from under the cover of her jean jacket. Her once baggy clothes seems to quickly become just the right side for her. Soon they’d become obselete. First, the buttons of the jacket’s cuffs popped off and slid across the restroom floor. Slowly, the sleeves of her jacket crept up her forearms, revealing the same pulsating that started on the back of her hands. With each pump, Ebony’s forearms surged in size, in thickness, in muscle and in definition. Her sleeves suddenly tore away at her shoulders, as her girth outgrew her clothing. Trembling, Ebony forced herself to her feet, as her shoe laces snapped on top of her sneakers, and her toes ripped through the leather. She glanced in the mirror, as sweat dripped from her brow and saliva dripped from her mouth. She was shocked to see the dramatic changes that were overtaking her, startling even herself. Hearing voices seeming to come towards the restroom, Ebony decided to jump out of the window. Landing three stories down in the the tall bushes surrounding the building in the moonlight, Ebony’s changes began anew. All she could do was stand there, with wide eyes, as her body, her essence, and her very soul became somthing new, yet something very familiar. Her sneakers split open, revealing her bare feet like newly picked corn. Her calves beefed up, and tore away what little demin were left concealing them. Her thighs became massive as muscle surged out, defining her lower body like a world class power lifter. They made short work of her jeans, as they made their presence known. Her waistline seemed to decline, as fat melted away. But, her waistline regained size as muscle filled in, tearing away her belt. Above her waistline, each of her abs pulsated as they grew on top of each other, seeming to fight for their place on this now new rugged chisled physique. There seemed to be small holes growing in the corset itself, allowing her abs to grow, and experience their new world that was in front of them. Each hole was perfectly torn, as if it was meant to be. Between the echoes of ripping cloth, Ebony did have to presence of mind to wonder, "Why hasn’t the corset torn away? It seems to be GROWING with me??". But those concerns were quickly subdued as the pain of her change kicked into high gear. Ebony leaned against the wall of the buildling for support. Her hips flared as they became pack to the hilt with musclular intensity. Her ass sculpted itself, as two mounds exposed themselves from her backside. Still leaning forward, Ebony began to hunch over as her back was next to undergo remodelling. Her new biceps and triceps surged, trashing what was left of the sleeves to her top and jacket, as her back split her top down the middle. Her lats spread and defined themselves like the wings of an eagle. The throbing of her body seemed then to lead to one place on her body. She started from her toes, and her hands, and walked their way to the center of her body. Ebony turned and leaned her back onto the wall, as her torso made its grand entrance, as she went in and out of consciousness. Each breath she took pumped her chest. First, her nipples grew hard, and swelled. With lack of

    space for her shirt to accomodate, they were easily visible. She looked down to the the "DKNY" letters printed on her shirt stretch to their limits. Within a matter of seconds, her shirt was stretched by her newly bountiful bustline to look like a blimp. She also felt a crawling on her body. Through the skin tight shirt, she could see the corset stretching even further, it came up just far enough to cover her nipples, and she saw two strings climb her body and wrap around her neck. Finally, her shirt could not take it anymore, as a small hole, that quickly became a large hole, opened in the middle of her shirt. Soon, muscle grew to back up her new mammaries, and her shirt shredded away. Her chest defied gravity, and only her nipples were concealed by the corset, which by this time had also stretched down and covered her lower region as well, since her underwear was looking more like dental floss by this point. Then, things became cloudly for Ebony, as she saw her body’s radiance. It seemed to move totally by itself. She was losing control, as if there was another consciousness coming to the surface, and there was nothing she could do about it. Ebony tried to scream, but her body wouldn’t respond. She watched her body remove what was left of her now way to small clothing, things became more cloudy, and Ebony lost consciouness, and her body now belonged to someone, or something else..

    in reply to: Full Moon Fever Formula #1799
    M Lee

    I’m honored to have gotten your seal of approval, Lone. Your reputation preceeds you…

    in reply to: Eve, Guardian Of The Earth #1675
    M Lee

    If I made it too biblical…I thought that it would be blasphemous. Besdies, if she’s the "Chosen One", then she’ll get in…it’s not a coincidence that her name is Eve

    in reply to: Eve, Guardian Of The Earth #1673
    M Lee

    I’ve got a couple more stories, and I’ll post these if I get a good response to this one…so let me know.

    in reply to: Eve, Guardian Of The Earth #1672
    M Lee

    Eve, Guardian of the Earth

    by Apollo

    Following the third Middle East Conflict–by far the most bloody and life costly of all the overseas conflicts the U.S. was ever involved in–the United States took control of a majority share which was once known as the Middle East. After another uprising in the area, and the reckless use of weapons of mass destruction, many of the lands that we once knew so well were lost. Gone are the countries once known as Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Syria. Now, those lands have been amalgamated, to become the Middle West, a colony of the United States. Of course, this course of action was taken by the U.S. without the full support and confidence of the United Nations, which by that point had been nothing more than a puppet for anti-war lobbyists and pacifists. Many nations had become disenfranchised by the U.N.’s lack of a forceful nature or

    stance, and left the U.N. to tend to their own vices. Lacking such a place to "give peace a chance", much of the world’s nations have grown distrustful of one another, particularly of the United States. Although making speech after speech, and promise after promise, the Cold War has started again, with new players entering the fray that originally was between the U.S. and Russia. North Korea has long been known as a nuclear-capable country, but now China, South Africa, and even Australia have taken up arms covertly in the fear of an attack. It seems like every member of every nation has a bomb shelter and enough rations to last the next ten years. And every nation has a frightened leader standing by, with a finger nervously on the button.

    Evelyn Graves was a historian and archaeologist, who moved to the Middle West ten months ago to study the ancient architecture of the area. She spent years researching and studying all that the area had. It was long believed that the creation of man began in northern Africa. But she knew in her heart that a big part of the history of man began in was used to be Western Iraq, the location of the Garden of Eden. It was written that when Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, they were never allowed to return. What a better idea than to move the Garden out of North Africa, and into the Middle East? It all made sense to Evelyn, now she just had to prove that it was correct.

    The first steps of her journey weren’t even her steps. Her research served her well. Many men had tried to find the Garden. But all had failed. Some died suffocating in sandstorms, some died of dehydration in the desert. Some just were never found. All that they left behind was their research, nothing else. By following the steps of the men that had came before her, she had a pretty good road map to get her started. Evelyn connected the dots, going from town to town, tracing the steps of the ones whom had come before her. Every town got smaller and smaller. And every horror story that was told to her and her native expeditionary crew got worse and worse, scaring off the more faint of heart in the her crew. Also, which wasn’t missed by Evelyn, the ridicule and sarcasm that she was met with, being a woman looking for the Garden. No other time had a woman tried this. And all that she spoke to told her that she’d share the fate of the men before her…dead, missing, probably both.

    Then one day, the reaming seven members of the expedition started to run into "problems", just outside of Br’th-Al’im, the last known location of the explorer who’d gotten the furthest before Evelyn. All of the mens’ canteens were mysteriously filled with sand, instead of the water they’d put in there only hours earlier. Later on, two men were killed by stepping on live land mines–a left over from conflicts past. All of the "problems" seemed to steer clear of Evelyn though. She just pushed on, and on. Further everyday, further to her goal. She was always the first to wake up, and the last to lie down for bed. It seemed like the adversity only seemed to push her further. Three days away from Br’th-Al’im, as Evelyn slept a glowing cloud of energy came to her, waking her. Thinking it to be a dream, she sat up, unafraid of what was around her. "Do not fail, do not quit, the Earth needs you to find it.", the cloud spoke. Evelyn could do nothing but nod her head. As she mustered up the courage to speak, two of the members of her crew woke up as well. Before anything else could be said, the cloud lit up blinding all three of the on-lookers. Hours later, Evelyn was awakened frantically by one of the last members of her crew. Upon awakening, and gathering herself, she peered over to sleeping bags of the men who’d woken up in her dream. In their places, two pillars of salt stood, and nothing else. The remaining two members of her team packed their gear, with every notion to turn back. Evelyn undauntedly, resisted. Her dream…what was it all about? How could she keep going? Her team had been decimated. There was no one left. She begged and pleaded for the remaining members of her team not to abandon her. Finally, the pride and chivalry of the men presided, and they decided to continue on with her, on her seemingly foolish escapade. They figured that they’d just take her by force, while she slept, back to civilization. They had no idea how wrong they were.

    Sixteen hours later, Evelyn’s team–or what was left of it–finally convinced Evelyn to slow down, and to rest. She seemed energized for some reason, more than usual. They stopped in a beautiful valley, surrounded on all sides by rock formations, with the moon shining on the three of them just right. The two men feigned sleep, and waited for their opportunity to grab Evelyn in her sleep. Finally Evelyn nodded off, and they started to make their move. But, almost as soon as Evelyn shut her eyes, they were slammed open by the screams of the two men. As they stepped towards her, they suddenly were yanked into the sand, as if it were quicksand. Only problem was, the sand was only pulling them under where they stood, nowhere else. As their last fingertips disappeared under the sand, a rumbling could be heard in the valley. Suddenly, Evelyn’s hands and knees felt wet. Evelyn looked down and saw the sand beneath her becoming saturated with water. Then, water began to rise out of the sand all around her. Evelyn stood up in fear, as she saw vegetation, plants, and trees growing all around her. She spun around, mesmerized by all the rapid plant growth she saw around her. The water stopped, just below hip level, and looked to be the purest water she’d ever seen in her life. A mist appeared above her head, drawing itself closer and closer to itself, until it formed that cloud that she’d seen the evening before. "Thank you for your diligence, and effort in finding the Garden of Eden. Yes, you’ve found it.", the cloud spoke. Evelyn couldn’t help but to get misty-eyed as the waded out of the pool, as she’d achieved her life-long ambition and dream. The cloud spoke again. "I have allowed you to come for one purpose, to heal my world, and stop those who would destroy it. Drink of this water, and become my guardian, a new and more powerful Eve that will bring my peace back into this world.". Evelyn filled her canteen with the water of the pool and drank deeply. It seemed to almost go down her throat without her swallowing. Evelyn felt a power surging through her, through her very essence, her very soul. That’s when she started to change. First, she noticed her hair began to grow, past her shoulders, and down the middle of her back. She felt a tightness in her muscles, as if every muscle in her body was flexing. Starting in her stomach, the sensation spread all over her body. She watched her feet expand, tearing through the toes of her boots, and ripping through the laces that the top. The tightness soon became too much for Eve to bear, as she dropped to her knees holding her stomach. The growth continued all over her body. Her eyes teared as her body was racked by the changes going on through her body. She pulled her hand away from her stomach just in time to see her watchband pop off, as her forearm grew to a size beyond a normal woman’s bicep. Veins exploded out of each of her forearms, and you could see the energy pulsing through her arm. The veins stretched up to her biceps, seeming to pump them up little by little. In no time, the short sleeves, now short-short sleeves of her shirt became increasingly inadequate. As her biceps continued to pump, tears began to form on the sleeves, and in no time they were shredded. The head of her biceps were the size of the heads of some people she knew. By this time, her height growth had also accelerated, as well as the growth of her lower body. Her denim slacks put up the best fight that they could, but they were no match for the will of the body they were keeping captive. The left pant leg was the first to fail, as her calf tore away at the outer stitching. The right soon followed, as the inner seam split while riding up her leg to accommodate for her increasing height. Her thighs fared no better as her quads came alive, bursting out all over her pants, veins raging out of control. Eve leaned forward, rolling her shoulders. You could hear the stretching of her skin and bone as the muscles in her back and her lats grew. A huge tear split the back of her shirt down the middle, as her muscle dense back resembled an armored shell on her back. Eve then arched her back, as she took deep, long breaths, taking in and now enjoying the pain of her transformation. As she took each breath, her chest acknowledged it, getting more muscular, and more expansive. Her 34B bra gave up the fight long ago, as cocoa brown nipples could be seen exerting their will underneath what was left of Eve’s shirt. As her cleavage grew past 38DD, the front of her shirt lifted from her body, revealing cobblestone abs deep enough to run mini rivers along the ridges. As she neared 40E, her buttons fought the good fight, but were no match for the will of Eve’s new body. One by one, they flew off into the desert night. Her rear end followed in suit, as her firm posterior made short work of what was left of her pants. Suddenly, as Eve’s change began to slow, the sand came alive and wrapped around Eve in a flurry. They fashioned a skintight tan jumpsuit for Eve. Dropping to her knees, Eve looked up to the cloud, full of grace and reverence. "Thank you", she said. "I will be your Guardian of the Earth", no one and nothing will stop me from doing your works."

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