Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI would definitely call myself a writer as well, just not a FMG one, not yet at least, i hope i can become one later on in my life, but iv read alot of stories, and one thing i've learned from looking bak at reading those, is that it definitely turns me off when you have to wait forever for the next segment of the story, but i understand that were lucky enuf the authors are even sharing them with us. But iv found that I PREFER one segment after another, because I hate reading long stories unless there broken up like that, but when a author keeps on givin consistantly, i found tat thats a bonus, eagores SHOE2 was updated almost two times a week, so i found that even though there wer chapters i DIDNT like(o how few those were) I still kept checking my magic crayons every tuesday and saturday, mainly because Eagore never gave me a chance to get bored with the story.
And while were here, I'd like to ask these great authors, how'd you discover your talent. Like strawberry, Iv won contests and prizes for stories, and I am a official poet, have 8 published poems, and have been a part of "twisted rhyme" since i was 14 (plz no1 ask me to write a FMG poem, I've tried but cant seem to bend my imagination and skill into that direction) but anytime I try i cant seem to write good FMG stories, I have so many ideas in my mind that are great, but when writin, suddenly lose about 99% of there quality.
Participantfirst of all, let me say, i really enjoyed this story, and while im not a real fan of GTS, I am a fan of mini GTS as well.
secondly, it was brought up could you make her even larger, a simple way to do this is to include celebrities in the audiance, my older sister was a personel assistant to tom cruise during his filming of the last samurai, and from what I understand, most celebrities go to all those "breakthrough in science demonstration" and things like that. A example of how this could work is for you to say thath yao ming was there, for 150% of yao's height is over a foot and a half more than 150% of whoevers height was used. you could also for the muscle stats include a famous bodybuilder.
ParticipantO K so i understand now, and as for the street fighter character, it was debido-san who drew it, u just commented him on it and for sum reason i thought you drew it.
Participantfirstly, let me say, its not that its two specific for me, i jus dont like the format.
this isnt a exact calculation, but we hav 3 times more pages to go through. there are usualy 2 places i go to on shegrew, FMG fiction, and FMG art, with the occasional other fiction, an now feedback, because i wanted to complain. but i visit shegrew wen ever, sumtimes twice day, sometimes twice a month. but what i always used to like was that it would take over a month for somethin to sink down from top of the page, to top of next page, now i find it takes less than 2 weeks, everything just seems bigger, but my cmonitor is the same, and, all the pages seem shorter, I'm fine with all the topics, just not the format(although i would slightly prefer the old shegrew)
Participant2. The persons depicted in any piece of artwork must clearly appear to be older than the age of 18. If there is a post of a picture depicting a minor, the thread will be removed from the board. The poster will also be notified of the removal of the thread and a warning not to do so again.
I'm fine with all this, and I understand the position you guys are in, but I just have one question, doesnt that picture have to be showing nudity or sexual related themes, because if its just any picture, then wouldn't that awesome picture you did of that girl from street fighter be subject to this rule, because while i dont really no street fighter all thath well, i did watch the TV show when i was younger abd distinctively remembre her as 16.
ParticipantI recently went away to newfoundland for 10 days, and i wen i returned i hoped to see the next chapter, and while i know I can't expect u to make this your #1 priority, nor can i demand you to hurry, but I think its within my boundries to ask a favor, wen do you think chapter 2 will be finished and posted, I've been keeping a eye out on both this forum and ur library at diana the valkerie.
ParticipantIt was said before, but taht was quite awhile ago so il remind everyone, kagome, sango and the female wolf demon(dont remembre name, i think it started with A) from inuyasha would be great.
and also the girl from naruto to go along with the story kinniku no jitsu posted on the FMG fiction bord.
Participantfirst of all, let me say goodjob on the story, it appears to be great, but its not one I like very much.
I’m a pretty athletic guy, I stand 6,6 weighing 220, so no matter how muscular they seem, unless they grow real tall(eagores sheila, vollar tiles Chi-Chi, etc) they seem small to me. in your story, she throws around someone just about my height, and way bigger than me muscle wize, but still the picture in my mind isnt to good. As fo rthe whole teen thing, I don’t really care if there 14 or 80, as long as that end picture is what I want. You do seem like a very good writter( I am too, but i cant right FMG stories and things like that for some odd reason) but you just dont write what appeals to me. It wasnt too bad though, because one thing i hate is when they right that the muscles get absurdly huge, on a small frame("willpower" a 3, 8 girl with biceps over 10 feet in height) but yours were big one her, but not so big u wonder how does she even move.
I dont think there’s anything wrong, because they’re lots of people out there i no like teen growth, muscle growth but no height, basicaly what you write, but the dont reply.
And by the way, im only 22, so i remembre my grade 8 class very well, expecially since im dating a girl in my grade 8 class now.
ParticipantChapter two
“Chi-chi, theres no easy way for me to say this, but I’ve failed you” King Kai said with a rather serious voice, opposed to his normal happy-go-lucky mood, or the frightened tone in his voice often heard whenever some evil force has come to threaten the universe. “What, what do you meen” Chi-Chi said while trying to hold back the tears that came with the thousands of thoughts in her mind. “Your not strong enough, well, strength isn’t the issue, your spirit isn’t strong enough.” Chi-Chi looked as if she was holding back tears, and a nuke, she was in shock, but before she could speak(or tear the God apart) King Kai added” but I think there is a way for you to continue your training, and if you agree, your training may be done in a week or two. With this Chi-chi was overwhelmed by relief and joy, but she quickly straightened up and realized there must’ve been a catch, so in all seriousness she said” I’ll do whatever I can to complete my training.” King kai that seemed to shrink a bit, but it was just his posture lighting up as he was now more relaxed, this made Chi-Chi more comfortable as well. “well you see, do you remember when your son Gohan came back to fight Majin Buu, well probably not because im sure they didn’t have a wide screen in buu’s tummy,” the kai said with a snort,” but Gohan was given immense strength because of a ancient kai’s ability to unlock someone’s potential(which seems very hard to do considering that old namekian did the same when he was a child) but I guess what he tried to mean is that he can increase your power greatly.” Chi-chi slowly built up a smile and a giggle, with her mouth wide open, al the thoughts tha swarmed her mind then disappeared, well, overrun by “positive” thoughts of beating her husband to a pulp.Then, King kai threw in ‘but there’s a catch, in order for Gohan to receive this power, Goku had to promise him a kiss by a beautiful woman, Goku figured not to use his wife for this, so he volunteered Bulma, but the pervert never got his end of the deal, now I’ve been keeping him off your back for a while now, but I’m afraid will have to face him in order for you to obtain the full power of kaioken.” Chi-chi was already prepared for this kind of treatment with Master Roshi, so she simply nodded, her fears were overthrown by the thoughts of finaly being able to stand with her family and friends.
“Room 307, home of the otherworld pervs” said king kai, and surprisingly, with the otmost seriousness. King kai then knocked on the door, but while he stood straight, he was quivering with the thoughts of what this dirty old man had in store for his pupil. Then they heard a raggedy, scratchy voice yell,” come innnn, I’ve been waitin long enough norty!” King kai then walked in, with Chi-chi direrctly behind, Chi-chi was shocked at the sight of the feeble old man, and she started to have doubts that HE’d give her the power she desired. Then Old kai hopped off the bed and headed towards another door,” well, follow me then, I’ve had a room ready for your “awakening” Chi then walked into the room and was amazed by what she saw, there was a beautiful fountain in the corner, the walls were painted as if they were in a jungle, and the ceiling was a starry Sky. Old kai saw the look of amazement on her face and added in” Yep, its one heck of a place ain’t it, see the nice bamboo floor.” King kai stood in the doorway, also examining the room, but trying as hard as he could to hide it. “Well, anyways, we’d better get started, so northy you can leave now, and Chi-chi, get into your meditation position, I’ll be with you in a second,” Old kai said while pushing King Kai out of the room. “But wait, arrgh, im not gonna leave YOU alone with one of my pupils,” King kai said fighting against the old man. “ you see this room, its to aid in the meditational process, and in it, I don’t even need to do my ritual dance, but you would ruin the atmosphere, so shew!” said the kai. The northern kai looked at his pupil, she gave him a nod, and so he walked out of the room. “Well then, the awakening process takes 24 hours so get yourself comfortable, and then enter a deep meditation, but make sure you don’t power up during the process,” Old kai said that while sitting down paralel to Chi-chi, and then he entered a deep meditation, but not before wiggling his ass on the ground. Chi-chi was in deep meditation the whole time, but the elderly kai was staring deep at her cleavage the entire time.
Old kai had fallen asleep about 10 hours in, when he woke up, he took a glance at his watch, 3:52 P.M. Well yesterday they started around 3:30, so she must be finished, but just in case he looked deep within her power, yes, she was finished. “Okay then, your all done, now just power up to feel that power, well actually, your at a limit were I think that would ruin my meditation room, so you should do it outside,” Old kai said to her while struggling to get up on his own. Chi-chi helped him up and graciously bowed down before him, even though she was still unsure whether or not he even increase her power at all. She then said while still bowed ”thank you very much, you truly are as kind as I’m sure you are wise. The kai then blushed, and turned his head down while snickering, but managed to straighten up to say one last thing,” Oh, before I forget, there’s a favour I’ve been meeting to ask you,” Chi-Chi was not as scared as she was curious, she got lucky with Roshi, maybe that would happen again. Then old kai continued “can you tell goku, I’m still waiting for my life, and my payment, would you do that for me sweetheart. Chi-chi nodded and walked out of the room, she decided to check there normal training spot for her master.
“WHAT, no perverted moves,” King kai screamed. “No, he was very curteos to me the whole time, I think you peged him all wrong,” Chi-Chi responded. “No, he’s just got something up his sleave, but any ways, let’s see that power now,” king kai said as he was curious at how she turned out. Chi-chi then closed her eyes, put her fists to her sides, and then her power quickly shot up. The wind seemed to entwine around her, and then she let out a scream, and it suddenly exploded in all dioretions. Every blade of grass for half a mile was now pointing away from her, and the ground around and underneath her started to crack and crumble, until the ground a meter away form her shot up while the ground she was standing on sank down. Then her scream reeched its highest point, and so did her power. The ground now at all sides of her turned to boulders and shot out all around her, while a massive wave of raw power sent King kai and his monkey bubbles soaring through the air. King kai managed to stop himself using his chi in mid air, but buubles was sent hurtling into a pond a good mile away. Then standing there, at the center was Chi-chi, with a wide grin upon her face. She then screamed out to her mentor “So we start training tomorrow.” King kai, floating in shock, simply nodded, and thought to himself” boy, that old coot ain’t so bad after all, he deserves ALOT of credit.”
Old Kai sat there, crossed legged, in the same room which Chi-chi’s awakening had taken place, flipping through the pages of his dirty magazine. “phase one complete,” he thought to himself,” she thinks I’m a kind and powerful man, and so she’s ready for me to make my move in the near future.” HE snickered and continued to flip through his magazine, with that wide grin on his face that no one could forget.
June 10, 2005 at 11:45 pm in reply to: Dragon ball – absurd crossing, will and/or can it continue #5602sheila_new_shehulk
Participant[quote="Sheila_New_SheHulk"]I’ve just recently began browsing the forum, and hav only posted once, I found a link here from magic crayons, but out of all the FMG stories iv seen, i like absurd crossing the most.
will it continue, and if no, can I hav permission to try and pick up where it left off, for I’ve recently been thinking of doing a story, but I think it would be easiest to start off were sum1 else finished.
Well yes, though I do plan on continuing the fic, (I don’t know when though; haven’t had the focus at the time to do so) I’ve no problem at all if someone wants to continue it on their own path. Infact I’d love to see someone’s own take on it. :)[/quote]
ok then, ill try my own take on it, but if i do it’ll b a little later on in the summer, a month give or take, but I relly enjoyed the story and would love to try m,y first FMG story on it. When i was younger it had to be my favorite show and so I think i might b able to get the characters personalities down as well as you, if im lucky