Forum Replies Created
Participantme all though there are not meny stories about it i’ve been all ways partal to the gental maternal fem dom so I’d say a mini-gts like 15-20 ft or so. but any growth could bring about that anyways.
ParticipantMe I like eather long or short as long as it can keep my interest and is writen well. If it is long it could be broken down into chunks That just seems to make things easyer on me.
ParticipantFrom: Sue
Dear Ms. Knewsome;
First I have to thank Patric for his kind words. David said he won’t join the girl-cot though sometimes I wish he would. I’m not sure about him hanging around my friend Mary. I do have to say those women who will be helping out with escorting the boys from class to class also help with the girl-cot by trying to draw the attention of other girls if you see them bothering one of the guys that are participating. Just do it long enough to allow the boy to get away. Now a few rules for the new ladies. Some of these we pushed on the men now we are stronger we need to start following them.
*No means No! We’ve said that to horny guys all the time when we didn’t want any. Some may not have listened and you know what I don’t care. I could care less if he had a 2 ft. rock hard cock. If he says no it means no. We women clam to be better that men we need to start showing it.*
*We must never hit a men unless he means to kill us and at the rate that our strength seems to be growing I doubt that would be likely.*
*And if a man seems to need help with something offer it but if he says no don’t push it. Meny of use got offended before the change when they did that. So they might feel the same way.*
Now I beg all the women in the world please to not be tempted to become brutes. We still don’t know how long this would last and if things went back to the way they where some of the women the missused there power will be in a lot of trouble and I don’t want to see any more suffering. I’ve all ready seen enough with my dad before the change.
Thank you to all those who support my idea.
ParticipantFrom: Sue
Dear Ms. Knewsome;
Thanks for clearing some of that up. And thank you for saying that women are capable of doing all those horrorable things that meny men did to most women. But I am writing this post because I’m worried I may become like my mother was before the change. I metioned how she adbused my father untill he took his own life. Some times I think that I should end my friendship with david because I don’t want to lose controll and end up hurting him and making him fear me and all other women. But I fear for him if I did that. I don’t trust my friend Mary (who was a rape victim). She was talking about getting her revenge on men for what was done to her. Plus some of the other girls may be worse. Some times I wish what ever caused this change would reverst it’s self. I don’t like the temptation or even the idea that I could become like my mother. What do you think I sould do?
By the way I have talked to the vice princable (excuse my spelling) and she said she’ll do all she can to help with the ‘Big Sister’ program. She said that the students safty wheather they are male or female must come fist
Participantwell I’m not sure what choise I would take. I like the gental ones I wouldn’t mind if she was alot bigger and stronger than me. But I would mind how she used it. I would like the matunal nymphomanic type though 😛 but that’s just me.
ParticipantFrom: Sue
Dear Ms. Knewsome;
I like to thank Arielle Sharper for supporting my idea for that ‘Big Sister’ program. We need as much girls in on it as we can. I know some of the guys think I may be too late with this and if I am I’m sorry. But to advoid any more tragities from happing we must do this and we must set examples for our young sister and daughters who will be growing up in a world where the men would be ‘weaker’. Rules like what the gentalmen where allways tought in treating women.
I seen the type of monsters women can become before the change. I’ve seen my father suffer at the hands of my mother and all that I can say is I’m glad he’s dead right now because if he wasn’t things would be alot worse for him.
Thanks to you all that support me in this.
Participantwell i guess we all are saying is we love your work and would love to see it continue on. the e-mail box was fun. may be next time we could do a rp thing where every one write with in a few given rules to keep things fair.
Like we all said we can’t wait for your next chapter.
Participantto: Marilyn Knewsome (
from: David
Dear; Miss Marilyn Knewsome
First I have to tell you these changes have me some what afraid. I’m the one studant that sat in the very back. Every one picked on me all most all the time except a few. Some of witch are girls. Well what has me afraid is the thought that some of the girls my become the monsters meny of them make the guys out to be or even worse.
I mean when we all sit together I’ve listened too the girl complain about their boyfriends being too pushy or posessive. One girl cried that her last boyfriend raped her. The rest of us being her friends try to comfort her as best we can as friends. And I’ve been trying not to be the guy they complained about but that don’t seem to be working with getting me a girlfriend.
Any way with what I heard Theresa say in class and the rumors I’ve picked up from around school as too what she was going though at home got me worried. Worried about all women. The properly raised men took thousands of years to develope. Could it take women that long to develope similar rules? Are they even ready for this much power? As some girls say that they just seem to be growing stronger and stronger. Or do you think that they learned from man’s misstakes in handling them and be nicer to us guys? Thank you for letting me get these worries off my chest.
ParticipantI’m not sure if you remember me but I was a fan that e-mailed you say that i liked your alt worlds storys. I like you last storys because of the veriety of female caracters. Not all of them seen to become drunk with the power that they accuired. Some my think badly in those that become the verythings that they hated berfore the change.
For some odd reason i see the one nicknamed Jaws Standing up in class laughing like a mad man (or woman if you preffer ‘:p’) and telling all the other girls in her history class how pathetic they’ve all become. They where complaining about how badly all the guys where treating them before the change now after it they are being just as bad or worse and the guys can’t defend themselves unlike before where the girls could take selfdefence classes and learn to stand up for them selves. Well I guess for that to happen she’d have to whitness something truely grusome happen to a man or guy that is close to her because girls are now bigger and stronger by such a large margin.
How have you been? I’m glad that you’re still writing. I’m still trying to get the women around where i live( Buffalo ny) to give me the time of day. I wounder if the guys in a woman run world will allways go for the bitches that would miss treat the and lave the nice girls to forever be lonely as just friends?
Thanks for hearing my comments.