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Participanti think that eliza dushku (faith from buffy) would be a pretty good fit. i have no idea of how tall she is, though. it doesn't really matter to me, as long as she's not so short as to have every other person towering over her.
but still, she's a good enough actress to pull off the part (it's a super deep character to play, isn't it?) and has the looks. maybe she'd be the type to get a good workout regime in too, eh?
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Participantaw, that sucks. i always liked reading her threads and such.
it's too bad people can get so bent out of shape. or that other people do the bending. why can't we all just get along?
i've always been a "why can't we all get along" type of guy myself. you know, the love you make, the love you take.
byes straub.
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Participantmany many many of them. i think that they could really enjoy it if it happened. not even necessarily as attraction thing, either. i mean, it could seriously help people, too.
and it would be fun to see, too.
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Participantnormal, but just because "abnormal" isn't on there. i'm actually on the road to being fit, though. i joined a gym a year ago, and have since proceeded to lose ZERO lbs. now, normally that would worry me, but i do look alot different than i used to, which is good.
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Participanti definately prefur women to have some visible muscularity, but it’s not the most important thing to me.
i am insanely attracted to girls with some good arms, though. about gymnast sized, not usually too much. most bodybuilders just aren’t quite as attractive. i can understand how they would be attractive to people, just not me.
still, it is not enough for a girl to just be good looking. personality counts for alot. i’m not saying that i’ll go for anybody that’s got a dynamic, forceful attitude, but a less-than healthy body. but i also won’t go for a total hottie with a bad attitude, or no attitude.
there is alot to say for girls that keep themselves in shape. it shows dedication. maybe some maturity, maybe not. maybe some humility, maybe not. it’s still sexy as hell.
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Participantfawnia mondey posts some progress pictures, that’s close.
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Participantso, what does noctivigant mean, anyway?
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Participanti be damn interested.
i have only heard ABOUT monkeyman and obrian. i never got to see any of the issues.
i sure wanted to, though.
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Participanti changed it.
the picture isn’t all that impressive, stand alone, i guess. i was going for believability.
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Participanthere’s one i did, just for fun.