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  • in reply to: First attempt at a story #16647

    Next part: Thanks for the kind comments.

    A simple plan

    As the sun went down, the two women were still sitting on the big brown sofa in the Machacari Club. Kim was already quite drunk, Luisa was still angry and very sober.
    “You know what, I hated every single minute of it.” The widow slumped forward a little. “You can't possibly imagine the sacrifice I had to make. To be close to this fleshless, living corpse. And the smell… I mean, did your daddy ever wash himself? I tried to check, but I couldn't find out!”
    “You already told me. And yes, I’m also quite happy that he has passed on. But, as you are surely aware, all your efforts have been in vain.”
    “That's right. How could he have done this to me? I gave him three of my best years. That’s more than most people would give, even without the prospect of money. I need to get a hold on my share.”
    The daughter smiled, wiping her ebon hair from her brow. That’s where she wanted to get to all afternoon.
    “We'll have to check up on Jacob. And yet, I doubt that he will give us our parts. He wouldn't act against father's wishes. Besides, he's stupid, but he's not dumb. I guess we have to make him give us the money. You know what? You could try the same thing that you did on my old man.”
    Kim stared at her, both drunk and dazed.
    “You mean I should seduce him? I thought you hated me. I thought you hated what I did to your father.”
    Luisa gave her a grim look.
    “Well, he's dead, and I think my sympathies have been buried alongside with him. Besides, his will is just about the biggest insult I've ever heard. I think we should do that.”
    “Any idea what he likes? With your father it was easy. He liked tall blondes with big breasts and guess what, I just fit the bill perfectly.”
    “I noticed. We'll just have to check on his stuff. As most men, he'll have his collection of porn on his PC, so we'll find out pretty fast. As I know him, he wouldn't have a password on his system. He's actually of the gullible kind. And you know, he probably has simple tastes, just like his daddy.”

    “There seems to have been a problem in acquiring the assets you promised”, the voice stated in a matter of fact way. “Please attend to the headquarters immediately.” The caller hung up.

    When the going gets weird…

    “He likes that? I can't believe it. Your family is even more messed up than I thought!”
    Kim stared at the laptops screen in open disgust. They were in Jacob's old room at the family mansion. He had moved in there for the time after the funeral, but seemed to be prepared to leave soon. He had business somewhere in the Third World, some kind of investment project. The laptop computer's screen was showing series after series of bodybuilder pictures. Female ones.
    “At least, he doesn't seem to be gay, huh?” Luisa was smiling triumphantly at her stepmother. “You won't need to have a sex-change surgery.”
    Kim still hadn't moved. Slowly, her drunk decision from yesterday was flooding in on her. Once again, she'd do it for the money. It's not as if she wouldn't need it. Her creditors were still closing in on her, occasionally asking about their cash. She guessed that she'd get a few weeks of respite on account of being a widow, but she could see herself back at the little house her parents lived in all their lives. She swallowed.
    “Okay. I guess I'll do it. There's just one question: how can I possibly get it done. I've met one of these women at the gym where I work out, and it must have taken her years to get this kind of shape. Besides, he seems to like big breasts too.”
    Just as Luisa wanted to answer, they both heard the shutting of the door downstairs. With a quick movement, they shut down the computer and left the room. Jacob was just coming up the stairs. They both fell into a casual stance.
    “Hi Jacob. How do you feel?”
    He looked at the women with a certain disdain.
    “Not too well. Besides, I have my packing to do. Something has come up, so I'm leaving tonight. I'll be back in two months and a half. Maybe we can have a talk about the whole situation when I come back.”
    Luisa smiled at Kim.
    “I think we can.”
    He gave them an odd look, than went into his room.

    in reply to: Greecian Formula… #13898

    Wow! I just learned something. Thanks a lot. Cool.

    I guess I'll check before nitpicking next time.

    BTW: It's still turkish, not turkian. (GWB)

    in reply to: Greecian Formula… #13895

    I like the picture a lot. It has great dynamism and coloring.

    Anyway, it's "greek". Sorry for the nitpick, but since the US president made that blunder, I've learned this little detail of English grammar.

    in reply to: Goth Muscles :D #13588



    Here's a scan of a fmg scene in the one piece manga (comic)
    Click next for the whole sequence (which is short).

    And: http://groups.msn.com/OnePieceManga/onepiecechapter107.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=2118
    and following pages for the up-to-mention masculine woman. (It's not too bad.)

    in reply to: How Many of YOU Are Muscular? #8835

    I say BOO-YAH!! to Kulli. Since I saw her face, I thought: what a beautiful woman. Same physique as my girlfriend. And: The long hair looks great (which it does not on my girl, she has a buzzcut now, and it fits).

    BTW: Yay for Buddha!

    in reply to: How Many of YOU Are Muscular? #8823

    I definitely fit the normal, yet strong type. I can lift my own weight, carry a guy around for 15 minutes without losing my stride and I can haul a 150 lbs washing machine down a three storey building with a friend. (Damn things are too bulky for proper carrying)
    Since I wrestled in school and fought my way through several little problems along the way, I learned that the lean guys tend to get bashed while the fat always floats, so well, I wouldn't try to show off my muscles and instead keep them covered.
    Let's say, most watchers wouldn't guess. On the stat side: 6'1", ~144lbs, huge feet/short legs (I can crouch lower than most guys my size)

    I hope this answers your questions.


    As promised, here's a drawing. I hope you enjoy it:

    It's inspired by a Greek statue

    in reply to: Amazons and body fat #8398

    I like my girls big and strong. Not too tall, but powerful. None of this super-dry bodybuilding show stuff.

    She’s gotta have strength and endurance, and boy do I detest it when women talk about their diets. Enjoy life while you have it, but be able to carry your own weight.

    Did that several times, usually in the form of injured or unconcious people, and I say, this is one life-saving skill to have.

    Actually, the swimmer-bodytype is my preferred one.

    in reply to: Pic of two girls from the forum all buffed up. #8008

    Hope you like it.

    Consider it fan art.

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