Silent One

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  • in reply to: Console Wars Discussion Thread #17967
    Silent One

    I'm not 100% convinced that the radically different Revolution controller is a good idea or not, only time will tell.  And as gamers have seen time and again even a top notch console will fall if no one is making games for it, Nintendo hasn't had stellar third party support lately.  However if a kick ass FMG game came out for it I'd be forced to purchase one . . .

    in reply to: Rethinking Dyna #17648
    Silent One

    It's always better in my opinion to rethink a project you've lost your "vibe" with.  The end result is always better when you do get to it, and besides as has been said . . .  We still have Tetsuko to tide us over  😀

    Take your time and do what must done, your work is widely enjoyed and greatly appreciated.  As is the rapport you strive to achieve with your fans.

    in reply to: The Touch: part 9! Sorry for the massive delay. really. #14909
    Silent One

    You speak my language, action, danger, and cliffhanger ending.  Great work.

    in reply to: SH Collages (2) – Danielle Edwards #15210
    Silent One

    Wow.  That is some incredible bit of Photoshop work old friend.  You're technical prowess far exceeds my own and I am not ashamed to admit it.  Keep up the excellent work.

    in reply to: First attempt at a story #16685
    Silent One

    No apologies needed.  Write at your own pace and don't try to rush it.  We're all understanding of the time that real life demands of us.  Keep up the excellent work.

    Silent One

    Speaking as someone who morphs . . .
    They're both definitely morphs.  The top one obviously so.  The second is not so much a better morph, the graininess of the pic makes it more forgiving.  Though due to the almost pattern like appearance of the grain I suspect it was added later to cover signs of morphing.  The door frame is a defiinite giveaway as is the slightly "off" look of the calf muscles.

    in reply to: Silent Ones morph thread (Melissa Coates pic added) #17106
    Silent One

    Thank you and yes, indeed it is!   😎

    I might add, fantasy-wise, this pose captures the aura of one my chief superheroine characters, of whom Anja was one of my Amazonian inspirations while creating her.

    You're welcome.  😎

    The pose is great.  It's one of the things that drew me to the pic in the first place.  If I ever figure out how to get access to GIMP again I might just go back and redo this morph entirely.  Sadly my new computer has no floppy drive and I haven't figured out how to access my Linux partition yet.  (Yes, I not only use GIMP but I strongly prefer the Linux flavor.)  This also means that I have no way currently to make new morphs so once I post the handful I have that are worth sharing I'll be out.

    in reply to: Gammazon Power I: Marvel Team-Up #11 #15840
    Silent One

    Hehe, I might have to add that to my list of favorite quotes.

    "Did she armpit you?!"


    Thank you for the scans and the laughs  😀

    in reply to: The Touch: part 9! Sorry for the massive delay. really. #14905
    Silent One

    I'm really liking the characters you're developing and the addition of plot is never bad  😉

    Keep up the excellent work.

    in reply to: Hit a FMG story snag… #17220
    Silent One

    Not to sweat it man.  The best writing leaves the best parts to the readers imagination.  Endlessly describing minutae has it's place and it's not in FMG (IMO anyway, feel free to disagree.)  For the most part just generally describing the growth of major muscle groups will get you by.  I advise writing while you're inspired.  Inspiration can be fleeting.  A quick crash course of major muscle groups will get you by.  Ready?  Here we go.

    Gluteus Maximus, usually referred to as Glutes.  In short your ass.  The two cheek shaped muscles that join the lower back to the upper thighs.

    Abdominals.  Usually broken down in upper/lower though that's probably more technical that you need for FMG writing though.  Your abs are your stomach muscles.  The proverbial six pack.  Bonus (the obliques are more or less part of the abs, they allow the torso to twist left/right and side to side instead of just up and down.  Obliques run from your hips to your ribcage roughly).  Abs go from your groin to ribcage.

    Calves.  Yes they have a nice latin name to but I can't remember it off the top of  my head.  The muscles on the back of your lower legs.  Nice diamond shaped calves are sexy.  The shins really don't have muscles to speak off, just tendons, so that takes care of your lower legs.

    Quadriceps, or quads.  Muscles for the front of the thighs.  Thick as tree trunks with insane definition or sleek and strong like a dancer, it's hard to go wrong with thighs.

    Hamstring.  The back of your thigh.  This is the muscle most athletes tear up to destroy their careers.  (Look at Roger Clemens in the World Series this year.)  Hams for short. (Once again lacking the technical latin term, sorry.)

    Pectoral or pecs for short.  The large muscles of the chest.  When well developed they dramatically increase your Amazons profile.  Big boobs sitting on a big chest are what this writing is all about  😉

    Deltoids or delts.  Your shoulder muscles.  They are the muscles that make your shoulders appear large and boulder like.  Full round delts are split into three distinctly seperate muscles.  They look so good in a tank top.

    Biceps.  The bis, probably the most famous or at least well know muscle.  The muscle on top of the arm that most people instinctivley flex when they're trying to show off.

    Triceps or tris.  The muscle on the back of the upper arm.  Looks very much like a horseshoe when well developed and adds most of the girth to your arm.

    Trapezius, or traps.  The muscles that connect your shoulders to your neck.  Gives bodybuilders the slightly wedge shape look when well developed.

    umm, forearms.  Sorry I can't be a bigger help here.

    Latimus dorsi or lats.  The back muscles that slope from your sides, bodybuilders can make them look like wings when they're well developed (al la Dorian Yates.)

    umm, upper back muscles, lots of them.  They give you the cut, well defined look and sort of lump together between your shoulders and lower back.  Hard to describe and probably harder to give justice to in a FMG story (for me anyway).

    This quick and dirty anatomy lesson should get you through most transformation scenes provided you're at least familiar enough with the general look of an FBB to visualize it mentally.  Good luck and I look forward to seeing you post your story.

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