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ParticipantIn my veiw just one if they are will ing to do it.
ParticipantThat was a nice story Mark. I’m glad she didn’t become like all those guys and girls she didn’t like. I guess she must be very mature. lol If I have those powers I’d make the world where women are bigger and stronger but more maternal. Plus add in where they all ways are turned on. But thats just me I guess I really need a girlfriend to take my virginity 😛
ParticipantI liked that story there are too meny stories where women adbuse there powers. I all ways liked the gental ones 😛 good work.
ParticipantI guess I could try it but i don’t think i’ll be posting that often.
ParticipantI like female growth just the way she uses it turns me off sometimes.
ParticipantI know I’m not a lady but one thing my gts friends complain about is all the guys asking to role play with them. That seems to scare away meny potentual gts’s with hundreds of little guys asking for her to play with them.
ParticipantI know a few GTS’s and on SW that I use to bow to and call mistress :P. And the GTS’s are nice to me too. Specally allogagan’s girlfriend Kitty.
Participantfrom: Sue
I’m sad to hear you talk like that Celia. I’m sure me, you, and David could have been great friends. David I know is lonely and almost every one shunned him even most of the girls but he all ways been there for me and Mary and listened to all our problems. I know that he would have loved to go out with use but he never pushed it. I just hope when I’m escorting some of the boys to there next class I hope I never have to stand up agenst you. But I will if nessicary (please excuse my spelling). And better hope that I don’t get this so called penent because I don’t really like the way all the women are turning out. I some times think that every one would be better off if the men still had most of the power.
I’m sorry.
ParticipantFrom: Sue
Jill I have to say that I think your crazy. He more than likely is acting like that just to advoid getting hurt or killed. It saddens me to think that some twist of fate is giving women a chance to do things right and we are becoming the very men that we hated. The adbusers, rapists, and bullies.
There was once a wise man that said "If you truely loved some one. You love them enough to let them go." Jill hurmer me and look into his eyes I doubt you’ll see love in them you’ll more that likely see fear. Dose he get startled when every you call his name? Dose he hesitate when you call him over? My dad did that when ever my mom was around before the change he feared her. I’ve seen the look of fear in his eyes, and the fear he shows when she calls him.
I beg you release Antony and turn your self in we women don’t need to be like this.
Participant[quote="Vic"]I’m with Kitsunekun (my best puppydog look), just LOVE me! 😆 LOL 😆
Actually, "Kitsune" means "fox" in japanese[/quote]
lol You’ve seen Love Hina 😛 because there is a caracter in there that has the nick name and alot of Kataro getting beat up. (yes I’m an anime nerd so what).